Is he out yet?

is he out yet?

Attached: thad.jpg (640x480, 42K)

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madthad here AMA

who knows? who cares

Is he even allowed a computer anymore?

Even russians ware allowed.


Been out since yesterday.

Ignore this post. I'll be back with full

I'm back

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Yep. God knows if they let him touch a computer. Probably not.

he's not exactly known for trying to conceal his activities, though

Attached: madthad.gif (553x289, 19K)

Cant imagine what he looks like now and how much he changed. Lolicons aren't treated nicely in prisions and he must have gone through hell, whats worse is no establishment will be willing to hire him, his parents have cut off all contact from him and he most likely have hiv. He's better of killing himself at this point

don't forget that he went to prison in detroit.

Goddamn poor bastard

What did he even do?

download CP

Chocho pudding

Does it matter?

And why is this guy famous in Pakistan and Argentina anyway?

he should be

Fuck yo bitch ass Im based and redpilled

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Yes. There's a thread in Jow Forums

>And why is this guy famous in Pakistan and Argentina anyway?
The hell are you talking about. I know about him because of this place

Why is thad getting spammed all over the site? I mean, he was a literal who tripfag on /a/. Why this obsession over him?

he dindu nuffin

because he was /oneofus/ and got busted by the popo

i imagine many people relate to an autistic guy who masturbate to child porn in his room, without the literally austistic part

Better question - is he back in jail already?

Our nigga free now

Because le absolute madman

fr? i dont see any tweet or a video

I heard it's heavily monitored and he can only use it for 1 hour a day

Why was this black individual locked up?

I wonder why

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Those god damn crackers just want to keep the black man down

Vittuun täältä

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He is currently in his back yard digging the 4 terabyte harddrive that the feds didn't find

>wh*Tes can stop KARA BOGA
