
Get in this new Risk thread, fuckers. To join reply with

Map doesnt state it, so I will now.
State NAP's and alliances in greentext, else I shan't count them. State
Upon breaking an NAP, you cannot attack each other for 1 turn.
Upon breaking an alliance, you cannot attack each other for 2 turns.

You keep track of your bonusses. If OP catches you cheating, you will be punished at OP's discretion. This may vary from losing your bonus for one turn (when you're cheating a little) to being erased from the game (e.g. when you state a +10 bonus for multiple turns).

I'll start in about 15 minutes, so hang on if I don't respond immediatly.

Attached: Risk setup 2 nerfed bonusses.png (4104x2680, 606K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Neo roman empire

Augustus Caesar
Saudi Arabia
Any colour


Czech Republic


Clan Tzimisce
Edgy Red

Im back nerds

Attached: Risk Map.png (4104x2680, 619K)

Fill Czech Republic spill Slovakia and Poland

this is me btw

Fill Syria, spill to lebanon and iraq

>Slovakian Revolt
my first move is to exterminate the Czech "people"

Fill Romania.

Disregard my bonus, btw. It's for another game.



Fill Saudi Arabia

Spills to those meme 1 bonus small countries, and egypt

Since I just died can you give me Kazakhstan as the Golden Horde

Do not allow the Bohemians to gain any bonus! This is a holy war!

Start in Iceland
Rapeland as name

Do you agree to become vampires in service to Clan Tzimisce?

All is cool

Attached: Risk Map.png (4104x2680, 630K)

Finish Romania.

Spills to Hungary.

Fill Kazakhstan spill Uzbekistan

Do I have a nuke?
How do nukes work in your game?

Fill meme states spills to egypt

fill iraq, spill to Anatolia


You rolled a 69, you have a nuke.
You nuke a territory, please be clear which one. That territory and all adjacent will be rampaged. Effects are described on the map.

Are territories connected by a sea route considered to be adjacent


No, that would not be logical.
Also, please roll.

5T spill

Moortugal, and the Neo Roman Empire still need to roll. They can use their roll next turn, else they shall be deleted.

Attached: Risk Map.png (4104x2680, 632K)

Finish Hungary. Spills to Bulgaria.


I nuke the Faroe Islands, aka the islands connecting Iceland to the rest of the world

Fill Uzbekistan spill Afghanistan

fill Poland

Fill into poortugal

>NAP with Saudi Arabia
Iraq, then anatolia

15T spill

Guys, please try to pay attention to the game.

Attached: Risk Map.png (4104x2680, 637K)

spawn in denmark, scandi caliphate will be my name and cyan will be my color.

Fill Afghanistan spill Pakistan


if i can roll, fill denmark and spill into sweden

Keep filling poland.

Also, if any of you are interested discord gg/298Fkzy < risk server




In that order.

Fill morocco

Use my spills to kill Romania

The rules state that nuked territories can be reclaimed for double cost. Are you sure you wish to proceed fishing?

Also, I haven't stated it before, but beelining isn't allowed. I'll allow a three territory wide bridge.

Attached: Risk Map.png (4104x2680, 642K)


fill sweden, spill norway.

Retake Hungary. Spills to Serbia.

What the hell, man? I literally don't want to bother you, fuck off.

We Rapelanders are simple people who just want to conduct a simple life of fishing
We keep fishing

Forgot my spill : DD

kill Romania

Fill Pakistan spill India


I suggest we settle this before we waste 10 turns to go to war over India while everyone else expands.
Neither of us will tolerate the other having it so we should, in my opinion, both abandon the conquest of it. We both have more lucrative things to do than get bogged down here.

It's literally just 18, Martin.

seething nigger

Give me France
Any colour

Then how about an alliance to conquer the world, i dont want my turns go to waste

Very well, go conquer the Maghreb and I'll turn towards Persia and Russia

I have already taken your spill into account.

Yes, I've seen that.

Also, thank you for mentioning, but I'm already in there.

Attached: Risk Map.png (4104x2680, 644K)

also, I'll add our alliance in my name

Kill Sevatard

Fuck off, dude. I literally want nothing to do with you. You're gonna allow everyone else to expand while we sit here and twiddle thumbs. I don't care about Slovakia or anything else you own, now leave me alone to conquer the Balkans.

Retake Romania and Hungary. Push North just to spite Slovakia.

I'm serious, dude, just fuck off.


Good, i'll aid you in times of war and peace

India, spills to egypt

Fill China, spill Iran

also, cede me part of your land on india for the bonus

also I'm +6

We play chess

Maghreb ain't free..



Expand South, secure Odins land in France.

Attached: 1538754422570.jpg (236x311, 18K)

I thought the point was that neither of us should get India. The +10 is too strong for either of us to feel secure with the other having it.

How about an alliance my good old pal and colleague

>Sapphire Empire
>Light Blue
>Great Britain

Fill out Great Britain.

Or do you want an alliance my good old pal and colleague

What should we call it?
We could destroy frankish ambitions so easily

Then why leave India go to waste if we hold an alliance, I hold no intentions in stopping you from expanding

Holy fuck.

discord gg/298Fkzy

As Rapeland culturally evolves, the rest of the world seem to be undertaking more productive endeavours.

Attached: Risk Map.png (4104x2680, 648K)

Expand into the rest of England, then push north and west into Scotland and Wales.

India spills to egypt

Treaty with the infidel will be secured, you will have peace and no conflict between the nation and slovakia.

I am also willing to collaborate with him too.

Escape to Caucasus. Defend my retreat.

Fine but don't fuck me man

Indian provinces ceded

Fill Iran spill Russia

Anti-Aryan Alliance

Fill Romania, Serbia, and Croatia. Spills go to Bulgaria

Take all of France to Odinsland.

May the AAA prove solid and profitable.

Dude, fuck off.

I already told you in Discord, I meant Slovenia. It was a fucking mistake, just leave me alone.


Thank you, i'll keep my promise, dont worry.

Sapphire, tzim alliance?