ITT we come up with scams to trick idiots into giving us money.

>>tell fat soccer moms that metal cutlery gives your meals extra calories

>sell shitty cutlery made of wood or rock

Attached: okra.png (640x640, 823K)

Magical bleach that cures autism if you drink it.

Attached: photo_2018-01-29_02-50-49.jpg (640x1136, 100K)

repackaging makeup as "manly face paint"

you'd make dosh and further the homosexual agenda, two birds with one stone

hmm I know some faggots that will fall for this shit sadly

>create a ICO for some new revolutionary tech startup
>use social media and the those who wish to add to their "digital portfolio" a new and lucrative investment opportunity
>hire a few tech consultants and a pr rep to fact check my bullshit and make it look like a legitimate business
>pay paheet 400 rupee on fiverr to make some bullshit c# app for Android
>Secure 450 million shut everything down, put the money in a overseas account and retire in Switzerland

Magical bleach that cures autism if you squirt it up your bum?

I went to nursing school, completed about half of it and this pic teaches me more than I ever knew about diabetes.


Attached: diabetes.png (637x1399, 891K)

Larp as a spy on (((Tinder))) make a dim, obese single mom fall in love with you, date for a while, then disappear and phone up one day. Go for the Oscar. "I don't have much time Tammy-Louise, I'm in Pyongyang. Pyongyang. That's North Korea. No, you're thinking South Korea. North is the bad one. Not really, I need your help. I have to get out of the country fast. Go to Western Union and transfer everything you can to (bank account). Sure, take out loans if you can get them quickly. I love you Tammy-Louise, I'm coming home to you real soon now"

>make a ponzi using eth
>put stupid pictures and call it a game
>hire 20 pajeets to spam it on biz

Damn. This inspires me to keep on my cuck diet way more than any motivational meme ever did. 60 lbs overweight and I'm probably halfway to diabetes by now.

Yeah, scary shit.

Depends. It takes a long time to go pre-diabetic, if you're just fat, that's how the "fat and fit" morons get away with it, they're ticking time bombs, and they don't know it.
The human body is an amazing machine. When it works. And it's pretty spectacular when it doesn't from abuse. But it takes so long for conditions to build up, by the time people get to that point, their abuse is so ingrained and habit, they can't imagine living any other way, and they die.
Diabetes runs in my family, so I started learning about it years ago, and made changes. You don't have to stop eating sugar or carbs to prevent type 2 diabetes, just don't eat it all the time. You can have pizza, just not every night - once a month is fine, if you eat clean the rest of the month.
The good news is, the human body is incredibly good at recovering, and it can be fast. Even a fatty mcfatty like Boogie2288 can turn things around in less than a year eating clean and reducing calories and exercising. You can even undo Type 2 diabetes with simply changing your diet, and get off the meds. You just have to be willing to work against the medical industry, which just sees disease as an opportunity to sell you drugs, not paths to health where you don't need them anymore. Go watch "Fat, Sick, and Dying", Dr. Furhman's approach is to get people healthy and off medications through diet. His book "Eat To Live" is part of that. People like Kevin Smith and Penn Gilette have lost significant amounts of weight, reversed medical conditions and kept the weight off following guys like Furhman and Ray Cronise, who are using low calorie, nutrient dense plant based diets. (You can still eat meat, they just push a vegan approach)
But you gotta want to do it. And it sucks for a while. But I learned to eat clean, and eat well, and find foods I can eat a lot of and not worry, and stay in good health, on no meds, no sign of anything to be concerned about.

This kind of snake oil shit pisses me off. Sure, you can change your blood sugar readings overnight simply by NOT EATING.
When my mom was dying of lung cancer, a bunch of nutjobs starting posting shit like this on my facebook, about how if I just made her eat something, her cancer would magically go away! No, fuckface, that's bullshit, and I dare you to come down to her hospital and tell the oncologists there that they're wrong. Total silence then. Fuck these fuckers. Diabetes is a scary, dangerous condition, if all it took was fucking okra, oncologists would be slamming okra water down their patient's throats. This kind of bullshit to me is fucking evil. Not some made up dude with a pitchfork, deluded motherfuckers who think okra water cures diabetes is fucking evil. Because you know naive dumbshits will drink okra water in the morning, and then eat shit all day that gave them diabetes in the first place, and go "I can have ice cream, because MUH OKRA WATERS", and then die a miserable, painful death because some evil motherfuckers sold them on the okra snake oil.

Calm down and have an okra water, user

>buy counterfeits/bootlegs
>sell them on ebay
>ebay and authorities don't give a fuck

Not really upset, relax. Just venting. I'm good now.

Pretty sure you'd get banned from ebay if someone reported you.

Attached: onions.jpg (382x392, 53K)

>make a ponzi about shrimp
>make 30eth in about 3 days
>kys because you only charged a 4% fee and you probably could have got away with way more

Yes user its called natural selection. Let it happen, if a person is so stupid as to fall for a hilarious knee slapping ruse then maybe just maybe they were meant to die.

Attached: 1527181846186.png (600x1380, 1.02M)

Also convince people to buy chainlink, epic scam

yeah right
i've had disputes for item not as described (which i've won) and i've reported the listings themselves, nothing happened, ebay will claim to be ignorant despite this
they only seem to care about certain brands that actively pursue infringement for example italian handbags that buy into their program that lets them demand that ebay take down certain listings

and for example you can search pokemon figures. those 24/144 piece sets brand new from china are bootlegs.

or hide behind "it's the seller's responsibility" blahblah


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My mom drinks celery water every day for her diabetes because someone on the tv told them to. There's nothing I can do or say to convince them otherwise, it's sad

Invent something called "oracle problem". Claim you solved it, take 32 million dollars from suckers. They will even do free advertising for you.

I scammed thousands on ebay selling rigs and virtual stuff. They send me money and i send some stupid 1$ shit from aliexpress on their adress fill the tracking number so i get money faster . Get reported few weeks later . Come up with training number so they cant do shit it looks like i shipped and buyer is lier (works 50%) if i get banner i just simple buy next stealth account for 50 $ and keep the rest 1000-4000$. Dont forget to bounce trought shitton of proxies and vpn anons . Also you can buy pass ports and ids cheaply on dark web to go trought verification.

better to drink it than shove it up their ass and hope for the best

even better pay all of them over $20k a month for fuck all

How does it taste?

We find some wanky dipshi artist who says "profound" shit and we turn them into a meme and buy all their paintings. Then we make them famous and pump and dump their art and sell it all off in a massive exit scam and never talk about that shitty artist ever again

How about actually improving themselves instead of drinking magic juice

>pay paheet 400 rupee

Attached: 1526751910934.png (292x257, 100K)

And whats the solution to diabetes then?

For type 2 diabetes? A healthy diet, and moderate exercise. (Ie. you don't have to "crush" in the gym constantly, just take your dog for a walk every day.)
This isn't rocket science. If you swill Mountain Dew all day, and cram chicken tenders and doritos down your throat, and never get out of your gaming chair, you're gonna get fat, and later on, get diabetes.

With the recent arrest of the pagan motor cycle gang. I am starting a social media Twitter fund raiser to support the members legal fees.
I will only accept user coins from accounts I register at Starbucks wifi

Aaaand those of us who are type 1 are basically fucked.

>had to look this up
>was hoping okra secretly turned into some sort of poison when soaked overnight, or some concentrated ichor that caused immediate evacuation of one's bowels
>wasn't exactly sure how since you use this shit to thicken gumbo
>just some faggy Kikebook meme spread by shitty blogs
Damn it.

Gene therapy is like their only hope.

Does your mom have a feminine penis?

ah I see someone else made 13 reasons why season 2
fuck you netflix jews, all original content by 2022, you cannot do that.
I love freedom of speach, but this is literally emotionally human centipede for normies

IV vitamin C for cancer

ooc how much is it per id on DW

>be a good ebay user for a year
>start buying shit without tracking from overseas
>complain that nothing arrived 90% of the time
>5 stars 10% of the time
>enjoy massive gains for two years until they ban you
>enjoy the salty, salty messages of those that got raped by you
Life is sweet.