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on the docket for tonight

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im going to kill myself soon

3rd for crisps

hate how all the good pubs near me have been gentrified and filled with rich students or startup employee cunts

why yes i AM a freemason

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In America you can't get on Bennies

Just had the big boy milkshake again

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Tayto cheese and onion>Walkers

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Yes I have depression

the thread to have a wank to

There really is 2 types of britposters, richard richards and eddie hitlers

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niggers do



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Yeah then and spics are pretty much the only ones who get Bennies

yes you can


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The gfs are fighting again lads

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Why? What's the point. What are they trying to do here?


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the head kike flinches when i mention moloch lmao
this shit is too deep

>At 18 and a half I joined the Provos, with an M1 carbine and enough hate to topple the world

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one of us, Costa Rica

here we are now
all of the lads

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want to quit my job but i won't be eligible to sign on if i resign

de lads

i like cat

i really need to strap up for door kick day
my buddy in the master lock box aint gonna cut it

6 pack of pabst for me

who thought the shard was a good idea

I-I-I love little girls, they make me feel so good

Hunger was a good NI film.

god can you imagine her smothering you in between her thighs

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>enjoying good beers is hat

they just started selling that here like 2 months ago
is it worth trying?

please be a trap

man its all so fucking REAL man

a toast! a toast to /brit/!

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I don't get what universal credit is
Everyone just gets a couple hundred more a month for nothing?
must be a catch no?

business idea: move to new zealand so that even though i'm being paid average/above average salary there, exchange rates ensure i'm giving the student loan people bugger all

b-b-but the government needs a surplus for some reason so we have to give them all of our money despite them being super rich

britain has a good transport network in literally one city and that's it
germany has 10+ cities with very good underground and light rail networks

friend of mine is in korea and sent me this photo

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Pabst is like a premium beer in UK and éire and it's pisswater in the states.

dunno never tried it just know that its the cheapo yank drink of choice.
I drink Karpackie usually which is Polish but its only €5 for a pack and is 5%

you're mistaking universal income for the new name for bennies
(with bennies you still have to do 35 hours of job searching per week and go on all of the bullshit nonsense that jobcentre tells you to do)

o i am laffin

germany is a poofter nation


pretty much any imported beer here is upcharged so i can see why it would be the same over there

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want some beer now but i've not got any of my own in so it'd involve nicking some of parentberg's.

Basically bully people.


this is why I need 12 able bodied fellows to join me in cariboo country.
where land is cheap and we can "pretend" to be soldiers in the woods.

do this when I'm at home but I NEED to buy some now

the best thing about tiktok are all the zoomer lads taking the piss out of the cringelords

german mid sized cities are vastly superior to the english equivalents
it would be great if a city like manchester had public transport half as good as hamburg

is that the facebook page that I've been seeing recently


it's the start of the chinese cultural hegemonic paradigm shift

>with bennies you still have to do 35 hours of job searching per week and go on all of the bullshit nonsense that jobcentre tells you to do)
So its just JSA but you 4 times as much? Why did they do that aha

cat tug

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yeah defo agree with this one aha
*surreptitiously googles "hegemonic"*
*surreptitiously googles "paradigm"*

Feel empty and fatigued beyond cure.
Just want life to be simple again. Just want to look at something without being cynical and jaded. Just want to love in earnest. Just want to hang out with some friends.
I hate myself.
I am an asshole.
I wish I was dead.

thinking of getting some cheeky kratom, any thoughts?

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JSA here is a joke, its like 80 quid a week. Not sure how these cunts who spend their lives on the dole do it

love my cute, thin, upturned nose
asians would kill to look like me

Touching the willie while watching ASMR


been browsing chong threads all day and this was the first post to make me laugh

t. austerity loving tory

if you think about the amount of /brit/ posters it's very likely there have been several female regulars over the years even if they don't announce themselves

but before you virgins get excited, these females are unbelievably grim and they won't shag you but they are here right now, reading this post

>He's on the dole and hasn't worked in years but won't apply for disability out of pride when he is fucking disabled and has nothing to be proud of

Also every time I see a homeless person saying 'spare change please' I want to dropkick the cunt. Go to the A&E and say you hear voices and get help. Because you obviously fucking do hear voices after raping your neurotransmitters with truckfulls of spice.

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That's more than here, think it's £56 a week and the jobcentre workers try as hard as they can to get people forced off.

they usually try to fuck their health to get ESA

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its far more feasible than you might think

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classic depression haha

need to get out of the mindset where I think "heh there's no point worrying about that because I'll kill myself before I experience the backlash*

bucks is female

Infinity niggers

Most people who spend their life on the dole don't just get the dole though. They get other benefits like single mothers, carers and that shite.

exposed the ex to /brit/ and i can tell she still posts here sometimes aha

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there was the yank girl like 3 years ago, I remember her
and josie
those are the only ones I know of


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we've had this conversation before, you get more than us for basic JSA
i haven't claimed for 3 years but it was £112 every 2 weeks

the whole clutch things on a car is really weird and unnecessary when you think about it

>british hooker think anyone still knows or cares
oh my days

often wondered how many grim females are on this site on a friday night rubbing their fat sweaty fannies to some disturbing porn wishing they had a bf

>single mothers, carers and that shite.
So only females and severely disabled then?

who the fuck are you talking to
schizo freak

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based ribena still posts here luckily, he's the best girl

Nah, they're pretty handy things to have.

the so called cali bow legged girl? i unironically found her on omegle a couple years ago and she was an ugly ginger cretin

made a few posts bullying her and she never returned