Today i will remind them

wave 5 is incoming.

all of the permabulls misread the charts. this "crash" was the first pullback, analogous to the summer of 2013.

we still have yet to see the main bubble wave.

Attached: masterluc prophecy.png (1639x863, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hi DarkEnergy, why don't you stay on TradingView? Leave us alone. Thank you.

Thats extremelly bull thinking mate.

We will recover from this to 10k again in less than 1 month, maybe 11k.

But man, 100k? are you ill?

wrong we still have to test 7k before any bullrun occurs

one it reaches 11-12k
it will push to 20k
it will be 40k before october
end of year fomo will take it to 100k levels before a violent 80% drop

Btc literally doesn't have any fundamentals anymore, LN is a meme, and there are hundreds, maybe thousands of shitcoins that can do what Btc does and more, which there really weren't in 2017 when the bullrun happened. Btc has no future, its over.

I've been reading and hearing it's over for years after years.

nu Jow Forums makes me sick. it's incredible that none of you know who masterluc is. none of y'all probably have a bitcointalk account either. you're honestly never gonna make it.

he called the top of the ~$230 bull run, the ~$1100 bull run, the buy-in point in 2015, and literally called the top of this wave 4 over a year and a half in advance when btc was barely scraping at 4 figures.


damn you know your shit, i appreciate the research and hope others seriously consider your warning

actually no its the shitcoins that are a meme. you must be new to the space. but ask any crypto startup how they plan to "scale". ask them directly in person. they will look at your blankly and stare at their feet. they dont even know how they will do it. don't put your faith blindly into some shit coin project. 98% of all crypto projects are scams. just because they say they can do what btc does or more means its true?


You do understand that to make the bull happen like that one in dec we need media atention like in dec so it will never happem because normies already sold and will not buy back

link to chart?

here was a decent one

Attached: screenshot.2018-05-24 12.10.27.png (736x488, 46K)

image from OP's post..

that guy was pretty spot on his prediction

>end of year fomo will take it to 100k levels before a violent 80% drop
Who's going to buy this time? Everyone's grandma and great uncle bought last time?

from my image

>normies buy high and sell low
>normies will not buy in once btc goes parabolic

if the bullrun gets back to 20k expect it to reach 30k in the same week

damn. so this is actually the golden bull run.

I don't believe it but I'm all in just in case.

same people who were buying last time. you think "normies" were creating that volume? no it was created by elites who are scaling and creating the world economy. get real faggot. normies aren't even responsible for the volume being traded right now.

this is my humble chart, either way looks like bottom all around

Attached: screenshot.2018-05-24 12.04.45.png (470x573, 38K)

I'm assuming PentarhUdi is Masterluc, or are they different people?

thats what ppl said when we went from 3k to 20k...

the share the same shitting street and stepdad.

He's barely active on twitter and hasn't been active on bct for half a year.

Why mention him now?

He wants to look like a 1337 oldfag.

>makes me sick
nigger detected.

Attached: ianbalina.jpg (799x531, 95K)

Hahaha. Delusional bulls.

Why would Bitcoin go up when it's in a downtrend?

>t brainlet who would have sold in summer 2013 at $70 instead of loading the fuck up.

Attached: 1515982055823.png (653x566, 23K)

stuff doesn't go up when it's going down, brainlet.

You're like someone in early December 2017 saying "Why would it go down when it's trending up".

Every trend comes to an end

Don't miss the bottom lads :^)

Attached: YNXvSxOt.png (753x972, 112K)

>still more than double since 6 months ago
>higher highs, higher lows

not in any hurry

I want to believe!

Attached: 1525874141444.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

If you had drawn that trend line properly you'd see that we have already dipped below it twice. One of those times being today.

ICE, the parent company of the NYSE is creating a bitcoin exchange. This may be the time the real institutional investors come in. The first sell off = December into February when we went from 19.5k to 6k.

Attached: possiblebtchart.png (1182x604, 66K)

you're allow to dip below the line, faggot
get ready for rebound

How many of your family members, friends and acquaintances actually have any crypto, or even know how to buy it?

this. only reddit normies and millenials bought in.

just wait. you haven't seen anything yet.

t. 90s dotcom investor.

nah mate, the normies learned how to lose all of their money on Bitmex and not a single normie holds a significant amount of BTC
this bull run is going to completely fucking annihilate most alts.
most of nubiz is in for a shocker

Attached: YourFuture.png (1555x311, 42K)

my mum was mining shitcoins on a laptop in early 2014, but she's a fucking weirdo.
pretty much my whole family has known about crypto since spring last year, and the few friends I have are in since summer.

He posts on a russian blog and on telegram. Last post was 20 Days ago. I'll post a link to his blog in 1 min

yeah? well maybe its because you talked about how rich you were gonna be and fomo'd in like the rest of nu biz. like i said. you dont know a fucking thing yet. this shit will be life changing and it will be on every single channel. everyone who knew you bought crypto will begging you for money.


Looks like the resistance of an uptrend to me.

It might have been in a downtrend since you started.
You stupid nigger.

being in biz has pros and cons. the cons being this is an echo chamber. many NPCs and normies dont even know what fucking bitcoin is. just ask anyone on the street. they may have heard about it on the news and think its risky but they dont own it. once it breaches 20k again then that is when the real fun will start.

Im assuming alts will get destroyed up until the peak again?

What about ETH? ETH seems like it really has potential beyond BTC and it has grown tremendously in adoption in the past year ive had it.

Attached: Etheremon (2).png (664x829, 379K)

alts get decimated
ether takes a beating but outperforms usd but not btc until the small downswings

Only true utility platforms like Ethereum, Cardano, Tron (?), NEM will survive IF they can attract more DApps

If it's anything like the last pump it's all in btc and then all in eth right after for max gains.

kek. ok latefag.
last time I bought BTC with fiat it was $600
and I was fucking late to the game then.

its too risky and stressful to try to time peaks, just buy alts in the top 100 - 200 for max gains


We all bought it at $100. Too bad that was for drugs off Silk Road.

lel, fml.

What website is this, user?

Go back to your containment board you fucking poor piece of trash.

I'd say 100% of family/friends/coworkers know about bitcoin and about half of them bought in last bullrun from 15-19k. Coinbase is really not that difficult idk why people think it's some massive hurdle to buy bitcoin and you have understand solidity, java c++ etc to do so lmao

>I'd say 100% of family/friends/coworkers know about bitcoin and about half of them bought in last bullrun from 15-19k

Absolutely delusional. The vast marjority of people in my experience know nothing about the details of details of Bitcoin and even less actually bought any.

then I depends who you know I suppose.
it's a shitty metric anyway

this. people think if you are into crypto you are some kind of autist weirdo in the workplace

True and to add to that, those who did buy in bought a few hundred dollars tops.

You don't have to time it perfect

If you sold at 15k into eth on the run up you would have been sitting pretty

This is good FUD but dont let it fool you. Bitcoin hit 20k when it still wasn't as easy to buy as googling "buy btc" and clicking on the first link like Amazon. Normies have not bought in lol just the ones tech literate enough to do basic shit

It's this, most people gawked at the market and made fun of new money but very few actually bought compared to the flood that will be incoming.
It won't be straight bitcoin though. Eth / EOS / IOTA all are contending for long term #1 spot and BTC is busy duct taping an off chain solution to handle their shittiness.

why do u care?

oh beta male... carry on.

Maybe two or three from all the people I know have crypto, but only small amounts. The other 99,9% think it's a scam and might associate it with illegal activities and some other thing they heard or read somewhere.

>most people
most people are fucking retarded.
who gives a fuck about them?
fuckwits at Huffington Post were telling normans about it in 2013. no one gives a shit until it goes ATH then plummets.
it will happen again and again until most people get the picture.

Attached: earlyadopters.jpg (1017x1024, 97K)

I don't think ignorance or even dim wittedness will survive the next exponential increase in compute.

do they deserve to?
>let the die.

Bitcoin will shit itself from fees way before 100k

>Kevin short

Not for me or you to determine, hopefully.

All these tards with their crackpot theories.

In truth, unless you have enough BTC to make a market impact, you have no idea whether it will go up or down in the short term.

But in the long-run, this garbage currency which uses almost a fucking megawatt per transaction, takes 10 MINUTES to clear and has not only high fees, but uncertain fees have no utility.

And in the longrun, things with no holding value are worthless and pointless to hold onto.

>> inb4 fiat is worthless
a) you don't invest in fiat, you use it in everyday life
b) fiat is a debt, which is back by the future promises of business and government to exchange real goods and services in return for fiat. BTC is just a dumb commidity based currency, a barbarous reddit like gold.

You're all brainlets if you're still invested in crypto at this point.

Attached: Antonio_Rodríguez_-_Saint_Augustine_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (1716x2341, 1.38M)


2017 was the last year for normies to get on board. Coinbase #1 app in app store right before dump. Never 20k again op

soo why are you here

>nu Jow Forums makes me sick.

I'm in banking and regularly interact with higher ups
They know of crypto but own none and barely know what it actually is

Look it's a nocoiner. Notice how he conflates bitcoin issues with cryptocurrency issues.
See how he defends his fiat currency with the past expectations of future value, completely ignoring inflation and hyperinflation.
He may be one of the last of his kind, please be gentle.

Ayy man he dindu nuffin man

This. Bitcoin is dead. Other crypto could still take off

yeah, unfortunate.
wonder how he's holding up.

Attached: 1527124150549.jpg (258x245, 12K)

Ya ok. Go do a little thought experiment, stop 20 people int he street and ask them if they've heard of Bitcoin and whether they'd consider buying any or have bought already. Maybe 5 people will say they know about it and maybe 1 will have bought.

In order to do this you have to leave your basement and actually talk to other people though which is a tall order for you neets

With the way the financial sector seems to want to get in on the action, I feel this is correct. This sideways shit ends no later than August.

My Eliot wave analysis says July wave 5 ,12k. This graph is very zoomed out in comparison

We're going below 6k

Attached: leah.jpg (715x1200, 151K)

the fuck kind of 3rd world are you living in user.
20 people will say they know about it maybe 1 or 2 might have bought.
no one gives a shit though.
1 or 2 people had a fucking internet connection back in '95
20 people had some idea of the WWW because it was in the news everyday.
the other people were trying to make it work

Usually a bank account or money market fund pays a higher rate of interest than inflation. So fiat performs better than gold in the longterm.

But people use fiat to buy shit they need rather than to invest. Plus you can get many forms of fiat in corporate paper, short-term bonds, bank accounts, banknotes, credit cards, travelcards etc. Bitcoin and other cryptos are tied to a specfic technical implementation, whilst fiat is constantly evolving.

Most altcoins are just scams to sadly sucker in more vulnerable members of society.

>> inb4 im a brainlet who doesn't understand blockchain
I doubt u understand what a hash is, or think that blockchains make database immutable (cryptography does that, and you don't need a blockchain to make data immutable).

I will stock up at 9.4k again. I wish this to go further than only to 32k. Buying now doesn't make sense unless you are a normie.

They won't know what it is or why it's valued so highly. We are in the gopher days of the internet, but now everyone already has supercomputers and we are just waiting for the software to catch up. It will eat the world quickly when it does.

you honestly think actual normies are buying now

I was implying that buying a btc and reselling it for 500 bucks of "profit", only makes sense for a normie, which I completely understand. The real game is played out differently though. I guess you know that.

Irrelevant. No one gives a shit about fundamentals. It's value comes from the ability to make money with speculative trading as it gains ground in being accepted as digital gold.