Does anyone else feel this way about their country?

As an American, I have nothing to be proud of. I live in a borderline-third-world oligarchy inhabited by lazy, smug, selfish, hateful, violent, vitriolic hambeasts under the impression that they live in what is somehow the greatest nation on Earth.

My country has a history packed to the breaking point with unspeakable, inhuman atrocities that could never be forgiven by anyone with a proper conscience, and in general takes pleasure in waging arbitrary wars, rudely interfering with as many nations as possible and refusing to stop, and draining every non-renewable resource imaginable and serving as a lead cause of global warming in the process. My country is wracked with poverty, horrible education, cold-hearted political extremism, and unbelievable obesity rates.

I have no culture to call my own, only mindless, unhealthy consumerism approaching dystopian territory and vapid, passionless pop-media. The morals of my country are beyond backwards; sex, drugs, and violence are glorified while the human body is viewed as evil, sinful, and disgusting.

>continued in next post

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Other urls found in this thread:

My country's built environments are soulless and dehumanizing — nothing but six-lane boulevards, isolated tract houses, and corporate, nationally-distributed big-box chain stores and fast food restaurants surrounded by vast seas of asphalt — both our homes and our commercial districts being designed in ludicrous postmodern "styles" and built with as many shortcuts and cheap, fake materials that you can rip off with your bare hands or kick a hole through as possible. Walking is not an option, as all of our infrastructure is built exclusively for cars. Between the apathetically-designed, disposable, fake, corporate commercial buildings, the tacky, equally-disposable, equally-fake tract houses, and the complete lack of walkable infrastructure, our "communities" are alienating, isolated, and cold. They are places that are not worth caring about; places that are characterized by a distinct lack of uniqueness, culture, art, humanity, and activity. I feel sorry for any foreigner who moves to this country primarily because of the egregious quality of our failed suburban wastelands alone.

Jealousy and an overwhelming sense of inferiority regarding superior countries and superior cultures are feelings that fester in my mind constantly. I feel that I am not worthy of entering any other country or experiencing any other culture either, as I do not deserve to be part of anything better than what I already have. I hate the fact that I am an American, and I hate the fact that the only place I can ever truly call "home" is a backwards, unsustainable, culturally-bankrupt resource drain, but that's never going to change the fact that I'll never be anyone else either.

>Walking is not an option, as all of our infrastructure is built exclusively for cars. Between the apathetically-designed, disposable, fake, corporate commercial buildings, the tacky, equally-disposable, equally-fake tract houses, and the complete lack of walkable infrastructure, our "communities" are alienating, isolated, and cold.
amen. fuck cars.

fuck of. you live in the greatest country.

if there's anything wrong you can always move to another of the countless states your country have.

Attached: us national park.jpg (1200x800, 283K)

This looks like pasta, but yeah, you've described the US of A pretty well. I feel genuinely sorry for you or everyone else and I understand that it must be draining being born and raised there, knowing that basically everything is as fake as it can be and that the corporatations which have taken control over the country/government are exploiting the entire system and that you are probably feeling extremely helpless.
>I feel that I am not worthy of entering any other country
You will always be welcome in any European country if you can show that you'll be a valuable member of the country you wish to immigrate to. American immigrants are only frowned upon here if they don't want to learn the local language(s) and behaviors.

Hey, if you don't like America then you can get out.

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i can post pretty pictures of your country too
still a shithole

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I hate our rich republicans and I also hate our working-class restaurant workers I see everywhere in my city. They all suck.

it's not a shithole if it's comfy, and southern Argentina is /comfy/

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>I hate my country so I'm just going to whine about it and do nothing to fix it.

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Stop complaining and move to the Northeast already faggot, you can live car free up there

I think there's at least two sides to viewing one's country. You can be extremely pessimistic or you can just admit to your country's faults and still find redeeming qualities.

I agree the infrastructure of your country, and even my country, is fucking cancer. But that's the "punishment" we get for being relatively "recent" nations. But then again, without a car-based infrastructure there's no way any large country could stay so connected.

Some of the rudest, most hurtful people I've met have been Americans, but I've also met the absolute nicest, most hospitable people there. Isn't that true for any country? There's horrible people everywhere, but nice people are just as common.

What your country has done is pretty damn gross, but the penance for those sins rests entirely on your politicians and the people from the past. Acknowledge your problems and don't applaud them, and you'll be OK. It's not like you were the guy who decided to nuke Japan or slaugther Native Americans.

As your neighbor downstairs, I've always wondered what the hell your culture was meant to be anyways. I think you guys are innovators. It's often used to screw yourselves and other people over, but there's a different side to it. Take the cuisine (hehe) for example. Everyone who came over to you found a brand new twist to their dishes that you can only really atribute to your country. Italians went crazy with the cream sauces, we went crazy with the beef and local peppers, etc.

I've always joked that you guys are a third-world country with a first-world paintjob but it's not that bad. Just embrace the shittiness and be done with it. My country is a filthy third-world shithole and I love it. Your country is a filthy third-world shithole and I love it.

In the path to self-hatred you're forgetting the values that you desperately crave. Be the change in the US that you want to see. Be the kind, self-aware and innovative person I know you can be.

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You’re a low T bitch

what the fuck is a loser on Jow Forums supposed to do? low iq post.

Shoot up the local high school

I feel the same way about here sometimes

being proud of your country is silly

borders are just imaginary lines

You need to get out of the city sometime user

Not OP but I live in a ~8,000 person town and it's the same shit. Everything is money money money.

>everything is money money money
It's like that everywhere in the world user. That doesn't negate the fact that there are genuine people in the US and a lot of what he said isn't true.

This. It's just a piece of giant dirt. The sooner people stop being nationalistic about dirt the better.

This. Tbqh I think OP has a serious case of thinking the grass is greener on the other side

This. I think people who claim they never met a single decent person in whichever country either is in denial or worse, only looked for terrible people on purpose.

Thanks for being understanding. For the longest time, I've felt cheated to no end by this country. Due to a combination of its foul attitudes and politics, its utter lack of any sort of culture whatsoever, and its apathetic built environments being actively punishing to be in, I've never considered it to be an actual society by any means of the imagination. It's just so far-removed from normalcy that it's not even remotely comparable to anything else. I've always thought of myself as a culturally-bankrupt rat person for having lived here my whole life, and for being so disconnected with and lost on the experiences that people from superior countries such as those in Western Europe enjoy every single day of their lives.

This picture is nothing more than a pipe dream for Americans such as myself. I know the United States will never produce anything with even remotely as much integrity as this one, tiny village in France, probably even after our oil-based economy inevitably collapses and we're forced to replace our suburban nightmares with traditional urbanism using local, renewable materials. As an American, instead of thoughtfully-designed, compact buildings constructed with natural sources alongside quaint, narrow streets proportioned and scaled for human beings, I instead get boulevards, sweltering parking lots, Wal-Mart, and fake "stucco" cladding on every other building that you can literally punch a hole through. I can't say I'm not ready to watch the US crash and burn, though. I really am looking forward to the day where I can walk to the grocery store within my own country.

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>lack of culture
You must live in a big city

Going to church, hunting, fishing, mudding, and eating meat is shit culture

Good post OP; here's a doco that goes into something similar
Also read the book "Bowling Alone"

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First off, here in the PacNW we don't go to church. The majority here are non religious. Secondly, those are all just activities to do on the weekends, and everybody doesn't do it. Now, to say that the US doesn't have cultural elements is retarded. The South for example has little to no similarities with New England. I feel like you just don't know shit about the rest of the country desu. I bet you can't name some unique cultural elements of the PacNW

I think the main problem is not so much your country, but your demeanor.

You're hating on yourself pretty badly. And why? Because you were born in the US? I think hating oneself over things outside one's control is equally as bad as people discriminating you.

Every country has a good and bad side. Not saying nationalism isn't a disease but just please have some faith in the people around you. In the nature around you. No country is without redemption.

Big city has a lot of culture. It's not as identifiable as the well-known little towns in Euroasian countries, but it's there. Discover hidden gems, go stare at some art, meet tourists, have fun.

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Muh outdoors

based kindposter

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Muh old cobblestone villages

Try to live in Russia, and you'll be glad to return to US.

*muh old cobblestone villages which go back to medieval times and have been the home of my people for thousands of years

I'm currently looking at becoming an apprentice at an architecture firm. Years off from now, I could really be pursuing my dreams from since I was a teenager of designing traditionally-styled buildings built with natural materials for New Urbanist communities, but I'm not betting on anything. Currently, I don't know even the first step in designing an actual building, and I've never even attempted to give one of my designs an interior at all, but making these highly-amateur facades is one of my favorite things to engage in during my spare time. It genuinely makes me happy. The one in my image is unfinished, as you can tell.

Attached: Federal.png (560x645, 44K)

What do you think people do for fun on the weekends in these little villages?

Another view. Here you can see how unfinished the doors are and how the pilasters don't really have bases or capitals yet.

Attached: Federal1.png (1300x610, 68K)

Based and redpilled "indian" user knows whats up

Why is it so bad in your country? Tell me your story.

My country is literally paradise and my only real concern in life is ensuring that it remains as such for my descendants.

I feel the same about the US tbqh

Move on to the country side then

But that's all we have here.

Speak for yourself, my town hosts tons of festivals after harvest.

>implying this and farming isnt what medieval people did

Here's more of the front. The spaces in-between the windows are patterned with a Chippendale design via bricks, a reference to the Chinese Chippendale railings used by Thomas Jefferson on most of his buildings. A prominent mistake I made while creating this facade was not setting the window voids back enough. The contrast between the vertical elements and the window voids and Chippendale masonry isn't as pronounced as I would want it to be.

Attached: Federal2.png (1101x616, 79K)

It's almost time for corn field mazes

I've always wanted to go to one, maybe this year

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Op is a flyover, simple as

Fuck off you absolute utter mongoloid. Try living in an actual third world country, you don't know what it means to be in destitute poverty.

The difference is that Australia can back that claim up. The absolute only redeeming quality America has is wealth, once you remove America's cash façade it's very difficult to see it as anything but a shithole. Meanwhile Australia consistently ranks at or near the top 10 of every positive metric amd can go head to head with any nation on earth for overall quality of life.

That's if you look at averages in the US and apply them to the entire country, my region is comfy as fuck. Also almost all Americans have health coverage provided by their employer, that's why everybody except non skilled shit workers don't want universal healthcare

Most of these could be said about any worthwhile country right now, you just sound like a zoomer that has no experience in other countries and thinks that he should be given X lifestyle just for being born. Go to those countries that you think are superior if you actually admire them so much.

>American education

Thread was great until this point

I'm currently a college kiddo (University of Kentucky), and before I moved onto the campus, I had never lived in a city, only in "rural" communities. The problems I have now are the same ones I had when I was a pizza-faced teenager. I can absolutely confirm that small towns in the US are no more "cultured" than the cities.

Stop complaining and move out of the country already

Walking is an option in some cities

I never said US levels of poverty were even remotely close to those of an actual third-world country. The US is definitely BORDERING on being third-world, though.

What an incredibly American post.
>it's only shitty here if you look at the country as a whole. If you look at individual areas or neighbourhoods it's quite lovely. This probably isn't true of every single country. Also, the fact that we pay vastly more for subpar healthcare, that the average family household will pay tens of thousands in healthcare costs annually, and that medical debt is still the leading cause of bankruptcy, is irrelevant because I, a young and healthy person, have employer provided healthcare with deductibles and copayments I can still afford.

Idk looks pretty nice to me

t. don't understand shit about architecture

Why the fuck would I care about how other areas are doing? The west coast is like 400 miles from me

Culture of the modern world isnt what culture of medieval times was man. Music, art, writing is all culture from those times which the US does well in. Modern culture outlets also include movies, tv, video games, comics, etc. which are all dominated by the US. Clothing and accessories is culture. Modern style denim jeans originated in the US and youd be hard pressed to miss them in any of these other countries. There are plenty of examples of US culture, you just act blind to it.

I agree, public healthcare should be abolished, private healthcare already exists

If you're too stupid to get a real job you deserve to die.

You wouldn't and that's why America is so shitty, why OP is exactly correct, and why the rest of the world laughs a you while you wave flags and chant USA in a deranged effort to fabricate patriotism in a nation full of people whose every action suggests they don't care about their country and they don't care about their fellow countrymen. Fuck other Americans 400 miles away, fuck future Americans, fuck poor Americans, fuck everybody and everything that doesn't provide you personally with instant gratification.

Thanks. I like to take traditional features and apply them to "modernistic" forms ("modernistic" in the sense that you can see how the building is designed on the inside from the facade alone, as in, you can tell where interior floors and walls are by looking at exterior queues). In my ideal city or town, commercial buildings are all designed with that sort of visible-frame structure while houses and other residential structures are designed akin to regular, traditional architecture.

This view shows off the top of the building's facade. The entire structure is rewarding to look at, unlike all the pretentious postmodern garbage we see today. Everything is unified and falls into place perfectly, there are clearly-defined base, middle, and top segments that remind us of the human form, and the building is constructed of materials that don't look like they came from an alien planet.

Attached: Federal3.png (1093x616, 76K)

That's the beauty of the US, our patriotism stems from extreme individualism, and the right to do whatever the fuck you want without caring about what other people who live 2000 miles away from you think.

America isn't as dominant in those areas as you seem to think and those represent the most shallow, temporary, and unimportant parts of culture. The fact that you focus on them so heavily shows how fucked your priorities are.
Here's a good rule of thumb, if you can change part of your culture without leaving your house, it's probably not an important or meanigful cultural aspect.

>I have no culture to call my own
It's ok to muh heritage . Look for your roots.

because of that we're going to fail to preserve ourselves and become Brazil 2

I am always impressed by the American ability to take something universally contemptible and put a positive spin on it. Only in America are greed and narcissism seen as noble and patriotic traits.

Here's the actual top of the building. Very unfinished, obviously. The blank while void will eventually become a set of nice Chippendale railings, and I haven't bothered to texture the roof yet.

Attached: Federal4.png (1257x551, 31K)

Don't do that. There are classic architecture schools. What is thaught in normal ones are post modernism and nothing more. It's like modern art.

Do all these healthcare cost account for what people actually pay? Or just the costs? There is a big difference

The ideology mentioned above turned the US from a backwater nation that European powers said would fail, into the most powerful nation in world history in less than 300 years.

What's the point of a railing there? It looks like a straight peak. Is there a widow's walk up there?

I also have to compliment you because it looks really nice. What program is this, btw?


Here's a close-up shot of the lower entablature. I would say it looks pretty nice.

Attached: Federal5.png (1121x616, 59K)

Good post. He should go to Shart-Mart telling people that they are fat shitheads, to military marches telling people that they are idiots who are fighting the wars of another country, to An-Cap rallies that they are delusional morons, and so on.

The windows look quite close to be in separate rooms, how many family units would be in this house? Looks aesthetic but impractical.

No, endless resources and distance from 20th century warfare made America a very wealthy nation. Your culture of greed is what has prevented America from becoming the greatest country the world will ever see.

I feel confident enough in my passion for architecture to be able to teach myself over the years.

Thanks, friend. I just use SketchUp, which I understand is one of the least-complex CAD systems available.

Here's a close-up of one of the windows, which really shows off the thick style of trim that I use.

Attached: Federal6.png (1366x616, 76K)

Why do you think the nation grew so quickly? Why would people leave civilized Europe for a homestead in unexplored lands, filled with hostile native Americans? It's because they could practice their own lifestyle here in the states, and nobody was going to imprison or run them out of town for it.

Or maybe because of the economic opportunities afforded by endless amounts of free land?

Only very very early on

There wasn't any money to attain from homesteading back then, it was a dangerous self sufficient life. The land wasn't valuable back then. Who are you going to lease it to? How are you supposed to rely on money when the nearest trading post is 100km away?

Have you studied architectual history? If you haven't, do it for inspiration and mimic the styles. Then you can incorporate elements from all of them and create something unique.

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It was because of endless resources not available elsewhere

Exactly this

I really like your progress so far user

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I live in the Pacific Northwest and you can apply this logic up until the turn of the 20th century here. The homestead act wasn't abolished until 1976

Explain to me how living as a hunter-gatherer in a cabin far away from civilization is easier than working a job in a european city

Unfortunately statistics are not on your side, and whether you think they are worth your time are not they are still parts of modern culture that have taken over the world and billions of people take part in.

It was largely none of those things. Even if it had been (it definitely wasn't) it was still better than starving to death, begging on the streets, or ending up in a European debtor's prison.

sailing across the ocean was super expensive so that doesn't make any sense

America was a borderline model state until the early 60s. Today it's rapidly transforming into a Brazil tier shithole and is center of degeneracy.

>mfw OP just drops his whingy shitpost to get attention to his thread and get compliments on his college project on a tibetan yak butter forum all while ignoring posts about the actual topic of the thread because he has no idea what he is talking about

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Do you think they were all mountain men? Guys like Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Hugh Glass, the coureur des bois, etc., were famous because they were an anomaly. The average settler farmed their own (valuable) land in extremely interdependent communities. Being banished from these communities was usually a death sentence.
The ability to farm your own land was vastly superior to a seemingly endless existence of working to enrich an aristocracy.

I don't usually design my facades with any specific purpose in mind. I decided to give this one display windows on the ground floor, so in real life it would most likely be a clothing store with housing above. The residential rooms (at least the ones visible from the facade) would consist of the third and fourth floors (plus the attack) and probably span all four windows on both levels, like a living room. Bedrooms would be located at the back, where smaller windows would face a back alley.

Here's a good shot of the fan windows. Note how the muntins are actually separate individual panes of glass. Fake muntins, which are just flat strips of plastic inserted inside of a single large pane, are the reason newly-built American houses all have dull, soulless windows.

Attached: Federal7.png (1366x615, 78K)

In the western portion of the nation yes.