kek, dumb ruskies cant even into space
Kek, dumb ruskies cant even into space
kek, dumb roosians
the last time soyuz had a launch mishap was before the iss era, before the 2 space shuttle disasters
think about it
who can into space currently? chinese?
they are not allowed on the iss
americans don't like them
Just read news that russian cosmonaut shit his pants because he was so scared.
>dumb Ruskies
More successful than you Nicolas
based, fuck the yellow insects
My second name is Nicolás, is that a common Polish name?
>Russian technology
Stop being retarded. Russia launches more objects into space than any other country
>Something goes wrong on space ship
>Die horribly in a ball of fire
>Something goes wrong on space ship
>Crew survives and lands safely
At least they're space program isn't crippled as shit. We can't even get to the ISS ourselves.
>Sucessfully accomplish abort maneuver
Unlike Poland Russia actually has a space program
Russian technology is shit. China should join with the USA to send people to space.
>Russian technology is shit
AFAIK yanks still use Russian engines on their rockets
It's so-yuz not soiyuz
100% Soy
only russia