Why are Germanics not a meme?

Why are Germanics not a meme?

Why is a small sub-group of low class Russians named Gopniks painted as representives of ALL Slavic speaking peoples, but Rednecks and Chavs are not used to represent ALL Germanic speakers?

Notice how cunningly they managed to separate themselves from these animals, but when it comes to the Gopniks, the same standart does not apply.

You are all filthy scumbags. Let's create a new meme - GERMANIC SQUAT. I saw one Germanic scum squatting in London so therefore ALL Germanics squat and act like low IQ primates.

Look at how prmitive these Germanic people are, acting like filthy animals.

This is Germanic culture:

Attached: GERMANICS.jpg (1372x1092, 629K)

Can I get a HEY?
Can I get a HO?


Why does it bother you that western people appreciate the culture of the simple slavic man?


Chavs are Celtic.

Anglos do not represent us

Neither do Russians represent us.
they are german

Chavs are anglo tho.

why does it bother you so much that we westerners associate you germans with chavs and rednecks? We are just appreciating your primimitive german culture

>Neither do Russians represent us.
But do you really want to be callsed gypsies instead of chavs?

anglo = german tribe

Half celtic

Do you really wanna be called feminine hen isntead of germans?

I honestly don't know... both seem equally bad

why do scandinavians refuse to admit that they are feminized germans? What does it feel like knowing you have no actual history, and that your cun is known for producing man who pee like woman?

We celebrate simple peasant culture

Attached: AC_Stockerpoint_Trachten_Lederhose_Kniebund_stefan_stein_geaescht_NEU_A_785x785.jpg (501x784, 42K)

neolithic tribes + mongols = germans

Attached: An east asian haplogroup Q.jpg (800x581, 106K)

The issue is that gopniks are simple petty criminals, while genuine germanic scum are poeple like Dirlewanger, Miewes, Breivik, Unterweger, Vikernes, Baader... germanics are the only people in the history of mankind who started a war with the sole purpose of ethnic cleansing on people who did them no wrong. Their bad apples aren6t funny, they are scary.

what about all the germans on the picture and the videos i posted?

Germanics are also the only people in the history of mankind who created the modern civilization
We are great at our best and terrible at our worst

Attached: 1519781786763.jpg (1267x850, 237K)


anglos did, also noone wants to be a civcuck

Czechs are so German they are practically Germanic.

Normans are all blonds, they never have hair that dark.

Bullshit. Even nordics don't have majority of blondes

Attached: 1535181181899.jpg (1541x1155, 1.36M)

>anglos did

Attached: abe finger.jpg (660x473, 32K)

BLACKED actresses represent Germanics.

Attached: BLACKED.png (990x1146, 963K)

shitty lighting in that photo, but you still can see that none have hair as dark as him. this is what high class(most Norman) Brits look like

Attached: Dj_6OuAX0AABtLU.jpg (1200x646, 137K)

But that is a black (quadroon) actress, macaco.

Attached: 1532366243986.jpg (434x528, 43K)

Holy damn, they all look like Russians. Disgusting. Swedish propaganda lied and made me believe they all looked like Dolph Lundgren.

Attached: dolph-lundgren-04.jpg (936x923, 392K)

Why you posting old photos? France has changed a lot in half a century.
Also many people lose their blond hair when they grow up. When a was young I have been with blond hair, but now I just light brown.

Attached: 562.jpg (1624x2000, 432K)

I'm pretty sure that Britain, not France. your hair gets darker, but it's still blond or light brown

The disgusting nature of Eastern Euros is what convinced me to vote for Brexit.
Who the fuck would voluntarily be in a union with them?

Attached: 1536263714191.jpg (4275x310, 263K)

When people say "blonde" they mean color like pic related or slightly darker

Attached: Natural_blonde.jpg (2449x3881, 2.51M)

How do I get a gf like that

if you haven't realized what color I'm talking about yet, then you must be cognitively limited, faggot

Attached: a-german-is-someone-who-cannot-tell-a-lie-without-believing-it-himself-quote-1.jpg (500x660, 33K)

my hair color is nearly identical to hers

Why do germanics all have personality disroders?

Anglos? are you kidding me, these primates got invaded by literally everyone who wanted to invade them. Romans, French, Russians and Americans created modern civilization.

>german innovation

Attached: Trabi-Trabant-Berlin-Germany-car-601s-G_5856-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 194K)

Rednecks are honestly less shit than Gopniks. Most just like country music, dirt bikes, the woods, hunting and trucks. They dont act any more savage or stupider than other groups.

because they eat too much schnitzel

sounds like something a german would say

> faggot
Like something bad
Post boipucci

Attached: 1519305330348.jpg (1920x957, 158K)

dont worry those are danes in the photo

I'm not a fag

Attached: hiusket.jpg (814x937, 192K)


Russians did the same.