We are open to all. Regardless of your nationality, religion, color, faith, gender, we welcome everyone. I apologize for some Koreans being rude to you. They usually suffer from poor social adjustment.
There are only a few exceptions. 1. China We lost our land to them. Go to Jiandao. There are no Chinese. Only the Goryeo people lost the land. 2. A believer in the Nazis and the Japanese Empire We are still technically at war with the Axis powers. So don't come to South America's Nazi believers or Japanese imperialism. But the average South American and Japanese are welcome. 3. Criminals The biggest reason Koreans fear foreigners is because of crime. Korea's police is the world's No. 1 arrest rate (98 percent as of 2010). So don't come to Korea for crime, even for you.
Go to Jeju island and Gangwon province for nature, Gyeongju and Seoul for historical sites, and Korean folk village for old town (though it is more like a theme park than a village).
Ryan Gonzalez
Korea I will buy one of these soon Daniel is such a cool dude. Maybe the only time I'll get into kpop.
Recommendations on what cities to visit and places to see and will I need a translator? I really want to go to Korea ,but I dont want to be a stereotypical mutt tourist and bother people.
Nicholas Bailey
I thought Urgay don’t like Korean and other Asian?
Is it true Koreans really love Jews and study Talmud?
Isaiah Roberts
Eli Edwards
Why do Koreans do not look like kpop lole...
Leo Allen
afaik s. korea is pretty hard to move there
Isaac Brooks
你们吃饭了吗? 韩国人是奴人。哈哈哈哈
Camden Murphy
Watch the skinhead, Wang.
Evan Turner
Whats a good city to visit? I really like just walking around, getting lost ,and trying the local food.
Jeremiah Roberts
Korea's police is the world's No. 1 arrest rate . haha gook joke ,
korean police very reliable , they do re-rape victim of rape who come to police station for help , top rape country
Japanese imperialism・・do not post unnecessary thing ,
Xavier Reyes
May I ask about the misogyny of Korea? Im planning on moving there because I hate how my limp-dicked dictator "president" is one. And on the topic of misogyny how is Korea socially? Like Gay rights, trans rights, women's rights etc. uwu
Luke Gonzalez
every rape victim has the right to be unraped, that's what they do in the special rooms in their police stations