Gonna celebrate my massive shorting gains and buy a new chair. Got my eyes on the steelcase leap for about $1000. Any chairfags got a recommendation?
Gonna celebrate my massive shorting gains and buy a new chair. Got my eyes on the steelcase leap for about $1000...
Bump for cheaper recommended chairs
holy shit faggot, just get a decent 100$ chair
Chairs are for cucks. I walk around with a laptop on a carrier jig.
Buy whatever you want fucktard. I don't care.
1. $1000 is basically nothing to me at this point, I've made bank off of all these weakhanded gainlets panic-dumping their bags
2. $100 chairs is gonna destroy your posture. better to buy something decent (at LEAST $300, bare minimum) and not get serious back problems in your mid-30s
you seem like an angry gainlet. mad that I shorted your ass and made bank while you're sitting their holding some shitcoin as it bleeds?
HM Aeron, don't know if they sell them in Burger land
>falling for the gaming chair jew
Nah, you will wipe with your risky tactics and I'm already so far in the green that I never have to wagecuck again.
I just don't care what you do. I come here for shitcoin shilling.
What’s that IKEA one the Markus or Malthus or Matrimony or some shit, I’ve heard that’s good
IKEA chair costing $180 with the net backrest
I've owned chairs twice as expensive and less than half as good.
Something sexy, like the Eames EA117 chair in leather
Those chairs are fucking trash.
I'll wipe huh? lmao, okay gainlet
it doesn't look comfortable or ergonomic at a glance, can you sell me on it?
If you are margin trading - odds are, yes you will wipe.
You may not I don't care either way. Enjoy your chair I guess
Haworth Zody chair. Just buy a used or refurbished one for half price, there are actual stores for these office equipment
I have 2 aeron been used for 3 years + still in good condition. You have to pull all the levers until you get the position right then they are comfortable. Have bought 2 setu's.
Aerons are actually the best in that price range. HM chairs are the standard.
ive been eyeing one of these for past few weeks, gonna wait till a bounce in the market and pull the trigger
Humanscale Freedom Office Chair with Headrest, Tan
i personally do not like these chairs...but i am not a posture kinda guy @ least while sitting around
Hi, Puwdee Pie (sp?)
why do you not like them?
Aeron is the best. Been using one for 2 years. Not cold in winter and not hot in summer.
>asks for recommendations
>calls all recommendations trash/garbage
Well this was a pointless thread.
nice, im very tempted to order one
Get the 2000 dollar gesture chair poorfag
>shorting gains
only brainlets risks money in this market
if you didn't mine bitcoins back in 2009 like i did, you are a brainlet gambler
I got this exact one from office max for $240 and with a $50 2 year warranty you can come in and replace for a new one free of charge. Super comfy for the price plus you can go check it out in store. Your welcome
Puw.. who? I'm not sure what you mean. Is that some e-celeb?
These all look shit.
Any God tier large Napa leather desk chairs etc? But modern ones
The Eames chair is the alpha and omega of office chairs. Designed in 1958, it will never go out of style. There are variants, like a soft pad version or high backed version if you want more comfort. The genuine Eames chair is produced by Herman Miller and are expensive, depending on spec. You can pick up second hand chairs on eBay for less though.
to put it simply its to firm, i just don't like it, i know ppl rave about them, I have tried a few different times i just don't get 'comfy' i don't sit in a chair like a regular person..sometimes one of my legs is over the arm rest, sometimes i sit on my leg, sometime both legs are over the same arm rest...
This faggot knows. Bought one but it was literally $1000
Rate my chair, Jow Forums
This. I refuse to sit on anything else. I like these chairs so much I bring them on the plane with me when I travel.
Get a Eames as said by the other user, it is THE standard. Look at all the wallstreet execs, they are sitting in one. So put one in your basement and act like the big boys. See you later guys, im off railing some coke of a hooker tits.
i should have used some punctuation in that waffle ffs
steelcase leap is good. it's what i've been using for 5 years.. however don't pay $1000
you can find one from a business liquidation sale for like $100-$200