This is Josef Stalin's granddaughter. This is the USSR's legacy

This is Josef Stalin's granddaughter. This is the USSR's legacy.

Attached: 1539088831215.jpg (600x399, 57K)

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She is american citizen and american embarrassment.

It's real

Damn I must have missed that chapter on the USSR being hereditary monarchy

huh so this is the power of capitalism...

no, it's american poison

weren't all of Stalins children huge fuckups?

One died in the war
One was an alcoholic
One married like 5 times and fled to the USA
Based Dzhugashvili Bunch

The living proof that Stalin did nothing wrong

Attached: Power stalin.jpg (255x255, 18K)

Stalin's daughter was born in 1928, so you figure she was pushing 40 when she had her. Maybe that's why she's a little "strange".

when I think of what happened to Russia i get so sad

the bad guys won, we are living in the worst timeline

Don't cry, Russia would have turned out to be fucked up anyway. Without commies it would have become some kind of Brazil, since the average human capital quality here is similar.

Why is she holding a fake M16?

it's not fake, she's just big

look at everything the USSR achieved though, the fact that it could compete with the US despite having every disadvantage and the US having every advantage is inspiring

I'd reproduce with her

If i was in america i'd fuck her and boast about fucking stalin's granddaughter

We could have at least avoided that whole Cold War thing.

Stalin was a bankrobber, imperial security arrested him a bunch of times.

Have you ever seen an AR? That's fake as shit.

their funds for their huge projects mainly came from the military, basically if the higher ups can be convinced something should be done, money would be directed to them without hassle, the only stipulation is that it produce results in x time and so on

we are actually disadvantage when it comes to getting things funded, we have to draft a finance bill AND pass it in senate EVERY year

I think you just want to look at gdp and measure government reach...

Some girls are just big.

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And some ARs are just fake.

What did he mean by this

I want to make children with someone related to a Soviet leader


This is what America does to you. His grandson is still advocating for communism tho.

She doesn't look any more fucked up than the average Russian bydlo.

Compete in what? They had to steal money from every citizen and oppress their ppl, throw denouncers in jail just to compete meanwhile the U.S. just did its normal everyday thing like business, ppl went to work, had normal livies. The U.S. didnt even have to do anything extordinary to be the most powerful country in the world. Cant be said about russia

No this is just modern day communists for you.

Mussolini's granddaughter (Rachelle) is cuter desu.

Attached: 0c8ebc30709f6b34479da2a14e1e30f3.jpg (457x600, 43K)

>t. manlet

Fascism confirmed best

Attached: capitalism-communism-fascism-i-will-seek-the-lost-bring-back-16104921.png (500x453, 80K)

This is Hirohito's great-granddaughter

Attached: per0DnX.jpg (3000x4559, 1.55M)

God I wish that were me

Is she the only heir?

stalin's daughter emigrated (actually nearly fled) to the usa back in 60ss

unlike north korea soviet russia never really was hereditary except that the sons/daughters of the top of the party had a better start in life but well it's like that everywhere

the big or the small girl?

>fascism isn't capitalism

Attached: RetardedWojak14.png (230x219, 7K)

Fascism one look the most unhealthy desu

>Liberal Capitalism is the same as Fascist Corporatism because they both have private property

You'd be wrong

which ideology is a cute twink body


I'd fuck her. Anyone else?

She's gorgeous. Wish I could wife her.

>five foot eleven vs six foot

Hmmm who is this

Attached: methode%2Ftimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2F38cda3bc-1394-11e6-bd58-7e24c8a47b2d.jpg (2697x1517, 357K)

must be toys

>liberalism and fascism are not merely two different masks for capital to wear


hirohito should have been hanged desu

What changed in the US between the 50's and the 60's? Were we communist transforming to capitalist or vice versa? What was Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground all about? If she wants to call herself an American, I will sigh and claim her. She clearly took the poisonous commie pill that created social justice warriors that we see today. Hopefully she grows out of it by the time she's 60.

The CIA funded ""modern"" art to push back against Soviet realism and we still pay the price for their sins.

Modern art didn't do this.

You're right, the CIA thought we would lose the Cold War and opted to ruin the country preemptively by promoting leftism.

Just like the UK rn lol

Democracy and Communism are completely different.

North Korea stop actually being communist in 70th year, they became fucked up Confucian Nazi monarchy.


This is Tojo’s granddaughter

Attached: AE9BE841-FFDA-40A6-A903-A09F6B9F48EF.png (570x1281, 819K)

What do the subs say?
We should've wiped out more chinks?

>Stalin's daughter was born in 1928

Her daughter was born in 1972, thus she, 45 when she had her. I agree that could explain a thing or two.

>all chinks
fixed that for ya mate

She can shot

Don't see nothing wrong there...though maybe the Joker look could be toned down a bit

commie girls are superior to c*pitalist whores
Am*rica truly corrupts everything it touches comrades...

Attached: RozaSharina.jpg (1484x1000, 320K)



i prefer the cinema and Strugatsky books for true soviets' legacy

she obviously likes "tank girl," who are you to judge OP?


Ee в любoм cлoжнo нaзвaть "coвeтcким нacлeдcтвoм"

Where is her mustache?

Is something known about Hitler's grand grand grand chlildren?

He died before having children. However his siblings and half siblings basically swore off breeding so the Hitler name wouldn’t live on

And with THE Chinese leader

Attached: 03211572-5B11-485D-9851-4690C269F970.jpg (398x600, 109K)

There was a news article a couple of days ago that one of his nephews lives in the US and is dating a jew

The comics are alright, the movie is shit.

o tempora

Ayatollah Khomeini's Great Grandson

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-10 سيد احمد خمينى on Instagram “• از بس كه من تمام ش (478x454, 409K)

twinks and other bottoms support Statist ideologies like Nazbol
libertardians and ancaps are Chads who love boipucci

Napoleon's great-great-great-grandnephew

Attached: 08_napoleon_pdv3577.jpg (1500x1122, 282K)

he looks like that manlet king from Shrek

Amazing how much he still actually looks like him after this many generations.

imagine if one of your family member or ancestor was one of the greatest monsters in history.

no ones can be sane i think.

This is kinda hilarious that both Djugashvili's and Hitler's descendants live in the US

he could be a chad without his teenage beard

> > shit >

This is how I imagine people who obsess over their ancestry.

someone gotta post Rostislav Romanov, legitimate Russia Tsar

redpill me on fascist corporatism

Read it as well.
The guy changed his surname back to Hitler instead of Hiler because why not, is Pro-Merkel and Anti-Trump.

your a faggot

Didn't his daughter also marry a communist Pajeet?

Three of his grand nephews live on long island IIRC they intentionally arent having children.

Isn't one of Hezbollah's leader's son a fag that fled here or to Canada?

Why do the descendants of leaders with near god like power all live here?

>Hitler supports Merkel
Makes sense.

Also, wasnt Hitler a made up name?

and yet communists and liberals remains the best of friends while Fascists are always on the outskirts