>America doesn't have kinder surprises
Eat my ass, euros
America doesn't have kinder surprises
the ban on kinder eggs was lifted a few years ago but they keep the memes going because its an Jow Forums tradition now
it's not the same product
No one cares. The damage is done.
Brainlet here, I almost choked on one
kinder joy != kinder surprise
>different product
Eat ass-like Kinder eggs, Murricans
reported to the ATF
nothing personel kiddo
Holy fuck it's not even a kinder suprise lol. Half the package is a candy half is a toy. They had to dumb it down and put the toy outside the cover half the case in a warning.
>kinder joy
>Americans literally get dumbed down food
I work at CVS and had a lady get mad at me cause I couldn't tell her what the toy inside was
1/10 thats the wrong one dumbass, those are shit.
These are the proper ones.
I should be able to get the non-joy in Mexico, right?
What kind of junk do they contain again?
could be anything really, depends on the season. sometimes there are events and the eggs have limited edition toys
one time when i was a kid i bought two eggs, got doraemon in one and his sister dorami in the other
are they as good as Cadbury eggs?
what is with CVS and autists
Never heard of Kinder Joy. Is it just the same shit without the toys?
Read the package dummy
I bought one once. Actual Kinde Surprise are still banned. Those are gross
Are Kinder Suprises even any good? Ive only ever had Kinder Bueno, which was pretty good
They are good. Not for the price though.
Did American kids actually die from them or were Americans just being ridiculously overdramatic? I don't know which would be funnier
The reason is American law just says you can't put inedible things inside food.
"Inedible" is notional, you could eat anything if you tried
>Kinder goy
>Same as Kinder Surprise
Just buy kinder maxi it's essentially kinder surprise without the toy or lack of eadible parts
kinder joy != kinder surprise
why are your kinder eggs wrapped in some weird cancer plastic instead of just wrapped in foil...
also wtf @ that warning label. how retarded are mutts
wrong egg Alejandro
Do you eat it with a spoon?
Can you buy a whole chicken with its bones?
Be careful amerimutt you may choke don't be stupid and put that down
yes, they taste terrible
lol what a a joke
Not if you're older than 10 years old. They were fun when we were kids because of the surprises they contain
Amerilards eat the bones lmao
What is that shit?
looks like dog shit covered with cum.
This law also predates the creation of the kinder egg.
Malaysia also have the same kinder joy as americans. Why are you getting butthurt over some chocolate that's been modified ? You're not 12 years old are you?
i used to buy 1 a day when i was a kid, but just for the surprise. i threw away the chocolate.
I see them all the time at walmart. Where did this meme come from?