is kaká considered pardo in Brasil?
Is kaká considered pardo in Brasil?
Looks like Bill Hader
Looks Southern Euro
Very Iberian
based kaka married the richest girl in italy
Is that skyler from Breaking Bad?
No he is white
>that's white in Brazil
Thanks i was curious. I know Brazilians have their own perceptions when it comes to race and looks.
no thAT'S berlusconi's daughter
Argentinians too, otherwise you weren't 90% white
Yeah that's tru he would be white here too. A few months ago saw a Brazilian saying kaká was pardo. That's why i was confused
Brazil is the last continuity of roman empire and roman folk
Seriously why did his family adopt such a ridiculous name?
Kaka is a nickname, his name is Ricardo
And in America too
kaka sounds like shit or maybe poop in spanish, did he know it?
he is white everywhere on earth tho
leave your basement
Why not name him Ricardinho then
It depends. For a Brazilian, yes. But we know he doesn't meet the global concept of a white person. He would still be considered the type of white you refer to when you talk about privileges and such, though
he looks like mexican
some italians call him ricky
Of course, it's the same in portuguese.
caca is also means poop in br-pt but nobody ever makes the association because it sounds so different and is written "kaká" an not "cacá". For example kids that just learned how to write love to make fun of coco (coconuts) and cocô (poop).
No chan ele é pardo. Afinal no 55/br chan todo mundo é ruivo ou loiro dos olhos verdes.
Na vida real ele é considerado branco.
you look korean
he's considered 100% MEDBVLL
why are you speaking in Spanish? this is an english website, get yourself into Jow Forums, you dumb dumb mankey