Why are there no taco restaurants in Europe?

Why are there no taco restaurants in Europe?

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Fug,i need muslims in my country

No, you don't.


Falafels and arab sweets > Kebab


pierogi > taco

This t.bh

tacos sucks you can't even eat it without it breaking apart
kebab > taco

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Because Taco Friday.

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Hard shell tacos are not real tacos


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Is Hesburger a thing in Estonia? I thought it only existed in Finland.

There is, it's a chain called Los Tacos
Still kebab >>>>>>>>>> taco


No diaspora, we only migrate to the US because it's right there. Europe is for Arabs, niggers and South American monkeys.

Well, there are mexican restaurants here that obviously make tacos...

Is it just a finnish mcdonalds?

we have lots of mexican eateries

>just found out that there is a burrito eatery in my town
>this "burrito" is just kebab with peppers instead of cabbage

cabbage on a kebab?
raw or cooked?

Really? But the live isn't expensive there?


Tex-""mex"" barely count. Not even amerisharts have many Mexican food, most are Chicano shit were they serve taquitous and chimichangas and shit like that.

Tell me about kebabs in your country.

well they're usually on a naan bread (or pitta at some places) and you get either chicken, lamb, seekh kebabs or donner, and you tend to get some "salad" which is usually just lettuce and tomatoes with the occasional bit of cucumber, and then it gets drizzled in some sauce
oh and sometimes they throw in a whole pickled chili

Don't they have chipotle in Europe?

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It's all over the Baltics. Even in NW Russia there are some franchises.

Here it's on a lavash, meat can be any, even pork if the cook is a christian, raw cabbages, tomatoes and cucumbers, sometimes onions, very spicy sour cream sauce.

Way too hard to get a kebab here.

I found a supposedly real Mexican™ restaurant in my city and tacos are ok but I don't get the american hype.

Agreed. Kebabs are glorious greasy goodness.

We don't have every shitty US chain.

Only a few of them.

Some countries do

I wish we had more European chains here

>European chains
Still thinking.

Like what? The only one we have here are McDonalds and Burger King

Europeans don't have a culture of mass produced fast food

Literally all I can think of are Nordsee and Hesburger, and Hesburger is just another burger chain. Not even Nando's is European. Europe doesn't run on chains.


Tried Nordsee in Zurich once and wasnt bad. Well in the UK there are quite a bit. And portugal has some too like Mr Frango.

>these flags
I'm not surprised my mohammedian friends. How are the gibsmedats in each of the countries you have migrated to?

You've never been to the UK then.

yes, taco bell and chipotle

Yeah. Living in Germany? Quite cheap compared to the rest of the EU. (especially compared to the salary)

Not sure. When ever I go there I eat a burger or some spare ribs .

probably can't compete with kebab

Have you even tasted kebab? It's very good, especially when you're drunk. Definitely the best thing immigrants have given us

It's actually pretty shitty to be honest if yours is anything like ours. The bread is hard and crusty, the meat is vile, there's too much kraut in it, the sauces are weird, too. The only way to redeem a döner kebab is to order chicken with all salad no kraut in a dürüm roll.

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Yes I had it in the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany. It's nothing special, I don't understand the fascination with it.
European food must have really sucked if you all go crazy over some mediocre turkish food.
Then again the places where I saw the least of it were Spain and Italy, and thankfully those places have always had a proud culinary tradition and kebab has not infiltrated as much.

>it tastes good when drunk
That's not a good argument. Almost any crap tastes good when you're drunk. In the town where I went to college the most popular food cart sold hotdogs with cream, pineapple, and potato chips. No one ate that shit sober.
In the city where I was born there is a pizzeria that only opens at night when people are roaming the bars. The place is not popular at all to actually go eat there during the day but it is one of the most iconic places at night- it's usually packed to the brim.

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What? Maybe you should go and find another Kebab shop, mate.
The range is really big from meat that looks like dogfood drenched in basic salad sauce to actually decent meat in self made bread with a good garlic sauce.

I really only had 2 kebabs in my life that were relly shitty. Funny enough one of them was in Berlin.

I've found a place recently that makes really tasty falafel döner.

Wrapped in bacon, grilled in a pan and garnished with salsa sauce and grated cheese hot dog master race.

>It's nothing special
Get it when you're drunk at 4am faggot

>European food must have really sucked if you all go crazy over some mediocre turkish food.

Kebab is not really food but street food.
Before there was just not much to choose from. Basically only Currywurst (which is actually pretty good but not that great when totally drunk - which is the norm when eating kebab) or McDonalds burgers.

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My city has a Taco Bell

i love how europeans are completely fine with millions of muslims pouring into their countries just so they can stuff their pig faces with their food

Can you not read achmed?

Get kapsalon lmao.
It's a mixture of everything basically including fries too
Well considering your taste buds don't feel anything anymore from eating too much sugary shit every day for the past 20 years I am not surprised.

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Surprisingly, German food wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, especially the sausages. Irish food is still horrendous though.

at least they're not mexicans

>Well considering your taste buds don't feel anything anymore from eating too much sugary shit every day for the past 20 years I am not surprised.
Listen Achmed, I know the only thing you people have to be proud about is this greasy dog-tier "food", but you shouldn't get so upset when someone doesn't like it as much as you.

Kebab quality varies a lot between shops. The one I go to make really good kebabs.
Norwegian food sucks. It's either bland or disgusting.
Kebab is also basically the only street food you can get here

Ok Abdul.

Ok Juanito.

>Greasy dog tier food
>Not knowing of boerenkool with Dutch sausage or knowing of poffertjes

I feel sorry for you

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How are the arabs in europe? In the US theyre niggers with different skin

Wtf is that? Are you some fucking brazilian diaspora or something?

You can have ours, Texas, we'll buy oil in return.

about the same here
whatever Gonzalez

Do you have some sort of learning disability or do you not know how to read a complete sentence? We are talking about Kebab here you retard, we're not talking about Dutch food. You are a literal retard.

>These fags haven't had poutine yet

>Getting this upset about some bored person trying to piss of a burger

Worked very well I think

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Ok Abdul Mohammed Khan. You're late for the Isha'a.

> I-I-I was just pretending guys
>trolled successfully xd

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You're a very unpleasant person to be around aren't you? Is that why you don't have many friends besides the internet people who talk to you sometime?

t. Sandnigger

Get going Pedro de la Bordera Hoppinos, that lawn won't mow itself

Mexicans only immigrant to countries they can go to illegally and avoid taxes in. Takes too much work and planning to legitimately immigrate somewhere else

He's probably some Muslim diaspora using a VPN or some wannabe Eurocuck who thinks kebab is actually good. I lean towards the former seeing as he called you a jew here:
That's how these muslims operate.

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And you think all the muslims in Europe are there legally you fucking idiot?

>greasy dog-tier "food"
So what do you consider American food?

stupid mexican

It's not great but better than kebab. I'll take a good North Carolina or even Texas bbq over your turkish food.

ITT chicanos vs muhammads

Most of them are though, we imported them in the 60s/70s for manual labour jobs.
It's FAST food not normal food we eat at a normal dinner Jesus. Compare it to McDonald's.

Hey man, Norway straight up invented taco. The whole country has taco on Fridays, and we make it ourselves.

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To me it sounds like those two foods are only available in 2 of the 52 states and not like something you can find in every corner, and probably expensive too.
Can you buy those at 4 AM?

Hell no, at least our immigrants work.

Based AMERICAN putting MUSLIMS in their place

that actually looks pretty good.
>Most of them are though, we imported them in the 60s/70s for manual labour jobs.
That's true in the netherlands but not in other places like France, the UK, or Germany. A sizeable minority are illegal.

there are both at Spain in the main cities, taco restaurants and kebab as well.

You can get decent bbq at take out restaurants that are quick, but not necessarily fast food like McDonalds. It depends where you live though.
I lived in Washington D.C. for a while and that place had amazing food at any time of the day.

I have been to Vegas last year and have seen nothing like that. Only places like McDonalds and Subway were open at midnight

I love kebab and I'm a proud Chicano let's all be friends :)

You think mexicans are going to drive to europe my dude?