your cunt

> your cunt
> what people mean when they say 5 minutes

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when they say i will wait 5 minutes, then they actually meant, they will only wait 1 minute

>dude, let's start the party 10 oclock, everybody invited
>people start to come by 10:45

When they head 5 minutes they say 2

1- flag
2- 300 seconds

5 minutes

Maybe tomorrow

2 schooners

Ur gay
literally 1 hour

I dont care about you im never doing it

5 minute is an equivalent for never here

5 minutes

>If you say "5 minutes" and you take longer than that you are an untrustworthy subhuman who leeches of the time of others and should be put to death

15 mins here as well

10-20 minutes
More or less the same as in Latin America, but if you have an appointment with a Latin American and he says "ahorita" it means a few hours or never.

we dont say "5 minutes", we say "1 sec" and it takes several minutes (usually less than 10)

from 20 minutes to an hour.
If someone is waiting outside your house and you say I'm already leaving, it means 10 minutes

From 10 minutes to one and a half hour

>ill be there in 5 minutes
im about to take a shower and eat dinner then start going

Actually this

>20-60 minutes

this basically


I heard Germans get offended if you say 5 and take only 2.


I would say roughly around half an hour.

Well duh, if I set out those 3 extra minutes to work on taxes I wouldn't be happy if I got interrupted

4 minute 59 seconds

>takes 3 minutes to do taxes
well well well, that's mighty inefficient germany. it takes me less than a minute

How can people not give an accurate ETA when things like navi and google maps exist.

Easy to do tax fast when you have no job and all of your money comes from bootleg vodka to Finland.

>burglars in charge of making coherent posts

they dont want to be shamed for being late but they dont want to be on time because its not important for them, some even think if you are on time you are desperate

What is not coherent
1' Estonians do not work
2' All Estonian money comes from selling illegal vodka to Finland
how is this not coherent. this is why you are a vassal state.

>you don't have a job
>your job is ...
pls go away and come back when you've unretarded yourself xDD

criminal is not job!

beats your only income being mines and stealing from tourists
literal medieval peasant

but thats not a job
if you are going to be a criminal then don't be white

You don't even own a passport.

In Sweden 5 minutes is 5 minutes.

i dont need to leave my country to survive
i realize that you, however must country hop several times a year for new victims to burgalize and for new shitty jobs to keep for a week
in sweden, 5 minutes is racist

Don't say the word fag. I identify as a mustard-sexual twin gender feminist.

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eta 5m until gulag'd