This guy knocks on your door and says, "OI, KUFFAR. OPEN UP. IT'S TIME TO PAY YOUR JIZYA."

>this guy knocks on your door and says, "OI, KUFFAR. OPEN UP. IT'S TIME TO PAY YOUR JIZYA."
What do?

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shoot towards my door and say no solicitors

post my boipussy

that guy is like 165cm, so i laugh at him and then force him to eat raw bacon

I call my buddy Chaddam Hussein from LEBANON

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He might as well be a sikh since he doesn't look Arab.

looks like a KURD BULL to me

Tell him
>Sikh rags m8
Laugh and close door
Turn 360 degrees, walk donsaur

He doesn't look like a kurd at all.

Cope. Gulf Arabs look like Pajeets. If anything, they're even uglier.

pretty sure that's a sikh

Lend him some jizz

>Gulf Arabs look like Pajeets.
That's only south yemenis, brainlet.

i was in a ghetto school arabs feared they thought i was a psycho russian because of my face

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if anything yemenis are the ones that look least like pajeets

We are white

Egyptians look like pakistani

Arr roke the same

I open the door and he runs away in fear. I look like pic

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gulf arabs are too dark for kashmiri/pahadi/khatri looks but they fit right in with most of central indian

ask him since when do Muslims, pay jizya

He is a sikh, he has that metal armband

a) it's a sikh
b) he's a manlet

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Shoot him, I have castle doctrine in my state you silly goat loving brown person

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Lmao gulfies and pajeets look exactly the same

shoot him

Egyptians don't even have a history with India

Depends on the region.

Cut his throat.

He opens my door
I open fire

looks like a pali

Call the Punjabs. They know how to handle the m*slim problem.

lol no

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that's a sikh
this is shia b*stard lebs.

> Only landmine rowing 2plate.
Assert my dominance by rowing twice that.

Absolute brainlet. You know that Indians used to sail to the south yemeni coasts there right?

I would glady pay a jizya if it meant living in a world free of degeneracy and jewish supremacy.

Reconquer the shit out of him

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Post face plz

t. Mustafa bin muhhamad

Nothing because that's a Sikh you fat retard.

Pic is innacurate. The Iberians are BLACK

Isn't that the Moroccan singer turned rapist?


>only south yemeni's
no ali, all of you look like inbreads because you are, inbread

He wouldn't say that cause he's clearly a Sikh

But non Muslim foreigners are exempt from jizya my Muslim friend.

Read surat al fattiha so he would leave me alone

Rack a round in my AR, call cops

Open fire if he advances.

Welcome to America you fucking goat fucker. Land of the Free and Home of the right to defend yourself with firearms......The goats like it that way don't cha know.