Most popular cartoon character from each European country.
How many of them you can recognize?
Most popular cartoon character from each European country
Other urls found in this thread:
is that mole from Czechia?
>not spurdo
pingu is swiss ?
yes it's based krtek
Who is that guy from Hungary?
What the fuck is that in spain.
Is polandball really that popular in Poland?
Kuifje (Tin-tin)
Pipi Langkous (Don't know the English or Swedish name)
That Czech mole
Wallace and Grommet
Don't know the name of the Finnish purple blob, but do recognise it
And Pingu of course, didn't see him at first
9. Well, yшпpe if you count Wolf and Hare as one.
Also what the fuck is Polandball doing there? It's a dumb joke, right?
wallace and gromit is unironically the best kids show i ever watched
they don't make em like they used to no more
quality production
When you think about it, Wolf and Hare is probably the most pedo shit out there
Wait she's called pippi in other languages??
She's called bilbi here haha
Spain should be Mort & Phil, David the Gnome or Pocoyo
Poland had based doggy and shitty Bolek and Lelek
Basado D'Artacán.
Fifi Brindacier here
>Most popular cartoon character from each European country.
Where is Bolek i Lolek or Reksio
Hare is how my ideal bf looks like
>Where is Bolek
on s'en balek
>Bolek i Lolek
watched em sitting in my shitty appartament commieblack in Izhevsk back in 2000
thx polan
no, it's not!
A schoolboy in uniform?
Well, new are characters from Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Nederlads,Germany, Hungaria, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Ex-Yugoslavia. All other i know.
> "people" who don't recognise D'Artacán are posting on Jow Forums right now
It's Peppi you ignorant fools
drop the proxy
Based. What kind of accent did they give him in Sweden though
Alfred Jodokus Kwak, the Dutch cartoon, was full of anti-racist themes and such. The whole story was about acceptance and hiding the black duck gf from the evil crow who hates all non birds.
Hy, пoгoди! Was quite popular here as well, even in post commie times. I remember watching it despite having Cartoon Network.
I was born in 2000 and grew up to other things like the series in Xabarin Club with the Galician dub, Heidi, David the Gnome, Pingu, Asterix, lots and fucking lots of Doraemon in spanish too. I just didn't know about D'Artacan, it's 20 years older than I am.
>I was born in 2000
zoomers have literally arrived on Jow Forums
I've been here since a few years now. Some underage posters eventually make it to 18 you know.
He was voiced by actor Claes Månsson, so he's got a Gothenburg accent. It's like a friendly, working-class kind of dialect without sounding intellectually bereft.
>Walt Disney's Pinocchio
Wallace and Grommet
Tin Tin
Those are the only ones I knew of before Jow Forums.
>finland isn't moomins
it is
It is a character from moomins.
Non ruskie
what a retard
I watched this in mexican tv (Canal Once)
Not a proxy, I'm in the US.
I am 30 and I know about it (Dartcan)
Dogtanian was massively popular all over Europe in boomer times iirc, more than David the gnome and definitively a lot more than the cartoon version of Mortadelo/Mirt and Phil/Clever and Smart. You have a point with Pocoyo.
Hi. Do you use Whatsapp?
I can name:
>Mörkö (Don't understand why they chose this as a picture instead of some more common character from the Moomins.)
>Alfred J. Kwak
Recognize but can't name:
>The UK
>Czech Republic
Oh also David the Gnome for Spain and Smurfs for France were more popular here.
>Alfred J. Kwak
Is he a Donald Duck ripoff?
Aw nice that's essentially him in Englis, although he is a bit of a buffoon
is this a mutt or pure Italian on the pic
just asking
WTF it wasn't.
If you mean cartoon tv characters, Dartacan is an obscure nobody compared to Oliver y Benji, basado Espinete or even fucking Vicky el Vikingo.
If we go by cartoon characters in general nothing beats Mortadelo y Filemon.
wait shit I actually thought that was an Italian flag
The Smurfs are Belgian like Tintin.
No not at all. The entire series has a storyline with character developments and every episode teaches a moral.
According to the writer a duck was chosen after he ran his car over one and wanted to write a story about said duck's adventures in the afterlife
No, I never actually watched it though.
I've just seen a lot of Finnish YouTube poop about the show.
Look for the dogtanian opening in different European languages in youtube, they're always full of European boomers jerking off to their childhood. Mortadelo is the most popular comic book character from Spain, but the cartoon itself wasn't that popular.
Its Mexico dear user
based france
based england
based belgium
based switzerland
cringing at everyone else
>wallace and gromit
>I was born in 2000
I apologise, that was stupid of me
There were there Asterix cartoons?
I thought it went straight from comics to live action movies.
We also have a duck cartoon; his name is Arne Anka (Anka means duck) and he's a cynical, middle-aged failed artist who lives in Stockholm and wastes his weekends and paychecks on chasing women who are far too young for him.
He's more of an overtly satirical take on Donald Duck though, who I should add is the most popular Disney figure in Sweden by far. Mickey Mouse is perceived as a self-righteous, "homegrown" besserwisser.
Portugal's cartoon looks like one of these low effort nickelodeon cartoons from the 90s
shame on you
>look for videos of the asterix cartoon movies
>the english dub gives the gauls a french accent
While I like Wallace & Grommet, I'd have thought ours would be something like the Tellitubbies or Bob the Builder.
Tabaluga is not the most famous one, it's Die Maus or Biene Maja
I recognize 5.
It's clearly Bamse.
Pippi? What is this, 1943? The choice was between Pippi, the Phantom and Adolf Hitler.
Why yes of course.
What's truly sadder, posting here before you're 18 or after?
pls post
Where are these guys?
it was translated on our TV in 90s
you don't know pippi longstocking?
where the fuck are you even from
because they're goddam french
French people don't speak english user, that's the point of dubbing things
'Gauls' are still french to us, we refer to them as the Gauls sometimes in a jokey way. Like calling Germans huns
Is the finnish one the purple dude of mcdonalds?
Tabaluga what a funny fucking word, can't stop laughing.
>Aarne ankka
BASED and redpilled, also didnt know that swedes too hated mickey, wtf i love swedes now!
Search for 'sinätuubapaska alfred j kwak'
This is the first result I got.
Peak finnish culture
This was actually even better, should've linked this. This is a classic.