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/brit/ - 中国 based edition
Grayson Edwards
Other urls found in this thread:
Grayson Wood
Carter Lewis
when will china be first world?
John Stewart
fantastic edition
Kayden Edwards
Why do women despise my presence
Leo Miller
because you're not chinese
Jose Collins
what happened to all the cheadle posters? used to be loads.
Nicholas Morris
Jace Evans
Source? Genuinely fascinating if true. Can't say I am able to notice it in myself.
Ryder Wright
Chinese are filthy freaks here
Camden Carter
had a homemade chicken curry with rice for tea
Jason Martinez
the gf
Jace Evans
Business idea: dating app for gay Sikhs: Gurinder
Dominic Murphy
Girl i'm talking too has braces
AND before you call me a nonce. She's 18
Julian Walker
off to see my therapist lads
ta x
Connor Howard
the nespresso machine has started to produce excess crema
Anthony Wood
take your seroquel
Wyatt Allen
Matthew Carter
are you actually stupid?
you do realise to disprove this you can just groan "aaaaaaaaaaah" for 5 minutes and think in your head
Wyatt James
very VERY based edition
Mao Zedong man here
Jace Hughes
your gf is a slut
Dylan James
genuinely want her stoned to death
Easton Nguyen
Cooper Roberts
might go to the sikh temple for a free curry
Owen Martinez
dont get it
Michael Wilson
Poortherners out
Kevin Wilson
Do they really?
Benjamin Long
Robert Kelly
By definition it can't be.
Austin Allen
ooh la di da a homemade chicken curry aren't we fancy
ooh la di da a nespresso machine aren't we fancy
Landon Bennett
*taps dome piece*
I know a thing or two
about a thing or two
David Price
I think he's referring to subvocalisation (which is what a lot of people do when reading)
Joseph Ward
Jaxon Robinson
the best kind of gf
Andrew Anderson
The gf
Samuel Wright
Take away a northeners coal and watch how it withers away
Aaron Hernandez
Having egg curry with rice
Julian Sanchez
very conflicting posts
Luke Ward
I’m a proud son of Ulster
Samuel Wilson
a slut for me but not for thee
Hudson Davis
Boomer rave stories are incredibly fucking boring
Honestly doubt raves back then were actually any better
Noah White
skag and tinfoil special
Henry Murphy
Isaac Perez
Dylan Clark
or do the kids just smoke medical grade fent now?
that's what my buddy's ex did
kid was born an addict
Liam Thompson
Hey Paddy!
Anthony King
You're right my dude. Was confused by that news that they invented a device that could read in people's mind by looking at their throat
See there is some truth to it you execrable piece of shit.
Caleb Parker
>Miss Iraq flees country over threats amid spate of murders of high-profile women
will noone stop the incel menace?
Parker Rodriguez
antes e depois
Xavier Flores
yeah I know you do skag hooker
your eyes are literal pinholes
maybe dont take selfies on the fucking nod
John Watson
can hear the landlord talking to a neighbour
suspect they may be discussing the nasty odors of booze, cigs, old dirty dishes, probably bo, and so on that are emanating from my flat
or maybe I'm being paranoid
one thing is for sure
I shall not be opening that door if someone knocks on it
Aiden Kelly
I'm living the dream (literally)
>at my new workplace I've established that I'm an Iron Maiden/metal fan
>no one else there likes metal and so they all think it's really unique and I'm interesting
>I listed bands I like, another guy later just assumed Iron Maiden were my favourite band (just like the quirky guy)
>I've also gotten several laughs - people laughing at me, such as when I fistbumped a guy he remarked how I didn't tense up
>also I overeactied to getting a quiz question wrong (threw my notebook on the floor and shouted "fuck"
>the training person said "likes Iron Maiden and attacks notebooks, not so mr innocent afterall" - if they only knew
there was another crack about my gender - they think it's insulting
Jackson Miller
she looks jewish
Jaxon Hughes
>egg curry
Christ wouldn’t want to live on the street where you’re shitting
Jaxson Cooper
motherfucker I ain't TALKIN to you or about your SHIT
get your fucking head out of your ass
when i talk to you, you'll know it, alright?
fuck off
Matthew Roberts
Luke Peterson
What job did you get Moni
Michael Rivera
what happens to these people
Cameron Reed
It might be necessary for people to start providing proof of sexual activity. Adult virgins/celibates can then be placed in interment camps. Religious freaks can go to monasteries or other cult establishments where mixing with people is impossible.
Joshua Clark
>only two white guys are work
>talk to one of them
>he has a neck tattoo
>he doesn't listen to metal (also thought Iron maiden were rock music)
>he listens to UK GRIME
R.I.P. White people
Samuel Mitchell
fucking state of these people
Camden Brown
Love when the paki man puts a hard boiled egg in a biryani
Eli Roberts
Gavin Price
Have you told them you plan to commit suicide?
Nicholas Gutierrez
grime is working class music
Blake Ortiz
Call centre, 3 weeks training so free money while I decide if I want to keep the gig
Ethan Sullivan
well done moni, you GO girl! xx
do NOT bully moni
Dominic Moore
*walks into the sikh temple*
oi pedro giz a fackin sweet an sahhhh chicken wi' special fried rice
*makes the go faster hand gesture*
Carter Hill
>not so mr innocent afterall
Can only imagine the absolute Awkwardness in the room after those words were pronounced
Jose Miller
the music was a lot better
Adrian Watson
you know I think poley might actually be autistic
Jason Perry
Would you shag Moni's after he/she fully transitions?
Landon Hernandez
Gavin Russell
Grime is for pakis and blacks
Not planning
Luke Rodriguez
Baby fingerer in a Paki rape gang.
Ian Gomez
What made that register finally
Asher Russell
i need to nonce this nymph
I wonder what the price point is?
probably not that bad
Mason Long
No. No, I would not.
Camden Cruz
mad how much meditation eases my anxiety, 15 minutes of meditation and i dont' feel anxious or bite my cheek at all
Noah Adams
Jonathan Smith
girls from all girls schools go mad on the cock carousel soon as they reach third level
Robert Jones
Just had a peng wank
Joshua Miller
why is he walking towards the camera
Owen Jenkins
high peng 2
Jaxon Morris
you're gay if you wouldn't now tbf, she's sexy
Noah Edwards
Tired of people complaining about "anxiety" constantly
the decadence of the people in these countries fucking kills me
a certain amount of anxiety is normal. like, when you drive down the road at night and see a cat's eyes illuminate in your head lamps. you're supposed to shit.
anxiety is a defense mechanism.
Lucas Ramirez
Being attracted to women over 20 is cope
Brody Brown
i despise how society favours single mothers
Wyatt Torres
Jordan Sanchez
ah yes, known for its true reporting!
Owen Cox
To better batter you and your aul one, you goof
Ethan Parker
need a british asian gf with a name like priya or resh or preeti
Parker Morales
Brody Myers
climage change does not exist simple as
Aaron Kelly
yeah but you're not supposed to be anxious when you're sat posting on the 'chon or doing daily tasks like I am
Alexander Smith
you're not american
Angel Cooper
How do fuck up in this day and age and have a child without intending to?
Gabriel Allen
be honest, this gives you nostalgia
Julian Flores
Neither do fish, right?
Jonathan Howard
can't fret the bret