Do you love Portugal?

Do you love Portugal?

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I want to be a portuguese translator and maybe help with dubbing and localization of media.

Attached: Untiaaaaaaatled.png (376x455, 178K)

Suebi people love people and are noble

Post boipussi

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Yes, but only on a Wednesday


Why do you like us

Portugal nice country

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The people, lisbon, allies, bacalhau, gup posters, nandos, the list goes on.

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good food, nice places and there are still some places without bongs


Attached: portugal_0560e-wom.jpg (1080x1236, 211K)

and I love Girls und Panzer too!

Attached: hungry Katyusha.png (1280x720, 669K)

I know you do, and I love it.

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very based post and very good taste in anime

Attached: katyusha tea and Darjeeling.jpg (701x1000, 90K)

Based poor quality underwear poster.

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don't say that
my underwear is the greatest underwear in history, maybe ever

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Wow. I'll get some.

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>you'll never be sent to an alternate universe where they are changing St. Gloriana's to a mixed school
>you'll never be the very first male student introduced to the student body
>you'll never be fussed over by hundreds of girls who have never been around boys for years

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>a men joining Sensha-do
>a sport designed to make girls into good wives
whatever floats your boat man

Attached: Darjeeling feels Maho's banana.jpg (571x800, 264K)

nothing stopping me from both driving and flying

It would be a better place without weeboids