Risk Game

Ok I am hosting and playing if someone has an issue then don't play, I will be playing as England and claiming Red my map post, I will say "my roll" in the thread each turn for my roll

Attached: risk map.png (757x676, 240K)

Give me the TURKS



start in the swedish city
Baltic Empire

Also give me green for Islam

>i claimed red
fuck it i will be Blue then

Holy Roman Empire


The Graters

Green Greece

Italie Fascite

Russia fucked me up here.

I am England and I will be Pink then don't claim it

Brown, Spain

>im hosting and playing
but why

If you pick a colour that was already claimed I will ignore you, use your eyes

any color then

Changed my name while I am at it

I made a typo whoops, it should be
Italie Fasciste

Pick a new colour

I was the first one to pick green


No you weren't turkey was come on hurry up

Not quite

was first.


Map update

Attached: risk 2.png (757x676, 247K)

i think you forgot to fill tiles


Take land towards what I assume is either Aleppo or Damascus, the city in Syria.
If I'm not already surrounding Istanbul do that first.

Which one

We are starting with rolls fuck what it says on the map

I see no colors
roll to surround stockholm (and thus winning the city bonus). Spills to the baltic boat and then to the Russian city

fill southwards from top right corner

I begin in Switzerland and the surrounding area

Guys stop with these autistic names, put your name as your country listed on the map

sad but ok

Roll to fill out central Italy, spill into north and south.


Starting from now with your name changed to whats on the map roll

Alrighty then.

Based be my ally

is there room for one more?


I had hoped I can be the
but ok, expand in Germany

As I said I start in Switzerland and the surrounding areas

Fill the rest of Sweden and the baltic coast, I have a +2 bonus

If I haven't taken the Syrian city (and thus the +1, should be +2 with that and Istanbul), take it. If I take that, use the rest of my tiles to expand along the Black Sea coast towards the Caucasus

why are people rolling
where tf is the map

He just forgot it that time I think

this is next gen risk


Fill out central than norh Italy

420-D Risk

Why would you have +2, you only have Stockholm for +1

I rolled trips(worth 20t)and conquered stockholm plus the russian city that's near st petersburg


post the map
roll to fill the baltic coast, finland, sweden, poland, etc. Including denmark

Expand in Germany

If you didn't find a place here or want to play two games simultaneously you can join my (better) thread.

OP please just post the map

Post map lad. Keep expanding in Germany to fend off the sw*ss

Map update
I only included the people who actually ruled after I said, Baltic I skipped your turn because you are making up bonuses and fucked me up

Attached: risk 3.png (757x676, 249K)

Fill towards the ridge of the Caucasus for a comfy northeast border

Instead, conquer Istanbul.

fuck you, cunt
I rolled trips and that's enough to conquer those two cities considering how close they are

Im leaving this absolute rape of a game