Is streaming a respectable profession?
Is streaming a respectable profession?
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what happened to his neck
cyber begging? no
That's a llama bro
I'll admit it. I'm a hater.
I fucking hate streamers so much. esp the tops guys. its rich guys begging for money from (mostly) poor (mostly) very young people. totally predatory business model and the streamers are generally no talent sociopathic hacks.
praying on the increasing social atomization of young people. buy a friend for only 5 dollars! you can watch me play video games!
only politics and streaming is it considered reasonable for millionaire to ask broke ass kids for donations. Fuck Bernie Sanders and Fuck Pewdiepie.
Imagine Elon Musk walking up to you and asking for 5 bucks because you follow his tweets or whatever.
shekel goblin
Streamer = a glorified camwhore
I will dominate said on this mornings stream that he makes from 400-700k a year.
Sodapoppin is cool
Streamers like Ice are cancer
This. A lot of those "top donators" are mentally ill. They even buy subscriptions for other people. Everything is on credit or paid through disability. They like to larp as a rich guy online, but they incur massive debt for this horse shit.
>itt: a bunch of salty nerds
nothing stopping you from streaming right now and making money. Have fun making dumb excuses though
I literally find nothing wrong with this. The people who give him money are doing so voluntarily, and as obnoxious as it might seem, I think it's better for wealth to be concentrated in the few, because most people are dumb and don't deserve money. The real injustice is all the bureaucratic pigs and small time civil servants growing fat pensions off tax payer money, all while sitting behind a computer and doing an infinitely worse job than a private corporation could.
If you think Ice Poseidon doesn't deserve to make 2MM+ off idiot fans giving him money, meanwhile thousands of redundant secretaries working for the govt deserve 40k a year pensions, you are a brainlet who misses the forest for the trees. Sadly squeeky wheels get the oil.
okay so if i enjoy a thing, and i can clearly see a relationship between 'my giving someone money' and 'more of the thing I enjoy existing' why would I not do this
how are they no talent when they are entertaining. Do you believe every entertainer has no talent?
yes. -cx
>taking money from children, and beta virgins
I see no problem here tbqh
Projecting this hard.
There are plenty of successful people that watch streamers and support via large donations or by gifting subs to people who can't afford them.
Nah. Those people are usually retired fags who got big pensions and 401ks in the corporate world. I know a girl streamer who gets everything paid for by a guy like that. He even bought her a 6k computer for her birthday.
A lot of the donators are rich middle eastern kids spending daddy's oil money, too. Lots of lonely faggots there.
The rest are kids spending mommy's money.
I kind of support it though - if I watch someone stream on the regular, I'lll throw them a couple of bucks. It's better than throwing money at Hollywood and the shit they pump out.
jesus christ be a little more biased because you're a fucking loser and donate to streamers.
oy. ICE is the king of content. Watch your fucking mouth. Crypto traders donate too, not just old fags.
Damn i thought it was a new video from the potion seller guy
EBT is my favorite character on the ice pisseidon show
>Is streaming a respectable profession?
i would say it can be. most of the time though, no
it's my completely subjective opinion that they generally are poor entertainers. I'm understand many people disagree...
For example, I think to make it in talk radio (a medium I personally can't stand) you actually generally have to be a good extemporaneous speaker who knows his shit. The ave guy off the street would bomb if they sat in Howard Stern's chair for one show. You have to be a pro. Streamers are amateur tier talent generally compared to say TV/film/radio/PR people.
Read up about acroyale guys, a big time donator to ninja, donated around mid 6 figures to several streamers
Turns out he was LARPing as a rich person, clearly addicted to seeing the streamer's reactions, turns out he lost his job in 2014 or so and couldn't find a new one, put himself in to debt donating, set up a fake gofundme and got caught
Kind of a sad story tbf
jesus. that's just sad. i hate streamers even more now.
Oh shit, Ive always thought the same thing.
>rich people living in california begging for donations
>people living in poverty around the world giving up their lunch money and charging their credit cards
Someone coming on stream and eating their own shit might be entertaining to some but it takes no talent because everyone has the ability to do so. Many will not do that however because it is sub-human act and they won't sell their dignity for shekels. Streaming is low brow entertainment, bottom of the barrel. To retain viewer-ship you must become more outlandish each time otherwise you become irrelevant and the kids with ADHD flock to another one.
Ice Poseidon is the only streamer I enjoy watching. He gets himself into some interesting situations.
Even tho obv. this is totally out of your ass until we are provided any sort of statistics on the matter.
This. But ice poseidon (in OP) is not a boring gamer begging for donos his autism is quite entertaining
Jow Forums is the perfect audience for ice's streams. Cx
but he's a jew...soo..
We'll never see the stats unfortunately. Theres probably a lot of middle eastern whales as there were a lot in the first wave of mobile/facebook games and the CEOs of like Zynga and such used to confirm their existence. Ive sat and watched streamers before and clicked to view chatters profiles and a lot of times I see its either blank or like a 12 year olds fortnite channel. Some roasties twitch got posted on here and I viewed her live and like ppl calling her sexy were no joke 12 year olds who were streaming at the same time and talking on mic to their friends. I still think the first wave of mega donators on twitch was twitch itself trying to muscle out its competition but then real whales showed up after awhile.
you don't think the average stream viewer is young? I was using poor to mean "not rich". Pewdiepie's ave donor is much poor than pewdiepie and no I don't have a study to back up that completely common sense claim
Youtube used to show demographics for every single video and they were always pretty funny. I think they since removed it but it used to be like a button option near Share under the video. The top demos were like
>12 year old girls for every male streamer
>40 year old guys for every little kids channel or kpop video
People get salty because they're self made celebrities. For some reason, millions of people can only follow and be interested in (((approved))) celebrities.
And you're an angry little faggot.
onlinr entertainers are not respected imo, more like looked down upon, maybe is respected by young people but most people above 30 years would probably think you're a degenerate unless you make good money and let them know
>caring about what boomers think
the world will be a better place when entertainment is decentralized between a lot of people rather than the shit pumped out on TV
lmao faggot
no one successful sits around paying to watch other people play video games
Ice is the only streamer I watch. he's /ourguy/
only if your name is E N Z A D E N I N O
Yep. Will slow for more artistry in general.
i r l streaming is entertaining deesoo
I second this comment.