>you undestand english but you cant speak it without sounding like a retard
You undestand english but you cant speak it without sounding like a retard
>non-thrilled R
everyone sounds retarded when speaking english m8
Have you tried shadowing? That's how vastly fixed my Chinese fluency. Copy the way they pronounce their vowels and consonants and forget how you think it is. We have a tendency to run things through a filter made of our first language.
Also move from Spain and immerse yourself in the language. You have free movement in the EU take advantage of that. It's a shame you'll sound British which is a harder dialect to master due to it being steeped in tradition but oh well.
you sound perfectly fine
nobody cares about your grammar if they know it isn't your first language
This t b h. We're not the French.
when i speak people think i'm british till i make an obvious mistake.
lmaoing at you
>He doesn't sound like an entitled aristocratic faggot whenever he speaks
spanish accent os the worse desu
The Spain accent is the worst Spanish accent, hands down.
The best being Colombian or Costa Rican (and this being from someone who speaks Mexican style)
Nobody under 40 will think less of you for speaking bad English
Who has the worst accents? My vote Vietnamese
>silent some stuff without logic and reason
>r and l
Fucking Anglos
Vietnamese itself sounds like a racist parody of itself. There's something else very grating about the Indian accent though.
On some days I just wake up and speak perfect English, on most others I'm just a retarded bydlo
>every hispanohablante that hears you speak Spanish compliments you on your pronunciation
>can't understand 80% of what Spanish speakers say
Yeah, Spanish girls sound pretty damn retarded
Honestly Japanese would benefit from having a few extra sounds in their language.
To be fair english native speakers are kinda jerks, I don't know a single person who has made fun of someone for speaking bad spanish yet everytime I make a spelling mistake in Jow Forums or any forum for matter there's always someone who makes a joke
Who cares. English is just a tool for easy media consumption and talking to people from all over the world, unless you're planning to move to an anglo country, putting too much effort into mastering it is a waste of time.
you will master it anyway. your English seems fine and I'm sure you've been shitposting for longer than you're comfortable admitting
Actually most languages only have 20-30 sounds. Japanese has 50. It is, from a technical perspective, a very complex language.
Depends where you are user, I speak English semi-natively but didn't move to Australia until I was old enough that my accent was set in stone. Feels bad when everyone can tell you're not a local as soon as you talk
how do you know he sounds fine if you haven't heard him speak?
If you're a girl it's cute but if you're a guy kys
It’s my native language and I still sound like a retard.
I know that feel
and its my primary language
what accent do you have lad?
Tfw southern accent
this picture gives me anxiety
South African, Afrikaner to be more specific
like Trevor Noah? I think his accent is kawaii
There's a specific Irish accent and a specific English accent that are just thoroughly indecipherable and sound like fucking retards. Can't remember where they were, though.
He's got more of a white-English accent, mine is Afrikaner.
based accent
I sound like a fag talking English, I'd he happier sounding like a Spanish bull.
>American education
There is about 31 sounds in Japanese.
Can you vocaroo something in your Afrikaaner accent? Just talk about what you ate today for breakfast or lunch
Busy right now sorry, if I remember I'll upload one later