What should Australia be aiming to get our population to?

What should Australia be aiming to get our population to?

This might shock many of you but we're actually not even close to full

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could probably manage 80 million (White) people

Import twenty million Chinese.

give me citizenship

Our current number minus however many Chinks have arrived this century.

Already have 20 mil chinese. The 1000 Sudanese Africans are causing all the issues though

Do we need more people?
i mean what are our problems: stagnating wages, its hard to get a job, expensive cost of living especially housing
all of those are made worse by a higher population and being relevant globally isn't positive for the actual people

Get more Somalis then, we are good guys, I'm already attending college in Edmonton

That's not how it works at all. Unemployment, cost of living etc aren't particularly different in similarly developed countries of much greater population

We already have too many people, we should be aiming to keep the population at or below 20 million but the retards in Canberra want 45 for some insane reason.

>This might shock many of you but we're actually not even close to full
Yeah sure if you don't care about the environment or quality of life.

The population value is entirely dependent upon the infrastructure to support it. We can barely support our current population numbers as it is.

>This might shock many of you but we're actually not even close to full
Take a look at the actual habitable land, kouhai.

>for some insane reason
To fund their pensions.

what's wrong with Chinese people?

fuck off

Things we need with more people:
>More housing
>More all around industry
>More produce and imports
>More of all public facilities like schools, hospitals, etc.
And that's all before the population is increased

All these things our government not only is hesitant to build but often outright guts in favour of making the numbers next to their "deficit" display go down, not only that but all of these things would only be expanded out from the existing capital cities further compounding our existing suburbia hell and location based house pricing.

Jow Forumstards are scared shitless of them for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

im not for a 1 child policy or any shit like that but taking fully grown adults and just injecting them into already full metro areas(or rural areas with fuck all jobs already) just puts more strain on all of it and makes all of those problems worse. The only upside is filling in really specific gaps businesses need because we're defunding the shit out of education and native opportunity in general and lower wages which makes the economy grow

*refuses to zone land in your area for housing unless you are a filthy rich developer*

>but we're actually not even close to full
we're actually quite close

More like the whole world hates you, including 90% of asian, no matter how many times you spam Jow Forums with your copypasta threads

Well we can send you the boats.

You don't have to hide here, we can say "us" and not "them"

where's the best place to live as a Californian?

>More like the whole world hates you
I'm not Chinese, Jow Forumstard. Try to get out of your cancerous little echo chamber a little more and learn just how wrong you are about the world.


let me in (:

I don't blame you, it's paradise here

Theoretically, how could Indonesia be massively and irreplaceably depopulated?

If I were Chinese I would say it. What you Jow Forumstards fail to comprehend is that no one but you fucks define yourself by delusions of ethnicity so there is no need to LARP as something you are not.
Be a little honest about yourself, yeah. No one gives the slightest shit about your background.

At the rate we are going, climate change will eventually trigger large scale migrations out of large areas of Indonesia.


eventually they get a higher living standard and a better education so more people would be unwilling to spend their youth trying to raise even one child and their birth rate will decline


russians are EVIL bullies

Well, is Australia ready?

10 million was probably when we should have stopped

>climate change will eventually trigger large scale migrations out of large areas of Indonesia.
Mass migration from the global south is one of the main reasons I support a border wall. At least you guys have some ocean separating you.

Rude. He's actually right, horn Africans are nice people.

Low IQ shitskins breed like rats, what's new?

We'd too easily be annexed by China if that were the case

one is an overpopulated 33rd world shithole and the other is a prosperous first world nation... Why do retards want to overpopualte us again. Oh boy I can't wait for the 100 million chinese and Muslims weedman wants to brinf in... Can't wait to destroy all our beautiful wilderness, pollute commit crimes and every city is 10 million people+. Get fucked weedman.

Most of the continent is unlivable, is it not? Let this work in your favor.

Australia will need to do its part. I can foresee a population of 1 billion inhabiting Australia

Terraform the mainland and invite fleeing South Africans and Eastern Europeans

Loads of white British want to move there but you're massive cunts about it.

You cunts have an easier time getting in than anyone else if you can't get in you must be one seedy specimen.

I don't want to move there, just talking generally.

It could be way, way higher than it is without harming living standards. Northern Australia is virtually uninhabited despite having plentiful water. And there's no shortage of land in the Eastern states despite what people pretend. We'll end up some Asian overflow country with Anglos/Chinese/Indians jostling to bring the country into their motherland's sphere.

They get the same opportunity now as any other country. Only Kiwis have preference.

In my city most of the problems we are having like school fights and such are all recent British migrants. Peoples opinion of you as "ideal" migrants is rapidly changing. The UK is not sending their best.

Where have you seen that Zhang? I've never heard of it.

Just google "Perth school fight" and there will be heaps of articles all from this year, almost all from British dominated (AKA shit) suburbs

We never have, why would it start now?

How could you do it in five years?


And? I hate this idea that we're still some "utopian paradise" for rich Anglos from the UK/US to jump ship to if you can no longer deal with your own countries. We aren't, we have our own issues, and we really ought to stick up for our autonomy more than our bootlicking authorities usually do.

Import 100 million of Javanese. It would solve problems of both countries.

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>2022, bilateral migration agreement between Aus and Indonesia comes into effect
>in the course of a year, 100 million Javanese are shipped over to a woefully unprepared Australia in the largest mass-migration in human history
>within weeks, massive riots have broken out as the lack of food infrastructure means people are literally starving to death
>Australia turns into an apocalyptic nightmare as overrun by death, plague and violence
>eventually the population stabalises at 40 million people, but everyone is now living in third-world tier shithole slums ruled over by warlords
>looking back, the survivors of the australian government can only ask themselves one thing
>"Why did we listen to that one retard on Jow Forums?"

Its 26 million you brainlet

I wonder how many millions would have to come over before our apathetic people did anything. I mean Germany imported 2 million and most of the population didn't care much


Java - area: 138,793.6 km2
Java - population: 145 million
Australia - area: 7,692,024 km2
Australia - population: 25 million

makes a population of 8035986,385539391 million