
>Vitalik working with EOS now
>No longer commits to plasma coding
>Joseph Poon MIA
>Delaying updates on everything
>EOS has bitfinex acquiring their exchange
>MUFG bank working with US based Akamai technology
>Coinbase acquires Paradex DEX

Well biz, I guess in hindsight I was retarded for thinking a dime a dozen Thailand payment processing company founded a couple years ago would have any chance in this market.

Press S to take a steamy diahrea on this grave.

Press F to pay respects to the diahrea, which is valued more so than this coin

Attached: PressS.png (261x96, 9K)

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

Say it with me everybody, there times and he’ll disappear

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

not migger. Long time bag holder since July.

The lack of progress on this coin is only comparable to shit coins like TenX

k so OMG moon in some days, thanks

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

imagine this level of cope. How big are your bag?

Coming soon™
Nuff said.
Will maek something someday.


we must be getting close to a moon mission.

i unironically believe your autism caused more fud than that medium guy
and no, we're still not him on a proxy

Attached: 1527087876637.jpg (2518x1024, 394K)

fuck this bullshit
how can you take a whole year to deliver a fucking screenshot of a login screen
>will be ready very soon
that should mean within a fucking month not 5 years from now

I'm so tired of reading these kinds of posts. Seriously. This project is fully open source and they have released a fuckton of code already. It's all right there for all to see.

Stop spreading lies. Get a life, migger.

>soon ;)

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

I finally sold my stack of OMG for RLC a few days ago. I feel... liberated.

>hurr durr anyone who doesnt agree is the migger
Go back to plebbit loser
there u can hide all negative posts with your downvotes


Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

Looking forward to buying sub $5 OMG.

Sold my stack for Masari like a week ago. OMG is literally a fucking useless boomercoin. Completely useless and even if it takes off, the gains won't be that big.
This coin is like putting money in your ally savings account.

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

Say it with me everybody, there times and he’ll disappear

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

This desu

Attached: 1526198817458.jpg (498x573, 49K)

Dudes invest some of your hard earned cash in some HBT
Hubii just anounced Strimm their Ethereum offchain scaling solution
omisego kissed ass to them in september, but hubii went their own way with striim; striim tokens soon to be airdropped to hbt token holders

Attached: hbtpepe.png (720x511, 393K)

>say it with me everybody
>implying the only person proxyhopping isn't you
even in this place, you're a special brand of special sticking out like a sore thumb
i'm the guy who btfoed you by posting my white arm btw, remember how you cried like a bitch and ran out of that thread? fun times

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

>if i proxyhop one more time, this time they'll definitely believe i'm not the same guy!!
the irony here is you're likely a 22 years old neckbeard with a whole 380 OMG in neet money while my own holdings in that coin could buy you and sell you several times over

Shoo shoo stinky migger, nobody likes you shoo shoo

I just can't help myself, I always burst laughing at the spot of TenX now.

Greatest pump, massive promises ---> a meme coin now

>>Vitalik working with EOS now
Programmer here. He's not working with them, he was doing a typical elitist programmer thing where you make fun of an amateur by pushing them to argue for something that is theoretically impossible.

thanks just sold 4000 OMG

It's not the manlet
this is the self confessed brainlet who held omg and sold it for req. look at any archived omg thread and he's in all of them everyday. Guranteed neet coping mechanism trashing the token he traded out of since he's getting reqt but the fact he thinks Jow Forums affects anything is what makes him most retarded.