Ireland part of UK from 1801 to 1922

>Ireland part of UK from 1801 to 1922
>UK is most powerful country in the world
>Ireland leaves
>UK begins its gradual decline (brexit lol)

>Irish people go to America mid 19th century
>America begins its gradual increase in power
>today the most powerful country in the world

hmmmm im noticing a trend here

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hmmm okay tayto

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If the Irish are that good, why is Ireland still bad?

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it's the same "grave of empires" bs that afghanistan is fond of
how it actually was:

>lose power, lose control over your colonies and also over ireland. nearly lost scotland to the referendum too btw
>people from a poor country move to the rich one, that prospers

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>but irish "people" also went to e*gland during the Weekly Irish Genocide, not just usa

Yeah, the Irish simply leach off a superior host before jumping ship.

>>UK is most powerful country in the world

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Yeah, it was in the 19th century.

no it wasnt theres a reason itd piss its pants over great powers on the continent

Will Ireland join the Schengen zone if NI stays within the customs union or even reunifies? There would be no reason to keep the CTA alive at this point.

Usual french delusions

>itd piss its pants over great powers on the continent
It never did because said coninental powers never could invade Britain, and if they tried to amass a fleet capable of challenging the Royal Navy they'd just gang up with their enemies. This is what happened to Germany; they didn't give shit about them otherwise.

>French delusion
Quite sad

P-Please immigrate to Denmark!
We need to grow strong!

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I can

Why'd the French back down over Fashoda then?

Because the French foreign policy then was to attempt to get an alliance with the UK to check Germany.

France already had an alliance with Russia, was it just that weak it needed to spread for Britain too?

alri urry

france peaked in 1812

>It never did because said coninental powers never could invade Britain

>durrrr cutting off access to an island is impossible!
why do you think napoleon invaded your country and why do you think napoleon still gives brits nightmares you lost mongrel

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>join the Schenge-

Theyre better then you economically, and other metrics.

Why are you NPCs acting like he's completely wrong? In the 19th century, Britain was the world's foremost industrial and trade power. It wasn't the strongest military power though, and while it was near impossible to invade because of its navy, there was no reason why one of Europe's great powers would have been unable to cut its access to the continent like Napoleonic France did, or even kick Britain's ass in Africa or in Asia. That's why Britain's foreign policy in the 19th century focused on two things: preventing great powers like Germany, France and Russia from achieving hegemony in the continent, and expanding its influence to the world outside Europe.
Having the largest empire doesn't mean Britain's hegemony was undisputed. It was no America.

I hate Brits and Gaels desu. Other eurocucks are cool though.

it was yes
we're talking about post 1870 France