Why won't he say anything about America or Trump?

His country's economy is literally getting raped and he's just staying silent.

Is it cowardice or pride?

Attached: XiJinping.jpg (415x429, 58K)

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I love China!

It's only what they deserve


China reached the peak of cheap labour. The thing that made it easy for them to make a lot of money. The population is getting older and there aren't enough kids to take their place, also wishes to live like a Westerner started to rise significantly. If they don't make robots with AI to replace the workers they are fucked. But so is Europe since it doesn't even have a proper industry and it's full with third world immigrants now. And just wait to see wtf will Russia do once Putin is gone.

>once Putin is gone

no one knows how to political involvement in the country anymore in the aftermath of his dominance

5000 year old Chinese strategy

Because he knows he holds the cards.

Like a puppet master he has opened the US up to Chinese goods, Chinese hacking, Chinese dream and now we are yet closer to americas head in the tigers mouth

My bet is people there will want the Western standards and all the lgbt sjw crap they banned online. They have aplenty of oil and gas to sell the world so it will be full-on degenerate like how the Balkans completely assimilated the garbage despite the poverty.

I thought the balkans was b&r

I am 100% srs now.
The average girl fucks at 13, by 15 has pink hair and tattoos too. Likes booze, mdma. The hormones in the food and birth control give them a body of a 20 early on at 14, then by 22 they all go obese. They all lie of age and get barebacked in public too in the park or riverbed.
Birth control is otc and 3 eur even for a 14yo it's possible to get it.
Phone bill is 6eur with unlimited calls, 15eur with a shitton of net like unmetered social media and spotify. Landline is 9eur for a 1Gbs line.
Meanwhile everwhere iPhones or other cheap 6" chink phones, instatothery, snarky browraising followed by wallowing in depressive misery no matter wtf you do to them wamenz.
Oh and the newest is Romanian citizens at the mall and spa complexes speaking broken foreign languages to pretend they are tourists. I am fukin kill when I hear broken G*rman, Fr*nch, Shitalian, Spenglish.
We had a referendum to ban gay marriage this weekend. You could vote 2 days from 7am to 9pm. Minimal turnout for it to be legally binding was 30% but only 19% of people came. Now next week gay marriage and lgbt adoption is about to be legalized with the endorsement of the Supreme Court and the President too who likes to campaign with riding the bike and collecting the trash in the street, not even kidding this is his "I'm one of you hello fellow shitizens" larpening. While everybody is laughing at him irl and he's ignoring it.
Nobody works except the 50yo, everyone's a softdev, a real estate agent, a hooker, sells stolen cars from the West, cheap drugs or bunk roids.
We got gold and oil but all will be given away almost for free.
This country is over, nuke us pls.

Attached: 1534022814124.jpg (1080x740, 126K)

Also no one's having kids. Romanians at the church is virtue signalling.

Attached: SLov2tX.gif (1900x1500, 238K)

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

sounds grim. at least you don't have chinks ruining your housing market

they're saying something you retard

No need because we do that ourselves.
That price is so high because
>people flip
>once they made 100k they buy an apartment in France or Germany and gtfo
Average yearly income for someone with a very good education would be 11k eur max.

But Xi isn't. He's letting Trump walk all over him with tweets and tariffs and leaving the responses to his lackeys.

China has already responded with tariffs

>and it's full with third world immigrants now
mainly from Romania and Poland

There is no reason to discuss with the trump administration.
When they get triggered that China is tarriffing the exact same states than the EU and unironically call it meddling, you know they just want to see the world burns.

The first time I went to Vienna in 2008 to see some of my relatives who asked for political asylum there in 1989 I was surprised how many pakistani, turks, and literal niggers were to be seen who lived there.
Fucking hijabs and turbans are now a common sight in Frankfurt and the near-Cologne area of France is full-on rekt.


all media is propaganda and people are inherently bias. we don't see much of China's perspective because western media doesn't care for it. the same way their media probably doesn't pick up on western media. a trade war with so many moving parts and variables are impossible to tell who is 'winning'. it's just various media pushing narratives to make money and bolster their ideology.

1st option: wait and get raped but tells others that it's nothing because they're also being scratched during rape
2bd option: have consensual sex with multiple cunts while they laugh at you for being a meat toilet, reminding the good old days when some island barbarians can force you to buy opium with tea
Rape is a good option for china desu

Because unlike trump xi isn't on social media 24/7