With bank accounts going over 1.5% interest and CD's going over 2.5%...

With bank accounts going over 1.5% interest and CD's going over 2.5%, is there ever any point in buying high dividend stocks? The highest I've seen from a stable company is 1% from AT&T.

Attached: Barclays-Online-Savings-1.65-APY.png (485x307, 18K)

>inflation 2.2%
>interest 1.65%
fuck this gay shit man

Attached: vsw.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Brainlet look for comaonies that have the longest track records of increasing their dividends, make sure they are not too high on their historic pay out ratio, and make sure they are increasing at a decent rate 7-10% per year, look into the concept of yield on cost there is a guy on YouTube who explains this well ppcian.

Dividends don't matter. Company A pays 2% dividend. Company B buys shares back and the stock price is 2% higher. The end result is the same, except retards like OP only buys company A for some reason.

> Herp derp increasing dividends

I only bought growth companies beginning of this year. AMD and AMZN doing well for me.

but user without inflation no one would buy anything why would you buy bread if you could buy twice as much bread next year why would you pay for water when you could get thrice that water next year no one would buy anything without inflation we need inflation gold is silly embrace inflation

AmaZion whole foods purchase good use of investor money as opposed to divined? Ok have fun with that.

english motherfucker do you speak it?

I thought it was 2%

Barclays has a 5 year CD with 2.65% payout

it's almost like people would efficiently allocate their resources and benefit from planning in a more predictable way in that scenario.

planning is for retards deflation is for retards listen to me goyim don't save saving is for retards the value of your money is dropping every minute spend it now spend it right now spend it right fucking now I just printed another billion fiat did you spend your money yet ok here comes another trillion lol inflation rules

Did you mean to say: Do you speak English?

> People will stop eating for a year

Are you a brainlet?

Market says yes. I bought it at $1300 when retards were all like "omg so overpriced"

Have fun with "dividend" stocks paying 2% while losing share price

Ford is like 5%

Attached: DF026ACD-5BB4-42A0-ADEA-48CBB38FCB14.jpg (253x199, 16K)

If your money bought more tomorrow than it did yesterday you'd never spend any for any reason. We'd all be Gollums guarding our preciouses against tricksy Hobbitses. You deflatiofaggots need to wake up and embrace inflation, saviour of the white race.

we are all gollums now

Go with a reit you fag and get 10% a year

Lol I love you guys

inflation 2%
sure goy
dont mind real estate rocketing 10% a year

uk ftse 100 has like a 4% yield m8 what you chatting.

Beating inflation virtually risk free is easy stupid cunts buy some old geezer assisted living retirement homes and some shipping contrainers baka 6-8% annual yield almost risk free old geezer home is monthly divy contrainers r quarterly

Italy has apy's of 1.5 based on the euro which has a .3 inflation rate

ING Italy specifically is offering 1.5

You faggots think the various governments around the world actually report the correct inflation rate? Fucking hell. Substitution, omission, period changing and literal fraud all contribute to reported inflation rates being on average 4 to 8 % lower than the actual inflation rate.

>Beef goes up 22% in a year, oh shit can't report that lets just swap it for dog food and call it red meat!

Literally happens. All the fucking time. Gov Accountant & Auditor here. Kek.

Fucking kek

Gollums kek
Id what the fuck are you talking about people who rely on interests are the biggest brainlets