I love Czech Staropramen
Beers you drunk lately
Just like the Netherlands Czechia seems to be champion at making the most tasteless lagers that all could be the same beer with a different label on it.
Jesus Christ, this! Eurolagers all taste the same: like water. Rate my beers, i am drinking now.
Hopped oat. Falconer's Flight s a blend of the most aromatic varieties of American hops grown in Yakima Valley (USA). Added some CRYO Hops. Pure lupulin. Frozen out naturally straight from fresh Citra hops cones. Beer body built on English oats and German pale malts.
Thats PINTA's Express IPA.
Pinta is my favourite Polish brewery, i am spending every friday in their bar
I rate is 100% cringe also IPA also tastes the same everywhere by every shitty 'fruity with bitter hops!' local brewery
No, its not just IPA, it is a mix of American, British and German elements. But whatever. Just listen about this one
PINTA Go Deeper 14.0 ° - Brut IPA, a dry top-fermented beer invented only by Kim Sturdarvant from San Francisco. Making New England IPA as deep as possible - the closer to zero, the better. To deal with sugars that "normal" yeast for IPA are not able to eat (and convert into alcohol and carbon dioxide), in this particular beer was used alpha-amylase enzyme and special yeast dedicated for deep fermentation - Fermentis HA-18. Effect? From 14 ° Plato it went down to 0,3 ° Plato during fermentation, obtaining 7.2% Alcohol vol. The lack of residual sugars in the finished beer makes you feel the exceptional dryness of the beer. However, thanks to two doses of hops to the tank (cold) and thanks to the yeast HA-18 with their characteristic "Belgian" profile, PINTA Go Deeper Brut IPA, although it is very dry, does not breathe in the taste of emptiness or alcohol taste - you can feel only hop and fruits, no alcohol at all.
Dude please stop every fucking local brewery has these "HOPS IMPORTED FROM USA! REAL AMERICAN HOPS!" local specials.
Importing hops from Yakima Valley is 10% of success. You need to know yet how to use them
Witch's Brew from Hobgoblin. Didn't enjoy it too much.
One I had last night was Abbot's something or other. It was pretty bland.
M8 maybe you're still caught up in the local breweries meme but they all have these dumb ass stories about their perfectly balanced IPAs and in the end they all taste the same.
Opinion disregarded.
>M8 maybe you're still caught up in the local breweries meme but they all have these dumb ass stories about their perfectly balanced IPAs and in the end they all taste the same
Thats because you tasted a little or your taste and smell are deviated
>Opinion disregarded
IPA is the best of what you can take from a thing called "a beer", literally.
It's the male equivalent of the pumpkin spice latte and you know it. I enjoy a good IPA, but have to admit it usually tastes of old copper coins.
>local breweries
Pinta is hardly a "local brewery", because you can buy its beers in every "Polish" supermarket like Auchan f.e.
> it usually tastes of old copper coins
I associate American hops mostly with citrus fruits desu.
I actually just shared this with /danmarkstråden/ recently, but here you go.
Punk IPA is fucking amazing, but Dead Pony is a better name.
I liked this one to
Thick mash infiltrates through a layer of fresh-cut juniper branches. Filtrate is not boiled but immediately treated with yeast cake. After a dozen of days cloudy, non-aerated and extremely strong, "great-beer" can be pour into the mugs with ladle. It will warm you. And this is how Finns "brew" their Sahti since long, long time. And this is how PINTA brewed it. Koniec Świata (End of the World). Think twice before you buy it. Fermented with baker's yeast in room temperature.
Ingredients: water, Weyermann® barley malts : pale ale, rye, smoked barley; hops: cones of Lubelski (PL); juniper fruit, juniper branches; baker's yeast.
And it indeed tastes and smells of woods, i can tell ya. Thats what i love in REAL beers. Smell and taste of nature.
Forgot my post,
Does Europe know any Canadian beers?
citrus fruits with copper coins yeah like the Briton said.
You guys are tasteless
No I just realized that indeed IPA is the pumpkin latté spice of beers and instead if I really want to enjoy a beer I get a Belgian blonde.
How much does a 0.5l of craft beer cost in Poland?
Craft beers are almost never sold in half liters, only lagers/pilseners are.
Shit is what I usually drink.
they're sold in pints mostly here
I'm drinking Amstel brewed in here.
A pint of lager is already 6 pounds or something how much do you even pay for a pint of craft beer?
Belgian style is the only european style that i tolerate, but thats maybe it tries to imitate APA with half success
Depends on where you are, in London you can pay a lot like 8 pounds if it was really strong, but out in the countryside local ale is normally about 3.50
>Belgian style tries to imitate Amerian Pale Ale
you really are one hell of a beer expert aren't ya?
What about a pint of some shitty IPA like Brewdog?
I like Brewdog, but the guys behind it keep acting like cunts.
Here in Edinburgh, you can get Tennent's which is the standard cheap beer in Scotland for £3-4. If you want something better, you're probably looking at £5-6. It's worth noting Edinburgh is pretty expensive by the standards of the rest of the country.
If you go to a Wetherspoons (Cheap pub chain) its about 4 pounds, but probably more like 5.50 in most pubs that have it
>pub chain
What? How does that even work?
Literally the only thing that makes a difference between American Blonde Ale and Belgian Blonde Ale is that the latter uses belgian hops. Prove me wrong. Colour is the same, style assumption is the same (lets make it lighter so it could compete with pils)
>American Blonde Ale
Nobody ever has an 'American Blonde Ale' as a matter of fact this is the first time I heard of this. Popular American beers are IPA and APA using American hops.
It usually just buys up independent places and forces them to serve the same menu. It's fairly grim.
Ah alright. Well technically over here Heineken owns shitloads of cafes and does the same thing. And every town has it's own bar mogul who owns heaps of cafes and bars.
> as a matter of fact this is the first time I heard of this
So you are a novice of beer, not me. Belgian hops = peach. American hops are in incomparably richer in its fruit aroma. I would also say that American style is lighter. And thats all.
I think you shouldn't act so snobby and pretend like there's any person on the planet who cares about American blonde beers. It's like bringing up Dutch whine.
Yeah pretty much this, but on a national level.
It sounds very anti-pub but then again most bars nowadays are copies of each other.
It is you who is bringing here literally the only european beer that is worth of my attention which is still shittier than average APA
Most often around 1-2€ for standard 0.5l bottle
95% of craft beers here are 0.5l, only Hollanders prefer small foamy beers.
Your attention isn’t worth shit you’re some autist from Wroclaw who keeps trying to proof the 21st century has arrived in Poland too.
It's depressing and working class, but it is cheap.
Except for the picture in the OP of course. Once again most craft beers are served from the bottle and thus 0,33l
And you are this autistic shitskin who is constantly butthurt at Poland only because you still consider it as a part of soviet sphere of influence
Not in Poland
Nobody used small 0,33 bottles here
Most of draft Pinta beers are served in 0,5 liter version too. Pinta doesnt sell 0.3 bottled beers at all because they are not popular in Poland. All of them are 0.5
So you're telling me Duvel, La Chouffe, Rochefort are all sold in 0.5L in Poland? Or do you only drink some local toilet brew?
>Duvel, La Chouffe, Rochefort
We can brew our own beers that taste better. Pinta is one of multiple examples: the same ingredients, better technology, superior idea, 1/4 of price. Nobody here buys fkn imported beers anymore. We were fascinated with western brands in 90s.
Unlike you swampniggers, we have a massive craft beer industry and don’t need to import western pissbeer you are so fond of
So basically you just brew your own because you cannot afford the real stuff, I get it now.
Every little village over here has it's own local IPA brewery but people stopped caring years ago. Of course only now this is a huge hype in Poland but that was to be expected.
Nope. Thats because we refuse to pay for brands only. Chinks did the same and they are just about to rule the world now. If Poland had 1500 mln citizens of only 40 mln, we would be just like them now
People stopped caring because alcohol is haram, I understand
No because the whole 'local micro brewery' fad is a bit cringy and not that great.
I really do not enjoy Euro beers. They are all light with no flavor. Like soda water.
Around this time of year I drink a lot of pic related. Truly the best on a Friday night, just a little cold outside, in a bar with a friend or at home with a movie.
>I really do not enjoy Euro beers. They are all light with no flavor. Like soda water.
My man
best cheap beer.
when its on sale at the albert heijn you get a crate for 10 euros. normally its 16 euros
And here I was thinking you only tasted the flavor of citrus when drinking IPA.
Best cheap beer in Poland is 2 euro per 0.5l bottle. And now you understand why we have breweries
>cheap beer
Cheap craft beer. Standard average beers costs here 0.6 euro per bottle
Having a cheeky Leffe at work now
For me it's La Fin du Monde
How many beers is in a crate?
24. 40 cents per beer
>When I see IPA, I go oh boy it's liquid soy!
It's 11h and I'm getting drunk on shitty wine
Must be nice, the absolute cheapest bottles of beer in my province are $43 for 24, about 28€. You can get 24 cans for as low as $36 / 24€
So much butthurt ITT
New Brunswick, it's why we smuggle all of our liquor from you and Maine
I like craft beers but IPAs are very dull at this point. I prefer a Baltic Porter or a good weizen. Grodziskie is nice too.
Weizen seems to be getting more popular as of lately
Here it's still much less common than witbier, which is a shame because witbier sucks dicks
I always thought they were the same thing but I hardly ever drink Dutch beer except for lagers on sale for the purpose of getting drunk. Which is fine by me, quantity is a quality on it’s own
Haven't drank a good craft beer in a while, I remember drinking a lambic beer and a few stouts at a beer festival a few months ago.
I've been drinking Eisenbahn, which makes pretty good beers, their strong golden ale is great, it's enjoyably sweet, malty and fairly alcoholic.
It was terrible, a pale lager (which already tend to be a bit sweet) with added sugar, it tasted like a beer trying to be a wine.
These and they are all amazing.
>but the guys behind it keep acting like cunts.
How so?
yeah that's barely above heineken here and just as popular, france is not a beer country
Surprisingly good for its price point, and it's actually local craft beer.
On my 5th one right now. People either hate or love them, I love them. 10.2% and a really nice taste. Not that expensive either.
Trappistes, everything else is trash
thats a fucking wine glass
>live in potato country
>all these vague hipster beers i will never taste
feels blyat man
Drink imperial stouts and shut your whore mouth.