Organized labor in your country

Does your country have big labor union presence? Do you support them?

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Other urls found in this thread:–1923

No, we are the biggest class cucks in the world. Most people are more interested in identity politics that worker ones. Liberals are now portrayed as the """""""""""""left""""""""""""""". I miss the IWW i miss Joe Hill lads

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They are literally mobsters.

me too user



I like you, comrade.

We used to have a lot of strong private sector labor unions, but they got disbanded in the 80s.

I miss 1919 when it looked like communism was going to triumph over the whole world

feels bad

>not being a Corporatist

Sadly yes. They're a literal mafia who are partly responsible for this country being the shit that it is

I think you mean Anarchism. Sadly WWI happened and many workers and anarchists were killed. Many weren't that interested in revolution any more.

I mean the wave of revolutions right after the war–1923
At the zenith, there were soviets in Hungary, Italy, Germany, China, Spain, Ireland, and even the US (sort of). We came so close.

historically yes, it's been falling for a couple decades though.
i see no reason to not support your trade union other than being a literal cuck for toilberg tbqh. too many people whinge about striking train or bus workers just because it means they might get in late for their daily 8 hours of salaried slavery

Yes. Unions make sure we don't get fucked by business or government.

Government owns a large share of all businesses here anyway so they always do what workers want and that's why we are the best country in the world.

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japanese public transport strikers dealt with that problem pretty well, they still worked, but they just let customers ride for free
>oy vey these evil workers who fought so i'd have decent working conditions, literally criminals

Ahhh unions. Making sure all the manufacturing is done by Japanese and robots since the 60s. God bless

I'd like to add that it's still stronger than most of the world. The opposition party (Labor) is funded by unions and if you work in almost any field, people will think it's odd if you are not a member of the union. There are laws which forbid an employer from carrying out any negative consequence for joining or participating in a union.

Fuck them. I can never get shit delivered because Canada post is always on/threatening to go on fucking strike.

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Only idiots don't support unions

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there is literally nothing wrong with organized crime rackets

Proletarians aren't only those who work 24/7 at the factory, basically everyone who has to sell his labour for a living is a proletarian

>big labor union presence
Not really. Strikes happen here and there, but no federal troubles
>Do you support them
No, because activism is pointless and improval of capitalism through union struggle is a waste of time and the sooner conflict will become hot, the better. The best outcome would be the seisure of the means of production and cooperative self-management.
Sad to hear
Blame capitalists who want cheap labor
And blame unionists for not taking over factories like it happened with Fasinpat.

We actually have huge labor unions; they have just changed from factory and construction workers (shitty jobs), to fireman, social workers, cops, teachers, typists, and secretaries (100% government).

Only idiots think that there can be a positive outcome out of wolf and lamb negotiations.

Yeah boomers put a car together wrong, work 4 hour day and riot again. Meanwhile Japanese didn't do any of that shit, make better cars and make more of them. Is it any surprise the Anglo manufacturing industry died and Japan stayed strong? Now Europeans don't even know what a job is with all their youth unemployment.

Japan also has one of the highest rates of both depression and suicide in the world due to the cut-throat bullshit capitalist culture that consumes them. But successful society right? Because dey mek monie and dats the meaning of goud socienties ;-DDDD

works of the world: UNITE!|

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