religious fanatic italian regions vs secular and irreligious ones.
What do you think?
religious fanatic italian regions vs secular and irreligious ones.
What do you think?
Ave Maria.
the papal states truly lost their ways. RIP.
civil marriages vs church marriages in Italy
Based sardinian atheists
Civil Marriages in Italy
the key is missing one color
Gramsci was half arbëreshë (Albanian).
Why are S*rdinians so godless?
And? Marat was half sardinian and he's still a french politician, what matters is where you were born not if you're 100% 50% pure race bullshit
Abortion in Italy: conscientious objectors
The darkest colours = the highest number of doctors who refuse to practice abortion.
Women who use the combined oral contraceptive pill by italian region.
>Dat black in Northen Italy
Plastic schnitzels BTFO
>cosa succede in puglia? L'ospedale di padre pio non era in puglia?
Is it due to Byzantine herritage?
what's the point of mentioning he was born in sardinia
what's wrong with tyrol?
Legal separation per 10,000 inhabitants by region in Italy in 1995 (left) and 2012 (right)
>And? Marat was half sardinian and he's still a french politician, what matters is where you were born not if you're 100% 50% pure race bullshit
Based civic nationalist
Sardinia has
>highest amount of contraceptives usage
>low amount of church attendees
>high rate of civil marriages
>low rate of conscientious objectors
I don't get it, aren't they one of the most rural and isolated regions?
Tuscany is, again, the best
Suicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants in the italian regions in 2009
>I don't get it, aren't they one of the most rural and isolated regions?
And? No one is isolated in 2018 with airplanes and internet
What the fuck?
>And? No one is isolated in 2018 with airplanes and internet
Then all regions should be the same. These trends don't materialize themselves out of thin air.
Antidepressant use in Italy by region
Sardinians are just more cultured than other terroni
Are Sardinians terroni?
Sardinia has no cultural and historic relations with Southern Italy.
Terrone is a term with which the peasants of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies were called.
We still call them terroni desu
sardinians are just sardagnoli
No they’re Sardignoli
venetian mathematicians
Sardinians don't take care a fuck how mafia pizza mandolin men call them.
Marriage rate statistics in Italy
Darkest colours = more number of people who get married (women in the left map; men in the right one)
ITT: austrians are terroni in denial
Interesting, it looks coherent with the map of religious people.
Percentage of hospitals that perform the abortion by region in Italy.
Yellow= > 70%
red= < 30%