What do you think about Natalya?

What do you think about Natalya?

Also post rare Natalyas

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she's crazy
lack of sex made her insane
she needs a black bull to fuck her on daily basis so she can forget about r*Ligion and dead shitty monarchs

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She is literal white-russian tier?

>so she can forget about r*Ligion
The Orthodox Church is beautiful you fucking commie

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she sippcum?

She only loves the Tsar

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I'd enslave her and sell her to turks.

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yeah I'm surprised she didn't show on russian march cringefest yet wielding cuck tsar portrait
yes I fucking love churches full of gold and priests driving BMW's(while being drunk) gifted by mafia and oligarchs dog bless

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Sel her to meee

WTF is this true?

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Pic related?

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How much gold you can give me for her?

When she is Tsaritsa, she will enslave you :)

Have you ever seen her talk? Looks weird because of the paralysis.

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She is nuts

Why don't you like her?

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More than turks can for sure

*giving you blank check*

She is corrupted

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Mad with brain orthodoxy. She is cute but stupid.



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Thats why outsiders like her

What's wrong with orthodoxy?

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>go on wikipedia
>party: united russia

All other parties are a joke

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Strawberryman is based tho


*branches of "united russia"

Sexy traitor

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You don't vote for Putin?

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She is literally th onlu deputy in "United Russia" that have voted against the raising of the age of retirement

She knows.

She smart.

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she'll be a good mum. liberal mums are terrible obnoxious beings.

Do liberals even exist in India?

you have no idea m8.. Indians literally lap up American shit including the liberal propaganda.

traitor whore, single mother who like to be beaten up, you can see it in her eyes and face how she got beat by some bydlo and enjoyed it

You realize Crimea is rightful Russian clay, right? She always considered herself Russian. She didn't betray shit.

I see her more as the dominant type.
They are both hot anyway.

>traitor whore
that's Ukraine itself.
Crimea never was Ukrainian, it was an autonomous republic with a passionate hate towads hohols.

what's up with Hungarian language lessons in Ukraine today btw? :^)

then why didnt she fuck off to russia and why did she accepted an office in the ukr military? this is some espionage tier shit and it would and should be considered treason, you would mind if some chinese deputy suddenly declared wellington chinese clay, stupid anglocuck

Wellington is not Chinese clay though. Crimea is Russian clay, it always has been and always will be. They even had a fucking referendum

>why did she accepted an office in the ukr military
>ukr military
>implying she was in the ukr military
western media brainwashing, ladies and gentlemens

none of your business dumb orc

But Wellington never was Chinese, meanwhille Crimea was Russian since the 1700's. The whole south Ukraine was desu.

>t. delusional hohol with a dual citizenship
Ukraine is a divided failed state. Since 1991, Ukraine lost 11 millions of people, they're all emigrated.

114%, go back to russia if you love it so much

I'm not Russian. I'm an anglo new zealander. It's just you have to be dumb as bricks to think Crimea should be part of Ukraine.

i am ethnic hungarian, i dont like ukraine but i hate you vermin much much more

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>allied with Hitler
>got btfo
>got communismed afterwards
>REEEE whyyyy

Why did you do that? Why Hungarian soldiers were such shit compared to Germans?

>russian asslicker calling anyone dumb

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>meanwhille Crimea was Russian since the 1700's
as well as every fucking ex-USSR cunt, Finland, half of the Poland, parts of Romania, Mongolia and China

the argument "back in the past it was our clay" justifies nothing

your country is a russian asslicker, turk.
your government act like they're controlled by Russia (i mean, all that shit with Ukraine and immigrants and gas and shiet)

to make russians suffer, we live better than you crocodile prototypes so its all according to plan

They considered themselves Russian and wanted to be part of Russia. So why should they be part of Ukraine?

>Finland, half of the Poland, parts of Romania, Mongolia and China

All of them had their own actual states back in then.
But Crimea was just a khanate (which one also caused a lot of troubles to Russia before they got btfo), a vassal state of the eternal enemy of christianity, Osmans.

>They considered themselves Russian
who wouldnt with all these masked russian soldiers wielding AK-74 arround?

>we live better than you
That's because you're EU welfare nigger. (back in soviet times you was a soviet welfare nigger btw)
What are you gonna do without them?

the EU isnt going anywhere unlike russian population hehehehe

>all these masked russian soldiers wielding AK-74 arround?
This one? Oh yep scary occupants lmao

Crimea has become Ukrainian after Khrushev went full retard mode in 1954 and you know it.

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this is getting gay

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It's not like the West can stop them either way. You could be next and what are we going to do?

How do you say WHORE in russian?

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I didn't realize eastern europe had such big salt deposits

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>unlike russian population
Atilla, I...
>EU isnt going anywhere
I won't be that sure. Brexit, the rise of right-wing populism, m-muh fuck the Brussels and so on.
You didn't answer btw:
>right now you're EU welfare nigger, but what are you gonna do without them?

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>please ivan throw me off the stairs again i love it so much

That looks so cozy

Eastern Europe is a vast place, lots of resource.

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Do you think she's scary when she's doing her job?


elmao yea norway too is in such bad shape, whatever happens we will be better off than you orcish niggers

fast talker, Russian mom, I wouldn't fuck with her.

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Are you underage? Or just dumb? That pic was an answer to your
>russian population desu
We're in the same boat with that shit.
>norway too is in such bad shape
Not yet, but it will. Look at the fertility rates among immigrants and ethnic Notwegians. Simple math. Do you have math in schools?
So don't pretend Europe will be the same in the 100 years.

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meme photos with random pedestrians mean nothing.
where are all these jolly selfies of russian soldiers with local police, military and administration?

there are russian bases on our clay already. no one is going to invade us. putin and his oligarchs need 'independant' Belarus for refining crude oil schemes

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Yeah, Belarus has always been Russia's bottom bitch desu.

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How is she 38? She looks 22.

No she doesn't, look at her neck. Always the first sign of aging.

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she does look fucking cute though.
Ignore the watermarks.

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b-beautiful feet, desu

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she is retarded

no you

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i dont care, less russian vermin is always good, im older than you and you will perish

>local police
Appointed by Kiev
Appointed by Kiev
Uh, the one which voted for the referendum and called Russia for help? Damn dude you're really ignorant about things. Crimea was an autonomous region of Ukraine, and administration there was pro-Russian all the time. (and they wuz elected by the locals btw, you know how an election process works right?)

Why won't you make a trip to Crimea and ask locals if they want to stay with Russia or Ukraine?

Why do all you Russkies hate her so much? It must be true that you don't have souls.

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