We live in fucking scary times

We live in fucking scary times
>Chinese chief of Interpol goes missing
>Saudi journalist with bad government ties goes missing in Turkey
>Russian journalists disappearing

It feels like we are back to a pre-1945 world again.

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That's literally what happens whole the time


Sometimes, one of my testicles recedes back a bit and it feels like it's disappeared too.

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what do you think about the saudi dude being killed?

I want a Turkey-Saudi war lol


turkey and s arabia dont have border ya pinhead

>all people called to testify in the PP corruption scandal mysteriously die of accidents before the trial
Spanish "democracy" at work

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did you just read that bbc article
that's what proxy wars and terrorist groups are for ;3


That just means the world is once again pregnant with possibility.

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I think at this point it has been shown that you don’t need to border a country to war with them.

>Chinese chief of Interpol goes missing
Nah, he's being debriefed.


>the west slowly realizes all the "arguments" against the Muslim Brotherhood were fake news and nonsense from Israel and Saudi

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Fucking slut

pretty gay

Great power conflict is coming back. Add that to climate change and we're in deep shit.

>>Russian journalists disappearing
killing journalists and human rights activists been part of our culture for almost 3 decades, it came as replacement of punitive psychiatry

why you turks love coffee so much

sorry but the turks prefer chay, therefore you're a true turk

forgot a map

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t. spic subhuman

t. albanian subhuman

t. oil wrestler

stfu he is turk subhuman us albanians are superhuman

t. discount arab subhuman

Turk subhuman thots can't even use google translator lol

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>be mexican subhuman
>richest guy in your country is lebanese arab

oh no no no

Your economy just feel victim to trumponomics too.

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>be turk subhuman
>look arab, have arab name, have arab religion, have arab food
>can't even properly (you) other anons


>everybody calls him "khabib"
>"h" in "habib" couldn't be softer

What am I looking at?

This is the future you chose

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And it's based.

>Russia’s deadly secret weapons REVEALED - and Putin has combat ROBOTS

what's based about it

atleast arabs build civilisation and empire from central asia to spain

Based. Hopefully gundams become real.

Humanity only grows with conflict. We have been stagnant for far too long. Nature calls for blood.

how is any of this bad or scary?
authoritarian shitholes gonna authoritarian shithole
who cares? Are you a chink or something?

If they were Chinese why would they care about it?

maybe hes a journalist abroad

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Losing the head of Interpol effects everyone, not just the Chinese.
That fact that he vanishes while in China just makes things more suspicious.

The lesson here is that these organizations shouldn't hire people irresponsible enough to place themselves in such a situation
china kidnapping people - even from other countries - is not a new thing. its a country that unironically places expat journalist's families in prison to bring back journos who talk shit about it.

He was a card carrying member of the CCP though and it was the Chinese who got him appointed in the first place.