This is a Japanese language learning thread for people interested in anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games. Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
how much do i need to understand to join in the [spoiler]beginner[/spoiler] book club?
Nolan Garcia
Oliver Carter
[spoiler]perfect, that's how much i know[/spoiler]
William James
Yeah I see that, daddy gave you good advice
Tyler Ortiz
押忍 Just wanted to drop a post letting anons know that the 冗長化/backup link on the itazuraneko site is being removed from the top navigation bar and being added to the bottom right hand corner of the main page. In place of that there is a new section for various useful language related things. The pages are being changed over at the moment to reflect this and the backup link (then/now) on the main page will be updated. Probably worth a mention in case anyone thought the mega backup was being removed altogether. The new section (補論/misc.) has a page covering differences between similar words, taken from a website which I've used a few times but felt irritated by the lack of an easy to check full reference. It is entirely in Japanese and can be found here:
There are three main other areas which are going to be slowly added and worked on over time: 漢字、用語 and 方言. Essentially things I find useful but end up frustrated with the lack of a more centralised, accessible reference. Needless to say, the site is always open to feedback. This was going to be a bog standard entry on the 日誌/updates page on the site and still is but I thought it may have some value being posted in the thread directly.
More on topic, how many anons are taking part in the Book Club? How do you find the book/study group you have chosen to be apart of?
I have an incredibly hard time remembering things, as in, I forget a word by the one minute interval in anki. Part of it is caused by medication bc >depressed
How can I improve my memory? I've been brute forcing it in anki but I'm having such a hard time.
Thomas Hughes
If all the eroge in the world isn't worth dying for I don't know what is
Caleb Nelson
Elijah Moore
Jaxson Adams
Sort out your emotions and problems first, I'd say.
Lincoln Brown
Grow some balls faggot
Samuel Hernandez
Sleep about 10 more hours per day, and do your reps when you wake up.
Justin Myers
I've tried for 10 years, been hospitalized, through inpatient treatment for an ED, tried about 15 different meds...this med actually has some effect, which is why I'm still taking it despite side effects
[Spoiler] I'm grill [/spoiler]
Sage advice
Levi Anderson
Get a surgery and become a man?
Justin Cook
google translateを使用すると何も問題ありません
Isaac Foster
Seeing how you're already such a mess and also depending on how much time and effort you've already poured into learning moonrunes, you should maybe just give it a rest and quit.
Jordan Evans
are you reading anything? because anki is just the supplement to learning, not a replacement
Gavin Johnson
Use mnemonics? My memory is phenomenally bad to the point that I often forget my exact age and still don't know the order of the months but I still get 90% retention in Anki thanks to mnemonics.
Eli Hall
I never remember my stupid meme stories and then just bruteforce it anyway
Brody Garcia
>I'm grill Become my GF and I'll get you to N1 level in a year.
Zachary Gomez
mnemonics are an initial tool to help you over those short term memory lapses. the same way flash cards are a tool to help you get comprehensible exposure.
don't treat them as a test you have to pass. if some words don't stick just take the extra practice from seeing something again and again. It is vital to actually go and practice reading the language elsewhere as fast as possible though cause it will vastly help to contextualize stuff and then even the stuff you can't remember from a flash card will stick.
Levi Jackson
I'm actually going to study in japan for a year, so quitting isn't really an option
I'm going through grammar books atm, but maybe I should start reading and mining. I thought I would try to get a solid grasp on grammar and finish the core 2k deck before I started reading.
The core deck is good, I like the audio and all, but I'm just wondering why I need to learn words like 政策、改革、etc in my first 2k
John Carter
Nayrt, but do you have an example of a mnemonic you use? Is it in conjunction with radicals?
Nicholas Cooper
literally any connection I am making and I'm not using radicals. For some things I got wrong so often the mnemonic might become something along the line of "the thing I did wrong in such and such a way 10 times".
I don't try to make elaborate stories out of stuff. Usually if I have encountered a word in a real context elsewhere (or better yet multiple times) that connection is already enough to trigger the memory.
Christian Gray
>I'm just wondering why I need to learn words like 政策、改革、etc in my first 2k because the list was made from word frequency in newspapers as far as I know
>I thought I would try to get a solid grasp on grammar and finish the core 2k deck before I started reading usually it isn't a bad idea, but if you feel like you're hitting a wall with anki you might go to reading/mining a bit earlier it's harder at first maybe, but reading something you actually want to read is much more rewarding than just anki droning, plus you'll remember words easier with actual context behind them
For someone with limited/no access to the internet at work (6-8 months/year), are core 2k/6k and Tae Kim enough for a complete beginner?
Logan Price
>are core 2k/6k and Tae Kim enough for a complete beginner? Yes as long as you take along with you something to actually read. Tae kim is a game wiki but you didn't bring the game
Justin Collins
>More on topic, how many anons are taking part in the Book Club? How do you find the book/study group you have chosen to be apart of?
I like it, will be pressed for finishing the chapter this week but I'll do it alright. I like it, because it feels like something I should do and forces me to read something I might not otherwise read. I don't even know if others are reading though.
How far are you? I'm just at the beginning of two. I don't entirely understand what happened at the end of the first chapter but I'm thinking that something will click later on. I was thinking about posting a summary of what I thought happened but I wanted other anons to have a chance to read a bit first.
Jackson Evans
sometimes, to practice my accent, since i'm too chickenshit to actually talk to japanese people
Joseph Price
There is some data to support trusting the memory of your own voice above others However I'd only bother with troublesome phrases and passages that require some kind of tonal passive/aggressiveness to be better understood since as you say, it slows you down. Also you look like a tool
Christian White
I do it sometimes. Doesn't seem to help much. Should have actual conversations instead. The only problem is that it's quite stressful.
Alexander Powell
>too chickenshit to actually talk to japanese people >The only problem is that it's quite stressful. Yeah that's the biggest brick wall I think. Can read all I want when I want but forget it all when it's actually necessary. It also gives me the illusion that I can actually speak.
Ayden Taylor
The reason people who are decent at reading have problems speaking is that most of their vocabulary is passive. The same phenomenon probably happens in your native language to a lesser extent, you just don't notice it. This is why it is necessary to practice conversations separately.
Robert Hall
Sorry I'm stupid, but what do you mean by passive? Like, the passive forms of verbs, or a passive way of speaking? Because I read a lot in my native language and I've recently noticed that I tend to speak in a longwinded manner with soft language vs a more direct way of expressing myself
Adrian Lee
"passive vocabulary" is not a hard concept
Easton Gutierrez
passive as in you understand the word when you see it but you wouldn't be able to think of it when forming a sentence.
>家族を守る為なら, 悪にでもクソにでもなってやるよ How harshly is this actually phrased? He's basically saying he can be evil to protect his family, but is クソ actual profanity or just like damn in English?
Henry Peterson
A vague meaning. The writer may specify it in the latter part of the story. But it sounds the latter depending that text only.
Jaxon White
> Is this a really overdone accent, or do people really speak like that? It sounds cute, but it also sounds like Chinese to me.
the idea is nice and all, but it's also sort of pointless tbph
Ethan Collins
If I search for these accents, I can find videos of people using the contractions and dialectal word substitutions, but nothing has been as sing-songy as that.
I would see the point more if people were to discuss the meaning of passages that are not obvious or whatever. But it's either too low level or everyone who's stuck with something can take care of it on their own I guess.
Jason Sullivan
fuck it, fuck Japanese, I'm gonna start learning Chinese