>his country’s tallest mountain is less than 5km above sea
>his country’s tallest mountain is less than 5km above sea
>His country doesn't border every ocean
>his country doesn't have every type of landscape and biome on the planet
Bwahahaha, just imagine for a second lad : some countries are LANDLOCKED
We have the biggest amount of birds' species
Birds are extremely important
>His county doesn't have earthquakes.
If your country is constantly affected by natural disasters then that means God hates your country.
imagine ...
>Implying Muhammad>Earthquakes.
this is the famous yank banter...
Does the US have tundra?
Landlocked countries are non-countries.
do they not teach you about alaska over there?
Just a quick reminder that Croatians stole the entire Austro-Hungarian commercial fleet.
not everything is banter buddy, i'm just making fun of your shitty fucking nanny state country, learn the difference and then please fuck off you weird beady eyed cunt
your island doesn't even have forests LMAO
>His country doesn't have Haitians(Dominicans)
What part of France borders the Arctic Ocean?
Alaska bro
a bunch of irrelevant countries have dubious, useless claims to parts of antartctica and france is one of them
notice how we don't claim shit, we just work there in labs
Antarctica =/= the Arctic
Kerguelen islands
>american education
oh right, misread that
france does NOT border the arctic ocean hahahaha btfo
Bro we have every biome in one state
>his country doesn't have 4 seasons
>his education is worse than fucking south africa and brazil
And improving
My country pisses off god on purpose
I think a large % of Republicans want to exacerbate climate change and war to bring about the 2nd coming of the messiah
don't be rude to my fren
Did you know Colombia has B-I-R-D-S
the utter state of yankoid banter
That's the Indian ocean. You have nothing in the Arctic Ocean
>his country doesn't even border an ocean or sea
>his country doesn't border two oceans
Your's borders 3 retard
>Arctic ocean
Literally a meme ocean
My mountain is the highest in Europe
my nigger
Yes and?
I never said it didn't
Except for, tundra, tropical rain forest, artic, prairie, Savannah and many more
It does have a very large amount of biomes for one area though.
map forgot about the rainforest in the Olympics
Yes I agree, the Washington/BC region is peak landscape. You will be hard press to find better land anywhere in the world
imagine being proud of your country having nature and then hardly even visiting it
it doesn't matter if you've got natural beauty in your country if it isn't
>his """""""""""""""""""""""country""""""""""""""""""""""" less than 1000 years old
Question, does there exist a more cucked boarder than the Croatian/Bosnian boarder?
Answer no
Americans take their road trips very seriously, it's also a huge reason why we don't visit other countries often, we're too busy exploring our own
>21 Dec 1991
Oh my little leaf
A second type of tundra, called alpine tundra, exists on high-altitude mountaintops throughout the world. Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington is one example of alpine tundra.
>Rain forest
Not a biome idiot
>prairie and savanna
Both part of grasslands
>be leaf
>be retarded
It writes itself
Very beautiful
americans have like 4 minutes worth of days off a year, how do they have time to stare through a windscreen for days on end while on holiday?
I would love to do an iconic american RV road trip though, how much would it cost to do a road trip across the northerish bit (say oregon to maine) and how long would it take at a leisurely pace?
Nothing better than a comfy roadtrip with your bros
>he doesn't know about temperate rain forests, which also cross into Canada
I'll concede tundra and grasslands, but tropical and temperate rainforests are two very distinct biomes. Still very impressive
Any half decent job provides 2-6 weeks off a year. Just because it's not mandated by law it doesn't mean that companies won't provide it. It's a big selling point for companies and potential employees. Same goes for healthcare and dental.
I'm well aware of the temperate rainforests, which is why I specified tropical, which as I stated, are two very distinct biomes
>how much would it cost to go from Maine to Oregon?
It depends on your version of leisure travel. Probably somewhere between 2-5k, especially with a gas guzzling RV. That's cheaper than staying in hotels though.
>his mainland doesn't border two oceans
Tropical and temperate rainforests aren't separate biomes, but two different types of the same biome
Is actually love to go on a road trip in the US, the empty areas with long stretching roads for miles look comfy as hell.
Midlanders and Northerners are natural disasters, so there's that
I'd like to do it on a high-speed train.
Driving long distances like that gets tiresome and expensive.
I took a train from London up to North England once and it was fucking nice.
Depends on who you're asking, most biologists separate them
Puerto Rico also has rainforests
Well yeah, different animals and plants can be found in both biomes, but to everybody else, all they see is a rainforest. Both are wet, humid, and green
seething biomelet
>America doesn’t have tropical rainfore-
>his country doesn't have summer all year long
>His state doesn't have seasons
I would kill myself from the monotony, summers and winters wouldn't feel refreshing and special
We were talking about washington state senpai
I don't know why, but when I went there 9 years ago, I thought it didn't look all that different from some of the forests at home, despite being a rainforest. Maybe it's just the specific area I went to.
You can't stop and look at shit on a train though
>US has rainforests
oh I see, still road trips sound like a very big timesink for limited reward compared to more conventional holidays
>It depends on your version of leisure travel
eating similar shit to what I would normally instead of travel rations basically
anyways, thankyou for your reply
grim lad
train lines in the north are really quite nice, coming up north and seeing the hills rise up in the distance gives me life
>his country isn't mutted from multiple ethnic groups
Yeah damn. It was actually the yorkshire dales that made the trip nice. It was November and they were covered in snow.
But on the way the train stops in a bunch of little cozytowns.
Something I'd say is chart out where in advance you want to stop for the night if you're doing a cross-country road trip as a foreigner. You don't want to drive along in the middle of the night over an empty expanse with the closest town with a decent motel/hotel being 100 miles away.
Scroll up silly boy
>I was only pretending to be retarded
The PacNW is a temperate rainforest and some of their territories contain rainforest, maybe Hawaii too.
Hawaii is just one big tropical rainforest
Just like your mum's cunny then. Big, hot, moist, a favourite with travellers, and teeming with wildlife.