Is this accurate?

is this accurate?

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what exactly is this supposed to depict?


Europeans are the biggest soyboys i ever have seen in my life

They are either soys or gays

tren tits


Yes. Germanic men has big tits

The one on the left is american and the one in the right is not american.
The point is you should feel offended

Hey look! A talking monkey.

but I'm not
the American on the left is a r*ghtwinger, so I don't care

can you milk that?


the Falkland Islands are rightfully British

the w*ite race's future is lookin bright

Attached: pol meetup.jpg (1200x799, 202K)

Damn that guy on the right is a specimen

I'm not a mean guy but those faces just scream "easiest mugging of your life", poor victims

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t. jealous soyboy

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I haven't laughed out loud at something on Jow Forums in a long time.

Bravo user.

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um tesouro nacional

This reminds me of how Vasliy Fedorovich described russian Antifa.

Why are nerds always either skinny sticks or fat balloons

they're not nerds

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I actually wonder why that's pretty common in the US. I don't exercise for shit, yet I'm not a fucking stick or a balloon.

your inferiority to your GERMANS OVERLORDS

those fucking paint ball gloves

This lmao

The fuck is bj blazkowicz doing there

hahahah fucking ace leaf.

We weren't the ones wrecked, conquered, and raped by the Germans. Twice.

But whatever you want to rant about family.

Attached: polandball us fr uk nazi ww2.png (1216x3134, 400K)

No self control

Why do people always imply that France gave a shit about the US? The French and the Spanish mostly did it to fuck with the British.

>the world wars were false flag operations orchestrated to cripple the British empire
woa is this what being redpilled feels like?

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two photographs, photographs are accurate depictions of the specific time and event they were made in

colonialism was already on its way out by the time WW2 hit its crescendo

turns out it's real difficult to try to micromanage a bunch of savages thousands of miles away with a bunch of smart dudes who have basically no oversight the moment they step foot on land

nah, it was for the greater good, but it didn't prevent british hegemony and only created a bigger monster

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arguably worse than either

how many puerto ricans wish their island was part of spain again

Like elsewhere, very few, though they have managed to create a meme movemente advocating for reunification on facebook and it's leader even made a speech on the UN advocating for it. Though they haven't turned it into an official party or even spread it around the island for most people to even be aware of it, likely because they're aware that it wouldn't fare well, the media here has also deliberately ignored the movement, it has received much more attention abroad than over here.

Go be corrupt somwhere else

To be fair being gay is pretty much as based and redpilled as it gets

the fanny pack is what makes him a true alpha

Delicious nipples

this is what most American flags on Jow Forums look like unironically

Low testosterone.

no, they look like this

Attached: The Sister.png (125x366, 116K)

I still believe they all look like this.

Attached: f48.jpg (640x477, 58K)

Why can't newfags into censoring?

the big one is stealing all the food

yes you were not, your country never faced anything serious, just look at how traumatized you still are from a couple planes to the towers
were a real war to happen on your soil you'd never recover

We had a real war in the 1800s.


Low testosterone like the other user said. Nearly everything they eat and drink in America will hinder your production of testosterone. Plus many of them lead sheltered lives, they've never been in a fight or known what it's like to struggle. It sounds cringe but very few of them seem to ever grow into being men

Kek, is he using the German flag to go full *pewpewpew* on the leftards?

British teeth.

That's why Mutts always report German ancestry

>many of them lead sheltered lives, they've never been in a fight or known what it's like to struggle.

VS where Europe?
Where the last of the alpha guys left or died over the past hundred years and they need nanny states taking care of them?

Attached: main difference1.jpg (735x512, 93K)

>VS where Europe?
Everywhere. The people doing this meet every now and then in the woods to prepare for escalation, they are well organized and connected on an european level.

While left/right wing rallies in the states always include helmet and shield LARP and the highlight is a single soyboy knocked out.

It's because the people who go to rallies aren't the same people who are preparing for escalation. Those guys live in the woods.

Here it is the same guys and they are plentiful across the political spectrum. Violence is heavily organized here and it is even growing. Almost every football hooligan is now a fitness pro, regular people get torn to shreds in hooligan fights because their skills are now far above drunken bar brawl levels. French leftists have their own training camps, they have never seen a safespace in their lives.

I dunno what to tell you man. These American rallies you see happen in major coastal cities which are thousands of miles away from the interior where all the dudes who collect guns and live innawoods. They don't show up to them for good reason.

>VS where Europe?
Most places desu. European men don't need to pretend with their big cars and guns and houses. You tell a man by his attitude. I used to work in hospitality and saw plenty of foreigners, I know this is Jow Forums and we all like to gang up on Americans but they are very immature well into adulthood. They just dander about without much awareness and have this air about them like nothing bad will happen (Swedes and some Germans also have this). Whereas the men where I live are used to confrontation, most have done manual labour in their youth and will look every man that passes them in the eye instead of pretending they don't see them or being overly friendly to show they're harmless.

Yes and please give the guy on the right his insta OMGAWD PLS


*calls you muhammad*

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going to post some of my favorite IDENTITY EVROPA members

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Attached: not a mongol.png (132x176, 38K)

Attached: Baschar al Assad.png (98x154, 30K)

>all the insecure lefties ITT making fun of other children their age
Daily reminder to stop watching porn and start a family

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go back to *t

Lol, fuck off faggot

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>he isn't gay
get off my Jow Forums NOW

Impossibly, they still manage to look better than the left.

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newsflash, there's righties that are homosex too.
>ironically that spacing
you've been exposed, underage. MODS

Shut up Hans

>Falling for the Reddit spacing meme
Yeah. Just stop.

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Just like you confronted those Paki rape gangs running wild in your country for years, right?

I'm not English