Which country is the greatest threat to World Peace? (2013)

>Which country is the greatest threat to World Peace? (2013)

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Ugh, what could've been...

Too bad people don't understand that the world under US rule is the most peaceful time period in recorded history


>the most dangerous nation isn't Iran the Islamic theocracy, Saudi Arabia, the state that exports Islamic terrorism, China, the country committing mass atrocities against its people and neo colonising Africa or russia, the state hell bent on annexing it's neighbors and generally being antagonistic
>it's fucking America
What the fuck is wrong with germans

>believing Iran is the world's greatest threat to world peace
Cringe and bluepilled.

>believing your country's neighbour is the world's greatest threat to WORLD peace
Dumb tier unless it's Russia or China.

>believing it's the United States
Based and redpilled.

>believing it's Israel
Redpill overdose.

What a mad lad

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>he thinks Kenya isn't right to fear the Somali bull
You laugh now, but just look at how skillfully the Somali invades Sweden and Canada.


This is wrong. Most Europeans and western world show fake respect out fear to America. If they think USA is the danger to the world peace, they should say so instead of being lap dancing and sucking fat American cock. I hate gutless people

>t. captain

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I'm surprised with how many think France is a threat to world peace.

oh fuck

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how old is this?
im sure it would be different today

>how old is this?

It'd be five years-old now.

I wonder if it's changed, too. There's no way of knowing, though, nobody has done a follow-up survey.

I'm sure at least most people would forget about Iran by now. I don't know why but this really feels like something out of the mid 00's, not this decade. The strong hate for the US and Iran are what give me that vibe.

Everyone is chill when you don't fully speak a language well. France is mean. It kills people everday. True story.

Why are all other Anglos so dumb?


no way

They probably switched to Russia.

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People hate whoever has the most power, even though we couldn't possibly expect a better peacekeeper (okay, maybe not under Obama in 2013, but most definitely under Trump). Would anyone in their right mind prefer China or Russia? Saudi-Arabia? Those are the other options. If you think your cute little independence movement can ever become a reality, you're in for a rude awakening. If USA goes down, so does your freedom under the next, vastly inferior superpower as far as human rights goes.

>le surrender maymay

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t. dirty Kenyan kuffars

>Norwegian education

What he said wasn't wrong though, would you rather China be the world hedgemon?

Kenyan cucks we will show them

>Good peacekeeper
He's pissed everyone off and for what? Russia is still mean.

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He pisses them off - and then they want to negotiate. No shithole dictator will negotiate with a pussy president like Obama.

Why does Africa think France is so threatening to world peace

Because berbers are butthurt that France finally retaliated against their constant pillaging of France and colonized the place.

What's the point of negotiating if the only people who want to negotiate are evil? All they'll do is pretend to listen and then turn around and keep hurting people.

What's the point of power if all you gain is angry friends and lying enemies.

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Fuck both the USA and europe

you are unironically too small to understand the bigger picture

we're always right, that's what's wrong with us desu mein neger

That is the world at the moment. It may always be like that. It takes a tough but fair leader to hold it all together and set the record straight.

There are no bigger pieces being moved. There's no 4D chess out of my sight.

All that was accomplished was make America look like a joke. Most people who had faith in Trump don't even like him anymore.

This is not the solution. I don't know what it is, but neither do you. Looking at the bigger picture I don't see anyone making long-term investments. And everyone forgets the bigger things are the result of many little things lumped together.

But what do I know? I'm just some idiot posting in an anonymous image board. All I can do is point and say it's wrong and be stumped when someone asks me how can we do it better.

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Negotiations serve to make everyone's positions clear. If concessions can be made on both sides, conflict can be avoided. If they can't, then there's no reason to beat around the bush.

Negotiations aren't supposed to be a touchy-feely lovefest. I think modern fiction has distorted our views of what actual diplomacy entails.

Why are we pretending that there has to be one dominant global megapower? Most of human history progressed just fine without one.

We're not pretending. Expansionism is pretty much human nature.

That was before things like nuclear proliferation and global trade existed. I don't think you really understand what would happen if, for instance, the US Navy stopped protecting/supporting International shipping routes or assuring the existence of less developed countries that abut powerful neighbors (Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Taiwan, etc).

t. completely uninformed

You are truly small and drowning in your own little cup of delusions
you forget our world has it's limits, growth can only last so long, wars are being fough to secure a world power's future for the following 100 or even 50 years, if you want a solution there is none because the systems are in place for production and consumption, if you can't produce there's less jobs and poverty soars, violence escalates.
Remember this, nations aren't friends, just allies.
Also I wasn't talking about Trump but it shows how obsessed you are with him.

Because they are

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>based Poland desperately trying to warn the world
>we didn't listen

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What? Almost everyone here hates American foreign policy even migrants.

That's true, America certainly hasn't done anything meaningful for most of its history to halt expansionism though.

Global trade and nuclear proliferation will still exist without America. America also isn't the only country capable of defending sea routes. If America disappears tomorrow NATO, or a unified European military, or just a handful of near-equally strong states like for most of western history, will easily fill the gap.

How did our school system fail so much that you believe this.

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>If America disappears tomorrow
Canada goes to the shitter

imminent canadian civil war

If the landmass disappears, yes, if the state disappears, no.

>The USA is the biggest threat to the peace itself created

more like based whole world desperately trying to warn the blupilled cunts

>Somalia is the greatest threat to peace on earth

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Why did my family leave quebec...

you're lucky it was Barack Turbocuck in office or we'd be in Moscow right now vladislav

Go home Jamal

Yes, just like the shitty failed state of Australia. There's no possible way a large, mostly uninhabitable but resource rich, Commonwealth nation, could succeed without America next door.

Australia would also go down the toilet, moron, but Canada would be turbofucked. Where do you think your oil is shipped for refinement and export? You have no alternate means of export for most of your capacity. Your economy would be in absolute shambles for decades.

>Yes, just like the shitty failed state of Australia. There's no possible way a large, mostly uninhabitable but resource rich, Commonwealth nation, could succeed without America next door.
Canada's biggest trading partner is the USA, most exports go to the states, most produce comes from the states too.
Australia has huge trading partners in Indonesia, China and Malaysia, PNG so/so.

only Japan knew...

why didnt we listen?

If only the 9th largest economy in a world could afford cargo ships and a rich continent full of people who would be glad to get oil from them instead of Russia.
Canada is also quite a bit closer to Europe than Australia is to China

yeah but now it's based Trump in the office, yet you're still not in Moscow, Jorge

you're understimating how much oil export infrastructure actually costs.

yeah but now the russians are in the white house

america lost

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if that WH actually existed it would be my favorite building


Yeah but that brick texture makes me want to vomit

Based France and Bulgaria know that ASSad needs to be removed from the face of the Earth

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>some boring dictator in some literally who statelet is the largest threat to continued worldwide human peace
literally anglo tier

>yeah but now the russians are in the white house
>but now
hi kid

>implying ASSad doesn't secretly have a nuclear arsenal made entirely of refugees pointed at every major city in the world
why do you think Russia tries so hard to keep them alive?

Based MOORocco, Southern Italy (Tunisia), Iraq and Bangladesh.


>muh Rammstein
they have gay sex on stage, your opinion is invalid


Your country is an actual threat committing actual atrocities around the world, dumb Jow Forumstard.
History will remember the USA as an aggressive terrorist state.

t. Tyrone Chad Hernandez

China has proved itself to be better on foreign policy and human rights than your corporate wasteland.
Start actually paying attention to world, you pig ignorant cunt. American propaganda isn't an accurate picture of the world; you are the "bad guys" here.

baseret og rodpillet

Pakistan is a legit threat to world peace you faggot.

Global trade existed over a thousand years ago, dumb mutt. Open a fucking history book.

do you already forget how ww1 happend ?

No update on this map?

What is with Afgham attitude towards Pookistan?

Here's a more recent one

Attached: 6196601-world-map-with-american-flag-hi-resolution-illustration.jpg (1300x974, 77K)

China also likes to censor it's masses and enforce dystopian shit like that social ratings system they have. And don't forget about the ethnic cleansing of the Uighur and Tibetans.

Hah! No. But it would be if not for the US.

>The world would be more peaceful if the US wasn't here to mess with the peace that it created in the first place

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Do we said.. portugal?

He's that american living in norway who always posts around this time.

fixed that shit

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>destabilize governments all around the world for neo colonialism
>we dindu nuthin wrong reeeeeee

>threat to WORLD

i think USA and china is the only non brainlet choice

>US rule
>Ruling anything
More like US bullying

>single handedly unify Europe
>Single handedly pacify the Japs
>Destroy the USSR without the use of nukes
The world we live in today is completely different than anything that's ever happened in recorded history. Not a single developed nation has engaged in full scale war with another developed nation since WW2, 72 years ago. That's completely unheard of.

Not because of the Americans but because of nuclear weapons.

If we weren't peaceful we wouldn't exist by now.

Or, well, we'd exist because we're used to winter, but life would suck really fucking hard.

>China wouldn't invade Taiwan if the US wasn't there
>Iran wouldn't invade Saudi Arabia if the US wasn't there
>North Korea wouldn't shell the fuck out of Seoul if the US wasn't there

Jesus Christ.

By removing the buffer state of Iraq you literally brought the Iran-SA situation from calm and stable into the cold war 2.0. Probably the greatest crime against humanity since the holocaust.