One of these countries sent immigrants to the US that fully assimilated without any problems and contributed to the country through its culinary, artistic and economic influence
The other country sent its lowest class to become criminals and have no intent on ever assimilating to American culture
>have no intent on ever assimilating to American culture White people don't have culture don't you know
Eli Russell
They have fully assimilated. And there was never issue assimilating Italian immigrants
Charles Hill
70 years ago this thread would have baited WASPs hard
Cooper Sullivan
Wop hands typed this post.
Jayden Nelson
Italians weren't problem immigrants tho
Jordan Foster
I don't think Mexicans are problem immigrants myself, nor do I think Italians were either, but this shit was practically the OJ Simpson trial back in the day:
>Italians weren't problem immigrants What the fuck are you talking about, everything tye right says about mexicans it used to say about italians
>Low IQ immigrants from worst parts of italy, not their best people >So many immigrants there is threat of replacement >Non anglo whites/non-whites >Criminals and gangsters (see ghettos, mafias and dago gangsters) >Took a shitton of time to "assimilate" (3 generations, some still act like dumfucks like Jersey italians)
Back then americans would've been more prone to identify mexicans with the first statement
David Mitchell
>I don't think Mexicans are problem immigrants myself T.sancho
Juan Roberts
a lot of them were communists
Luis Stewart
Are you high? They imported the mafia into the US, and at one point in the 1920s-1930s the Mafia was bigger in the US than in Italy; and basically were the Red Scare incarnated if they weren't in the mob.
The only reasons Italians assimilated were because most of the Mafi memebers were put back into Sicily at the end of WW2; and because the end of Facism got the Italian communities to split and assimiate properly instead.
Henry Howard
your country is now a third world shithole hahaha
Ryder Carter
>everything tye right says about mexicans it used to say about italians
Uhhh, what?
Nathaniel Moore
t. actual retard
Asher Davis
>Italians >Assimilating
Don't know for Mexicans.
Easton Flores
They've assimilated way better than Mexicans have. For one, Italians are white.
Angel Reyes
Yeah, fucking Italians
Asher Collins
(identifying a body) yea *sniff* dats... dats him offizah
>New Orleans >The mentally ill Polizzi was hauled outside, hanged from a lamppost, and shot. Antonio Bagnetto, a fruit peddler, was hanged from a tree and shot. Nine others were shot or clubbed to death inside the prison.[11] The bullet-riddled bodies of Polizzi and Bagnetto were left hanging for hours.
WASPs were fucking savages
Nathan Johnson
Angel Rodriguez
I can't believe that a Burger made an actually clever bait thread for once Have a (You) for the effort
Oliver Perry
>New Orleans >WASPs
Yeah you mean the local Cajun "WE WUZ FRENCH" population
Brandon Ortiz
>American culture
Ryder Hill
We have better cuisine than both Mexico and Italy combined, Spic
Thomas Williams
we sent to you most of our mafiamen, commies, anarchists and terroni of all sorts honestly if you killed them off i wouldn't even be angry at you
Nathan Ramirez
They were two dirty entitled anarchists who willingly came to a country just to subvert its social order according to their own beliefs, and, after having enjoyed the economical benefits that the USA offered them, when WW1 broke out they chose not to serve the country that had given said opportunities and instead fled away to avoid being enrolled, just to come back later asking for gibs. They were the epithome of the arrogant subhuman immigrant/invader and frying those faggots (should have flayed them alive to make an example imho) was the one of best things burgers have ever done in history, and this is coming from somebody who hates the USA
Hudson Bell
The main difference is that back then americans had the balls to lynch us just for fun, now all they do is suck mexican cock