He doesn't know Mahjong

>he doesn't know Mahjong

Attached: 0729-00429-018b1.jpg (540x540, 54K)

i used to play it on my windows vista laptop. it was fun.

Yet another thing the japs stole from China?

non, I'm not

Chinese mahjong and Japanese mahjong are different.

I guess you should give up everything you took from western europe then

Jokes on you, I know how to play mahjong perfectly

Attached: sands.gif (288x208, 1.91M)

I always wanted to but its not easy to find here 3 other autists that will go with you through the ordeal of actually learning how to play it

I learnt how to play it, but really suck at it.

>learnt chinese majhong
>go to japanese anime event
>they ban me because I'm not playing "the right way"

Fucking weaboos

it's a sport of lesbians.

Attached: orgasmic mah jong strike again.jpg (759x478, 137K)

How did u learn? Even with the basic you could still i press chicks with it

They are the same weeb.

Japs just do the same shit they do every time.
1. Copy someone else's shit
2. Add a few minute change
3. ?????
4. Subhuman weebs say it's 1000x folded superior japanese creation

id be down for learning

>1 2 3
That's what we Finns do with memes

i tried to learn but when a japanese guy tell me that he learned in 3 months

what hope i a poor western have?

Yeah, I've been to a Chinese funeral too, dear Nip.

But your minute changes are just to make the meme retarded

fucking love akagi
it's incredible how it can cause such tension, even though i believe mahjongs a stupid bullshit game

Boring game. You don't get to do shit at all

I learnt how to play because of Saki. I also own a set but have no one to play with now.