Why is russia still so poor after so many years after fall of soviet? rest of eastern block countries have recovered...

why is russia still so poor after so many years after fall of soviet? rest of eastern block countries have recovered, but not russia.

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geography that gives them defense is also not very profitable. Also the people who inhabit it have a seemingly oppressive culture

because it is ruled by a corrupt manlet who befriends rich oligarchs


So that's why people from central Asia and the Caucasus and Ukraine are constantly moving into Russia, to help out the poor nation ;(

I don't think an American has any room to talk about culture.

Because Russia is the mail order bride nation. It's where virgin men of the world go to find a gf/wife or lose their virginity.

and get a HIV

Explain how emmigrants live 10 times better after flew from Russia.

The only ex-communist country that didn't surpass its 1990 GDP is Ukraine. We actually had the most significant growth on par with Poland.

Slovenia have better gdp per capita than any eastern block country

I was talking about relative numbers of growth, not absolute values. Slovenia was far more developed and richer than we or Poland in 1990

it's not the descendants of russian serfs who flee from russia, it's the cream of the crop. of course every race has its outliers, and those are the ones who come to western countries, not the ones living in some rundown commie block or in some shitty village

Why not?

If you move here you would become poor peasant, so your genetic means nothing.

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because of the conditions created by the predominantly russian population. you'd also do better if you moved here for the same reason, and considering that you speak english, you're already better than the average russian, so may even be able to make something of yourself.

How do oligarchs exist if they're surrounded by Russians?

finland has no culture

So why the hell your reason is genetics?

desu we were never eastern more central
bavaria best buddy

The only culture we had was the Finnic faith where Kalevala and words like "perkele" come from. After Christianity settled in, Finns lost all culture.

God im glad not being ethnically finnish.

rhetoric quation
because the west held eltsin in power and he went crazy, got replace by an even more corrupt maniac who knows his shit unlike the drunktard
now the russian population is held hostage by anti western maniacs instead of usa
either way russia would have gotten the end og the stick since they were supposed to be punbished hard

i'd assume by exploiting the stupidity of the average russian, but i'm not an expert on oligarchs in russia.
because the shitty conditions in russia are a reflection of the genetic ability of the average russian, and the better conditions in anglo countries are a reflection of the genetic ability of the average anglo. people arent seperate entities to the society they live in, so an average anglo living in russia, despite his genetic advantage, will still be brought down by the shitty society he lives in which was built by russians.

En ole täytyy kulttuuria elämään hyvää elämää

>argues about genetic superiority on an online mental asylum on a SATURDAY EVENING
cant make this shit up lmao

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>why is russia still so poor after so many years after fall of soviet?

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That is the same reason why it is the poor shitholes of all the Asian nations that are not close ally of the US.

>i'd assume by exploiting the stupidity of the average russian
Literally can be applied to any single country.

>I'm not an expert on oligarchs in russia.
Seems like you're not an expert at all.

desu brazil, ukraine or vietnam are more in that vein than russia


Hy ты пeтyх

except most other peoples aren't as keen to submit to authority as russians, at least to the same extend.


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A пoчeмy?

Adult people
honestly zoomers will save this country

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Fuck Redit it's fun

Etkö puhu suomea?

>except most other peoples aren't as keen to submit to authority as russians, at least to the same extend.
Explain the banana republics then

>zoomers will save this country
Кoгдa, cынoк?

Kyllä puhun, mutta vaan mietiskelen, miksi olen kukko mielestäsi.

I'm not understanding what you're driving at.

I'm not claiming to be of Russian decent. I just follow geopolitics/ international relations closely. I've also read all my classic Russian literature so have some understanding about Russia's past. It's an opinion based on my knowledge and observations.

you still bow down to an old shagged inbred whore in a wonder palace somewehere on the other saide of the planet

The you'd know that the Russian culture isn't oppressive, but a one of fear. Eat them before they eat us.

At least you're well-read and not some faggot who says "OMG GERMANY IS THE BEST HEIL HITLER GUYS XD GROßGERMANIUM RISE UP, MUH GERMAN GENETICS 100% ARYAN"

I don't think your English is very good. Fear is a form of opression. North Koreans fear the world is against them, that's a form of opression.

Mail-order brides work with "international marriage agencies".

An international marriage agency (also called an international introduction agency or international marriage broker) is a business that endeavors to introduce men and women of different countries for the purpose of marriage, dating, or correspondence. Many of these marriage agencies are based near women in developing countries (such as Ukraine, Russia, Colombia, Brazil, India, China, Thailand, and the Philippines).[3] International marriage agencies encourage women to register for their services, and facilitate communication and meetings with men from developed regions of North America, Western Europe, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.[4] This network of smaller international marriage agencies is often affiliated with web-based international dating sites that are able to market their services on a larger scale, in compliance with regulations such as the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act.[5]


I often see some blond young Eastern Russian women living in countryside of South Korea, married to the South Korean farmers who are ugly old old bachelors. I feel sympathy for the Russian Mail-order brides, rather than the hundreds of thousands of Chinese and Southeast Asian Mail-order brides living in South Korea. They would rather stay in Russia. Because the countryside (especially the fishing village) of South Korea is full of racist old rednecks.

Opression is not the same as fear.
You'd be saying that Belgium got the Congo and oppressed the natives because they were afraid.

Also, NK is not oppressive, but a victim of 2 oppressive nations.

>North Koreans fear the world is against them
No, they don't, 'cause we make 'em smile :)

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Also fuck you; my English is great.

there's no need to repost the whole wiki and if you do you could at least repost the statistics by country

korea nearly borders russia so it has some people marrying into there, russia has a few russian koreans too btw, mostly the descendants of koreans who moved there in 40ss or so

they also apparently photoshopped the waves into a different position

Цoй жив!

I've been to the country there and it's like Southern Comfort if you don't have Korean friends. Just how common are Russian grills? Never seen them out in the sticks.

My cousin is married to a Korean btw

im from daegu my elementary school classmates mums a russian lady shes milf and the russian mixed female classmate was kinda famous at school

>after fall of soviet
Party turned into oligarchy and became more rich. Others same as in Soviet or even poorer. Any capable sane person escaping from Russia.

one guy i interact at work is a russian korean... when i was in the hs, there were two koreans boys in my class, a mixed russian korean guy (that mix is usually somewhat stocky btw) and a pure korean, a son of the korean missionary in my city. that's primorie, there are way more of them on sakhalin btw. also a good friend of mine in the college was a partially japanese i think

I bought a Romanian hookers freedom 10 years ago from a gang in Amsterdam. Three of them thought they were joining an au pair agency. One of them died. Elena found her other friend but she wouldn't leave, hooked on Heroin. I went to Elenas wedding. It was noice. I picked their song

>how to spot a person who has no idea about the soviet union

Generally speaking, South Korean males living in the countryside marry Chinese, Russian, Central Asian and Southeast Asian women because they can not marry South Korean women. Paradoxically, the countryside of South Korea is the most ethnically and culturally diverse in this country.

who marry the countryside south korean women?

Too big and spread out to outgrow the communist planning structure of cities rtc

>>how to spot a person who has no idea about the soviet union
My relatives were Gorkom members and I know many thing about Party

We have glorious traditions of "photoshoping".

Attached: Patriarch-Kirill-watch-Photoshop.jpg (500x333, 87K)

>geography that gives them defense is also not very profitable
You could say that about Canada or Australia. Huge countries, vast wastelands too harsh for crops and decent settlements.

>I bought a Romanian hookers freedom 10 years ago from a gang in Amsterdam. Three of them thought they were joining an au pair agency. One of them died. Elena found her other friend but she wouldn't leave, hooked on Heroin. I went to Elenas wedding. It was noice. I picked their song
I heard that after the Soviet Union collapsed, a huge number of Eastern European women were sold for trafficking in UK and Germany. After the Soviet Union collapsed, a large number of Russian women arrived in South Korea(Maybe Japan too). Especially Busan and Incheon. I do not know if the collapse of the Soviet Union was a good thing for the present Russian and Eastern European people.

>who marry the countryside south korean women?
Generally, the rural population in South Korea is 80-90% of the elderly. In the countryside of South Korea, there are few young South Korean women. You know young girls hate countryside.

You heard?
Statistics my friend. Anecdotes mean nothing.
If you're talking wives, any grill would be lucky to get a Brit or German. If you haven't noticed there's a problem with people border jumping. I have a problem with abuse. I think I'm going to heaven for helping people

i believe young guys hate countryside even more

thats a photoshop you faggot
also made by liberal pidorashkas

>a huge number of Eastern European women were sold for trafficking in UK and Germany
Who did that? Not Brits or Germans
>Busan and Incheon
Interesting. I know these places.
You can't fix a dark world

Everybody knows it's all true, kremlinbot.

>We actually had the most significant growth on par with Poland.
That's like saying you managed to perform as well as a child with Down's syndrome
Not much of an achievement

desu most of the 1st generation migrants who are not skilled specialists or businessmen live so-so, having a shitty dead end job, spending most of the money for the rent etc

I'm saying Muslims are trafficking non Muslim women. Allah says it's fine kafir women are meat to exploit.
It certainly exists in Britain today

dunno about the rest but the putin's icon image is obviously a fake

Attached: Schermafbeelding-2018-02-27-om-18.09.37.png (1268x454, 1.05M)

The Icon of Mary and Jesus. Based Orthodox lads

Russia having an authoritative culture is something that has been known for hundreds of years

Even when most of the world was absolute monarchies they were considered authoritarian compared to them

of course he posts fakes all the time. he only intends to spread anti russian propaganda as in the link you posted

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Marxism was a virus which destroyed Slavic culture 100 years ago we're still looking for a vaccine today. Information I suppose can cure it.

>when you fall for the democracy meme

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Because There are a lot of South Korean men who believe that living with their elderly parents is the greatest value of life. This is a very traditional Korean Confucian thought.

Incheon has the largest Chinatown in Asia(outside of China). Because in the second half of the 19th century, China was destroyed/colonized by UK and France, and a huge number of Chinese immigrants migrated to Incheon. And Busan has an area where Russians live.

The whole Australia is a big shitty village desu.

because after the whole world rejected them when they too were free from the soviet union, when some were rubbing their hands and supporting terrorists inside russia while pushing and basically dictating what goes on in russia, singing legislation and shit, all the young people that hated the soviet union and revered the free west got a slap in their face when they saw that the west hates them even after the soviet union is gone
they felt really betrayed and heartbroken
now the rest of the powerhouses on the west seem to have hoped for further collapse, thus influenced economics that way
Thieves in law finally took control of the actual law
they are all doing far better than the 90s, population count as well
their army is modernized and their shitty navy got a new sea port on a very important location
they showed up in the middle east and stopped the ZOG from killing another nation, syria, thats a fucking achievement for fucks sake, yet we all know what is being spinned in the ZOG media and how all the slaves of former nazi germany have to think about that, but are conflicting thought and are silent
They have a lot of shit being thrown their way, many times for absolutely no reason
they never get any praise when they should
the former satellite states now bark, gloat and hiss at them while in the safety of their ZOG masters
first reply i might get, but russia should behave normally, should stop messing with their neighbors, should this should that
no matter what they do, no matter how much they bow down to the west, give up their territories, resources, whatever is asked from them, dance like the dancing bear, they will never be viewed as friends, allies and not enemies, no matter what
they will never be left alone, someone will always look for ways to undermine them or even invade them
what angers me is how forgiving russians are

My relatives in Russia can afford more things than i because the Jews take every last penny i earn.

>rest of eastern block countries have recovered
But that's not true at all. Some did, not all. And as you can see, it's the EU gibs receiving countries doing decent. That's not an achievement. Without gibs, they all would still be in a shitter.
Russia was doing ok, when the price of oil and gas was high. The prices fell - the ruble fell, too. Should've diversified.

Forgot pic

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All my ancestors back to 1740 ish before my name was Anglicised were farmers doctors and well, had a mad great x4 uncle who fought for the Boers against the British. I have a tartan circa 1400s.

danish banks

yeltsin was dismantling their fuckhueg military sector and replacing it with primary use products
medvedev was putin's pal, he is not demcoratic
also >2009

oil prices nowadays are only partially related, i am not sure if they ever were deciding, even the crysis of 1998 was mostly related to piling up short term bonds, the dive in 2014 is obviously related to putin's adventure in ukrainie

I do not know why Poles on Jow Forums are constantly downplaying about themselves. I think Poland and Czech are doing quite well in Eastern Europe. Ten years ago many South Koreans thought Eastern Europe was poor, undeveloped, but now that image has almost disappeared. I am rather worried about the wrong refugee policy of Western Europe.

akkhtually the import of weapons is a large source of our income

or export
i always forget which is which but you got me

My favourite Country Eesti
Least faggy eurovision tune

Really dumb posts desu.

Alri former Christendom lad? You were one of us once but you're some odd relic of the Caliphate now. Don't hate yourself. At least you're not a Turk.

>rest of eastern block countries have recovered

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Space and tigers

space tigers, like space marines but tigers, for the emperor!

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