Every European city

Every European city

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Bars and crates swap places

No way the main strip of bars would be on the non-central side

Where's the mosque?

In the suburbs

>no subway
flyover shithole

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Really accurate.

The best part is Hipsters in the Brickworks, in my city they have turned all the brickswork into cool flats and opened up art galleries around the place.

like 50% of avenues in Poland are John Paul II avenue

bretty accurate.

I sincerely hope the other 50% are named after Pilsudski



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Stop trying to appropriate the Amerimutt meme and use norf fc

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That's a classist meme within British society, not without.
The fact that it's directed against poortherners and Britons (as opposed to G*rmanics) suggests it's southerners trying to shift the mental image of Euromutt to them, much as they are deserving of this new Norf FC meme.

Can foreigners even tell the difference? Either way it makes MUCH more sense than trying ti force the Amerimutt meme onto the UK

Yeah but Americans genuinely believe that Britain is 60% Muslim and therefore brown

Fookin' Yanks

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Not everyone is ignorant, but while it may seem to be an Angloid equivalent of the Mutt, it's more like a commentary on the underclass of the north and plebeian culture in general. The fact that it's caught on in the form of the ancient Britons versus the Saxons shows that it's a north (native/plebeian) versus south (cosmopolitan/snob) cultural conflict that animates this meme.

The Eternal Anglo is the definitive anti-Anglo meme from abroad. The only appeal this meme has to foreigners is that the average Angloid has not a shred of the general class of Mosley or the character from the Eternal Anglo meme and are better depicted in this meme that's a hybridisation of grug and la creatura.

~t. meme scientist

can' be arse readin' all that mert jus show me tits or footy and shu' tha' fook oop

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Good post

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Every American city

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Man was a joke

the norf will rise again

seen by a mutt

>the only housing is dystopian block housing and expensive hipster homes

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M-my river has 2 syllables, and the cranes are not even that big

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>no drug dealer park
>no suits, ties & windows district
>no hateable new bridge
>no WWII memorial avenue
>no crates and cranes
>no hipster home brickworks
>no tower
I guess we Budapesters truly don't belong to Europe :(

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>WWII Memorial Avenue

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my first thought too...they literally built a giant mosque slapbang in the middle of utrecht next to the the central station

not true

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Sei veramente di Campione? siamo vicini allora

nato a Lugano ma vivo a Campione :)

>ww2 memorial street
>Cathedral is a tourist trap
Cathedrals are touristic but not tourist traps
>singe syllable river
Nah, its 2 syllables
>lovable old bridge
Did you know we still have functional roman bridges? even cars can use em
>hypster home brickworks
>dystopian block housing
Thankfully we make most city blocks different from each other

Not at all

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Spain is Africa
Poland is Asia

>literally having a kebab shop in the mosque
couldn't even make it up

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Eh io sono di Lugano ci avevo pensato anche io di trasferirmi. Ora che il casino fallisce vendono un sacco di appartamenti. Com'è vivere lì? Io ci vado solo per la pizza / sushi

sei effettivamente in Svizzera, ma il discorso tasse è molto meglio proprio per il suo status, tenore di vita molto molto alto

Utrecht is a shithole anyways

Why does this map reminds me of Ghent so much?

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They are

Cucktrecht is a notorious shithole and home to our Green-Left party.

please stop talking shit about Amsterdam: based version

>Amsterdam: based
It's literally Amsterdam: knock-off + soy
The wole appeal of the place is for people who cannot afford Amsterdam. That's all they have going for themselves.

such a fucking great city. although I don't remember dystopian housing blocks, nor ugly new bridges and drug dealer parks, just cute blonde grills, beautiful Gothic architecture, and great pubs

desu Barcelona is exactly like that.
Fuck my life.

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More like every UK/France shity.

Civilized cities have market square in the middle.

>shred of the general class of Mosley

You mean they don't enjoy being fucked up the arse by Indians?

It actually doesn't work for the UK really, covers most of the mainland though.

Market squares are for market towns, market towns aren’t cities they’re slughtly larger villages

At least Amsterdam has something they could be proud of it. Utrecht has nothing.

Attached: Amsterdam23.jpg (1280x853, 147K)

what's so appealing about being in a city where the majority of people around you are tourists?

It starts when you leave the centre.

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Where the muslims at?

Looks like a scene from a typical East Asian city

The feeling that stops you from committing suicide slowly goes away, and It makes it a lot easier to leave this shithole named "earth".

Those tourists don't leave the centre. They'd never visit normal living areas like De Pijp.

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Does locals even go to there? Do you guys have your own ”new” centre? Amsterdam center surely is 99,9% tourist

All roads in Amsterdam lead to the centre so it's hard to avoid it.

are you retarded?

You are retard though.

Block housing is not in the city

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We only have dystopian block housing and a drug dealer park here

LOL this is the map of my city WTF?
