Ate mooslems
Ate micks
Ate mainlandas
Loov me woife
Loov me footy team
Look da queen
Ate mooslems
Ate micks
Ate mainlandas
Loov me woife
Loov me footy team
Look da queen
simple as
based brit
This meme was created by Brits (to poke fun at a particular group in Britain, not the whole population). How hard is it to come up with some original material of your own?
>This meme was created by Brits (to poke fun at a particular group in Britain, not the whole population). How hard is it to come up with some original material of your own?
t. souf fc
This. Amerimutts will never understand self-ribbing or banter.
>'ere mate, iym not a racist but innit strange 'ow all dem kids are being raped by one group of peop-
>where woz i? Oh yeah, love it wen the lads scoar sum goals
>This meme was created by Brits (to poke fun at a particular group in Britain, not the whole population). How hard is it to come up with some original material of your own?
I doubt you understand any of the cultural references here.
>>This meme was created by Brits (to poke fun at a particular group in Britain, not the whole population). How hard is it to come up with some original material of your own?
>This meme was created by Brits (to poke fun at a particular group in Britain, not the whole population). How hard is it to come up with some original material of your own?
do you mean continentals or are you living on jersey?
Why must Yanks ruin everything they touch?
>This meme was created by Brits (to poke fun at a particular group in Britain, not the whole population). How hard is it to come up with some original material of your own?
>Why must Yanks ruin everything they touch?
you are aware that non-brits are aware of a lot of aspects of british culture right? we know about your football hooligans/fandom lol
>we know about your football hooligans/fandom lol
Thereby clearly showing that you don't understand the point of this meme.
t. cuckfield town crier
cultural parasites.
It would only be self-ribbing if we were mocking ourselves. This meme targets a specific section of the population.
>Why must Yanks ruin everything they touch?
>you are aware that non-brits are aware of a lot of aspects of british culture right? we know about your football hooligans/fandom lol
>cultural parasites.
That's just a rehashed Amerimutt meme though.
For people who love to dish it out, Brits really can't take it at all.
this desu
>For people who love to dish it out, Brits really can't take it at all.
>For people who love to dish it out, Brits really can't take it at all.
You are talking to CHIs you idiot. That should be obvious from the fact that they are spouting soccer memes. They aren’t going to get offended when you insult America.
>You are talking to CHIs you idiot. That should be obvious from the fact that they are spouting soccer memes. They aren’t going to get offended when you insult America.
english"men" on suicide watch
lmao shut up lardass
where's love pints
>english"men" on suicide watch
>lmao shut up lardass
>where's love pints
>>english"men" on suicide watch
>>lmao shut up lardass
who /celt/ here
ethnically ambiguous overweight virgin american male passively aggressively quotes this post to score internet points for his jew-run masonic non-nation
funny image
grim thread
>>where's love pints
>>>english"men" on suicide watch
>>>lmao shut up lardass
nuff said.
>ethnically ambiguous overweight virgin american male passively aggressively quotes this post to score internet points for his jew-run masonic non-nation
So was >a fucking leaf, but here we are
Nonshitposter here. Can I get a quick rundown on these specimens?