.944 digit ratio

>.944 digit ratio
>High testosterone, low estrogen womb
>Find it impossible to care about the world or life itself
>Could shoot myself in the head and not even give a damn because I wouldn't be missing anything by continued existence

Does anyone know this feel?
I think this is why Jow Forums is overwhelmingly White, Brazilian, Arabian, and Mexican. The minimum racial digit ratio in these countries is .960 to .965

East Asians never talk about anything other than their own countries.

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>>High testosterone, low estrogen womb
what does it even mean
do you have a womb which is oozing with testosteron but not with estrogen or what

High testosterone in the womb literally causes autism.

My mom was tri-racial

Whites are .980 digit ratio, and the lowest they go is .950

I think he is referring to the difference ratio between index and ring finger, which is defined by the level of hormones that the fetus is exposed to in the womb.
I don't know what this nigger is talking about, since higher exposure to testosterone in the womb supposedly has a positive correlation with high levels of free T in men and the general benefits associated with it.
I any case he just seems like an autist that needs to blame something he has no control over to make himself feel better.


I'm sorry, but if you think you have any control over anything you do in life you're a brainlet.

Guess it's time to off yourself, then

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>>.944 digit ratio
what is that?

You're right. It's about time I quit living, but I have moral structures in my brain that are preventing me from committing suicide. If I can totally dismantle them, I can do it.


Here's an online ruler if you want measure your own through a photograph


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I'm glad I'm not n**Rotypical scum

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Mine is almost 1, what does that mean?

It means you are close to the female white norm, but that's a really good thing. It means you are mentally strong. Women are more spiritual and nonsensical, so, mentally, they are stronger human beings than men.

Varg says that autism is the true European mindset, non-autists are people who are mentally incompatible with EVROPA

.980 is white male norm by the way

It is that way to accommodate the growing brain of the white male. When reason exceeds spiritism, you get a mentally weak human being that will die in the wild.

Your theguardian article only speculates towards the correlation between T levels in the womb and autism, and in fact even says that the children with higher exposure do not in fact have autism, only exhibit very broad traits with certain association towards it which is can be linked to the masculinizing effect of testosterone in brain development, which emphasizes certain traits.
In fact there's even a reply by the researcher himself at the bottom of the text, but you didn't bother to read it and interpret it. And you call me the brainlet.
Now if you wanna keep being a sad sack of shit, blaming everything except yourself for how shitty and depressed you are, by all means go on. If you're so sad for being male cut your dick off and take estrogen, you cuck.

I never said anything about autism.
But I do have a masculine brain because of testosterone.

Everything I do is predetermined by that.

im almost one(0,98 or so). does it mean i am a faggot?

No, it means you are a strong human being.

It is very good to be .980

There's nothing wrong with being autistic.

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> I never said anything about autism.
Yet you derive this sense of hopelessness from an article that incorrectly correlates a masculine brain with symptoms of autism to explain your deep depression?

> Everything I do is predetermined by that.
Wrong, almost everything you are is genetically predetermined, but almost everything you do is filtered through your brain before you actually do it. Your brain is not predetermining anything, only filtering and modulating information and action. It is even possible to temporarily turn off these filters before actions, like in the cases of automatic writing/drawing or dreaming.

>Your brain doesn't predetermine anything

Then why are niggers stupid?
Why can't they just get smarter?

How do you have so little self awareness

What do you mean by this?

Is the question that confusing?

No, but I can't see what you see in me.

( T_T)\(^-^ )

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>Then why are niggers stupid?
That has less less to do with modulation and more to do with the aforementioned genetic predetermination. Intelligence is an inheritable trait.
Niggers can get smarter though, because they are capable of learning, and with current research on intelligence leaning towards epigenetic factors, it is possible that better external factors that correlate with increased intelligence may lead to smarter niggers over time.

>You're right. It's about time I quit living, but I have moral structures in my brain that are preventing me from committing suicide. If I can totally dismantle them, I can do it.

I am still a man, and in my brain, there are old structures that demand I exist for the sake of others.

>structures that demand I exist for the sake of others
You offer nothing to nobody. You existing drains resources from people who could use them better. Do the world a favor

>because I wouldn't be missing anything by continued existence

also this is a stupid claim, because essentially you are saying that you know with 100% certainty what will happen in the future, and that there's nothing interesting for you to participate in, or to witness, in that future. for what it's worth, i think you're wrong. i'm probably more suicidal than you and yet i still chose not to kill myself in 2015 because i had a feeling there's more interesting stuff left to experience in the world.

p.s. no need to shit on east asians, we all know they're termite-tier normies at this point. i think very highly of japs, though, and there are many talented and creative japanese out there. maybe you should stop being a little bitch and go do something creative instead of starting worthless threads on Jow Forums.

But if everything is genetically predetermined, there is no real choice. A dumb black will always score 80 on their WAIS. Even if you give them the perfect environment and they hit 90 IQ, a white will scale in the same way a black does if you give them similar treatment. In the same way that they bomb their tests, they are quick to anger because of less prefrontal control.

More likely to pick-up a gun and kill than work.

More dopamine from being evolved to grab fruit instead of think. More likely to want to desire sex with women of many races because they are mentally blind to reality. Every single thought a black man has is predetermined.

This is what it is to not believe in god.
There is no human soul. The belief in a soul itself is something that evolved to keep you from realizing what life really is.

No one is responsible for a thing they do.

Except the only people that matter to me need me to work with them and support them.

If I die, then I have abandoned them.

Then get your head out of your ass and stop bitching about it, Christ alive

Literally 0.89 here
I'm a weak neurotic incel with verified low t and generally display none of the other characteristics I'm supposed to have. This shit is the memeist meme phenotype since palmistry.

My digit ratio is above 1 because my index finger is bigger, what does that mean?

You probably don't know yourself that well.
I am .944, and I have severe issues with analyzing myself even though my IQ is 120-130

You say you are weak, so you are not exercising and experiencing life the way you should be. You could be mentally weak, so it's preventing you from exercising and reaching your genetic personality.

If your IQ exceeds 66, you may have severe problems in life with Conscientiousness.

It means you are a very mentally strong man.

>even though my IQ is 120-130

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Does it really? Because I'm very passive agressive and constantly have gay dreams

Another possible thing is that you divided incorrectly. It's index finger divided by ring finger.

Index finger being the finger closest to your thumb

That guy's not me, and yes I measured correctly.

Are you Asian, Black, or North African?
.89 is very rare for white men

Genetics do predetermine how things work in a physical sense, but genetics do not predetermine that a certain stimuli will yield the same results on everyone with the same type of genetic expression. In this case specifically it is even less uniform because we are talking about the human mind and all it's subjectivity, shaped on environmental factors and interpretation of experiences. Hell, interpretation itself is dependent on so many factors detached from physicality.
And even then, predetermination does not mean absolute certainty of such outcome. You yourself said the a nigger is more likely to kill than work, but there are blacks that work honest jobs, if genetic expression was the only determining factor for this, even environmental stimuli that dissuades a black from robbing would not work, it'd be like trying to get taller by playing basketball. This seems to indicate that when it comes to thought processes especially there is a deal of personal force and agency that is not directly genetically traceable.
Yes we can see that a person is genetically predisposed to being lazy due to higher release of dopamine from doing something that required no effort, but this does not determine that this person will be a lazy asshole. This itself is the very concept that correlation is not equal to causation, and you're equating a some dumb correlations to the cause of your depression.

I'm an irish-italian honkey with blond hair.

I don't want to keep pushing this.
It's upsetting, and you're better off thinking the way you do. Lets just agree to disagree.

Huh, that's interesting.
I know Italians can be part North African though.

Is your mom Italian?

Not too sure what my mom is but she's not italian, look dude I'm pretty sure I'm 100% bona fide white.

>ratio over 1.0
>have every negative trait associated with a high ratio
It never even began

>0.949 ratio
>no desire to get a gf for couple reasons
I'm never lonely so far, so that's still nice.

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One hand has a longer index than ring finger, the other hand has a longer ring than index finger
What the fuck am I

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The issue is you say you're an incel, and that works through genetic rejection.

You might have something in your blood that makes you distinct from everyone around you. My mother is half-white, tri-racial, and everyone thought she was pure amerindian with black for years.

Did you know Berbers have colored eyes and brown hair?

Pic related.

Attached: berbers03.jpg (625x794, 56K)

It's not upsetting faggot, even in a world with no agency the pretense of living just to experience what life has to offer is enough to keep me interested. I used to think in a way similar to yours, but it changed over time.
But I'll stop because I want to play Unreal and you're just a sad sack of self-loathing shit.

Are you the fucking faggot who constantly complains about being only 70% European?


>>Could shoot

That's normal.

Most people have one hand longer or shorter than the other