Putin said to Habib: "If need be we all will jump so hard they will not find themselves
Russia Putin
Aren't Dagis a bunch of goatfuckers?
Their cities 3 times older than your country
what is the relation between Ingush, Dagestani and Chechens?
They trying to be calm but this is not always possible
Right now there is meetings in Ingushetia because of Chechnya trying to get some territories
Are you sure about that, Habib? Didn't the Soviet army teach you about how we kicked your teeth out?
I'm sorry, I meant in terms of culture and history. All 3 are mountain dwellers, right?
But are they goat fuckers, though?
There is nothing common with you kicked our teeth and Dagestan has cities that 3000 years old
Why is Putin so based?
>Didn't the Soviet army teach you about how we kicked your teeth out?
Elaborate, please
He is russian 2ch troll under proxy don't pay attention to him
Ask for forgiveness
It's true. Dagestan has an older history than pretty much any country in Europe, except maybe Greece and Italy
>If need be we all will jump so hard they will not find themselves
I truly don't understand what this means, please explain
Ingushs close to chechens (similar language and so on)
Dagestani close to Irani but there is 17 nationalities in Dagestan or something
I see, thanks
Zhi est bratuha
Have you watched the fight?
Habib jumped on the one of McGregors trainers over cage
People forget what the mongols did to these guys
>cage fighting
"""Western partners"""
this, also
>believing televised fights aren't staged
doesn't means they can't fuck goats
t. wwe fan
If it will be needed, we all will jump so hard, they will not find themselves after this.
Russian delusions are so cringy. When will you get over the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed
We are not the same as in 1993
Yeah back then you still had other industries than just extracting raw materials. Fact of the matter is that you can't be a super power if the economy is banana tier.
How do you read all these russian moonroones, huh Mikola?
I didn't but if you're smart enough (like me)you will know what it's about :^)
Finns are still butthurt I see.
Come on now...
Butthurt about what? I would be butthurt if my government rather spend money on useless power tripping than improving the country. Maybe the reality will hit them soon enough. Rising the retirement age is just what coming if unless they're not the ultimate sheepie NPCs
I'm not sure what you mean. I took few courses of Russian in high school but that was a long time ago and forgot most of the stuff.
Your picture is 100% right
But behind this shabby walls far far inside of siberian woods locate intercontinental nuclear missiles, su-57 that ready to repel attack