1. Cunt

1. Cunt
2. Do you love your mother

I love my mummy

Attached: LE FROG.jpg (800x450, 40K)

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I love my mama

yes she has done so much for me
I want to apologize to her for every time I was rude or insensitive


Yes but she is a hollow shell of her former self. She had a mental breakdown the day after my birthday and has been in a mental hospital down in Florida ever since. I haven't heard from her and still hardly know any details cuz I was working when it happened and between work and class am rarely home ;-;


No, I hate her.

My mother is similar. She got MS and attempted suicide a few months ago.
Boomers are horrible. They had it easy for their whole lives but getting old ain't easy.

I love your mummy too ;)

love my mum, hate my dad.

beat me too it

If whites love their mums then why do they send them to nurse homes to die alone?

only """civilised""" people do this

Because they don’t voluntarily throw themselves on a germanic funeral pyre ship like they did in the good old days

Do you like dicks more than vaginas by any chance?

Yes, but I admit that I don't show it very much, which makes me feel like shit, because she's already old and will probably die soon

No. I hate my dad because he beat us.

Yes i love her much more than my father

my grandmother died from cancer 2 years ago, mom was desperate and wanted to send her to hospice at the end but I told her that it would be bad thing to do
she died next day without regaining consciousness, vomited all over bed with blood and parts of internal organs few hours before she died
so yeah sometimes it's better to send your relatives to nurse home unless you want to experience something like that

Perhaps you deserved it and your mother is manipulating you to hate your father because you're a beta ?

I wished she’s the one who died that day instead of my father.
I will never cry in her funeral if I managed to outlived her.

I love my mother very much


Riding your dad's cock and coattails isn't alpha

I don't really love my mother because I'm mixed-raced and the genetics are too different.

I wouldn't hurt her though.

Attached: Me2.jpg (812x593, 204K)

I love my mom a lot

americans are truly non-human

kill yourself muhammad