Why are spaniards in denial saying columbus wasn't italian? he was not spanish, you dumb fucks

why are spaniards in denial saying columbus wasn't italian? he was not spanish, you dumb fucks

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Who cares about what wop brown sandpeople nonwhites in italy or spain think.

t. mutt living in a country with an italian's name in it


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triggered shitskin

Just fuck off wop monkey.

Shittalian wop.

columbus was from genoa but after his voyages he was awarded nobility and he lived as a spanish lord (citizen), ie, nothing he did was for italy or genoa
he claimed the new world for spainish crown, spread the spanish catholicism and feudalism the natives to spanish lords, genoa was not his symbolism so to speak

feudalize *

You're making us look bad.

Attached: amerimutts are white.gif (842x811, 165K)

Who gives a fuck, al andalusians and wogs arent white.

You care about brown shittalians?

but mutt, you aren't white

Why would anyone want to appropriate a criminal and a rapist

dumb mutts

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reminder that america was named after a welshman

they look white for me

This isn't white to you?

Attached: italy girl.jpg (640x1104, 56K)

>Fuck Christopher Columbus
>Part European and only exist because of Christopher Columbus

Women are something else

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>you arent white
>haha dumb burger amerifats I am european
No, mohammad, you are not related to French Germans or British.
Go look.a little more south and east.

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Not white, a wog.

italy = europe = white

Anyone who says otherwise is a jew.

Attached: da vinci.jpg (1200x675, 191K)

Retarded wog.


>"My Ancestors :)": the post
ohh no no no hahahah

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Bekieve what you want, no one considers Arabs aka Italians white and neither are Spaniards aka moroccans and syrians.

Go join arab forums mohammad, or spanish monkey forums which is the same.

Attached: 1200px-Al-Andalus732.svg.png (1200x997, 471K)

Unironically speaking i'm likely more white than you are. My test said 100% european, unlike most of you "white" ameriniggers in the south who mixed with your slave ancestors.

We don't care Mr Chosenberg

You're going to burn in hell forever you stinky kike.

Sure thing mohammad, 100% Spanish aka arab on jewish test.

Yes, he will burn in hell because of a jew you worship

Christoph Kohlenberger was German tho.

I'm Italian American

So arab

saying columbus is genoese is basically saying washington was british
technically true but irrelevant when you remember anything about him

>anti Southroon Odin Nation

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>mfw got the event to hire Columbus in EU4 as Ireland
>mfw he barely explored due to having low colony range
>mfw went and colonized Canada shortly after he died
>mfw no face

t. Basque Chosenberg


north america sucks shit go for the caribbean

>go for the caribbean
as ireland that would be hard

you get the island in the mid atlantic first, the azores or something

And have to possibly go to war with Spain Portugal and France who were my allies against England? I could easily have beat them there but no thanks, besides dat fur hats modifier money

go on war with portugal?
you can wait until they get cape verde and go from there

Italy has 150 years as country, do you even risorgimento? He was from Génova

Link of that qt

>My test said 100% european
Of course you are, LeQuayvon Hernández Jr. II. Of course you are.

>a literal moor calling me non white

at least our women don't fuck niggers we're whiter than you

It's nice to get mutiple colonial nations tho. More income.

He was a bloodthirsty psycho and was even judged in Spain because of his crimes. Of course he was italian as fuck.

cuz they're latin norwegians

Are bounty hunters real?
wouldnt it be pretty much illegal since bystanders can kill you if they dont know whats going on, or, it would involve breaking and entering to catch people?

>those numbers

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I want to hatefuck this girl and have half native kids with this girl so fucking badly

>why are spaniards in denial saying columbus wasn't italian?

Never seen that.

I love native girls

I'm sure you do

Attached: BPC 1.png (453x750, 115K)

She's a full native, so you're wrong. But I don't blame you for confusing her for a mexican.

what;s more worth considering is that columbus never set foot in the united states

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You are literally created from niggers terrone

>Full native

No. Most of the Native Americans have some white admixture.

Columbus never set foot in the states, but Europeans that Columbus worked for certainly did.

Hot chick desu.

African refugees live in europe aswell, i guess theyre white according to you

It's infinitesimally small, but it's there


thats a spic with feathers on

Looks like Italians.