Mfw retarded w*stern dog says how much he loves winter and hates summer

>mfw retarded w*stern dog says how much he loves winter and hates summer
aahhh yes... that winter when it's 0c for 5 days in year and snowing with no wind
face it scum you never experienced real winter and you never will unless you decide to visit russia so SHUT THE FUCK UP or I fucking kill you

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I love winter and hate summer.

Who cares
Winter is nice here
Not everyone lives in a shithole

suck my penis

I was born in the north and have lived there for most of my life, I think i know what winter is like.

Ι like Fthinoporo and Anoixi

I like living in cali I can drive 30 minutes and be in a winter wonderland and then go back to the moderate Mediterranean climate of the coast feels spoiled man

doesn't count

That will be $20.

>I suffer in the cold Arctic climate of Sochi

Attached: ugh.jpg (772x534, 51K)

what if my entire state is comprised of mountains?

>Live in Toronto
>Have to call in the fucking army to help clean up snow

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I like Winter because Summer here is like 35-40°c.
Winter actually has decent temperatures.

I live in the Alps, might not be as harsh as a russian winter but they can get pretty strong. I'm not suited to "hot" climate, when I go south I sweat gallons.

>Live in Shitytownsk
>Call horde of central asian mexicans to make snowdrift on the roadside

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It's not winter until it goes under -30°C and I miss winter

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Where must I go to experience real Autumn?

Burlington, Canada

Attached: windows-xp-desktop-background-wallpaper-autumn-800x600-940x705.jpg (940x705, 218K)

>he can afford a snowdrift


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Summer is 45°C here and winter 20°C, of course we like winter

Russia is rich country.

Attached: igor-27november1610140614_23.jpg (960x720, 47K)

Burlington mentioned

not many know but that's an actual lcd screen used as road sign
this is how rich we are

Vermont has real autumn too

could i use the screen to watch scat porn?

that's how the nation of East Germany was borned

Russia has aids and sluts :(

you can't say that

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>mfw retarded R*ssian subhuman worm says how much it loves summer and hates winter
hhh yes... that winter when it's 35c for 5 days in year and slight overcast
face it scum you never experienced real summer and you never will unless you decide to visit the desert so SHUT THE FUCK UP or I fucking kill you

Attached: charlie.jpg (840x560, 91K)

I live in Alaska
Your pitiful Muscovite winters mean nothing to me

You've never experienced a real summer, fuck off

it's +30c here in summer and -30c in winter