Check out this shithole country

Check out this shithole country

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Gays for Trump

I thought mutts were so super progressive they always put a homophobia label on us and wanted to ban anime porn

The United States actions in the UN are exclusively made to please their jewish and saudi masters.


1. Your country.
2. How do you execute gays in your country.

Here they are tied to fences and beaten to death.

Attached: image.jpg (500x514, 49K)

>wanted to ban anime porn
How is that progressive


Dumbass American shithole

Attached: Sebastian Tynkkynen, True Finns Party member of parliament and his husband.jpg (400x400, 32K)

>Mr. Sabbadini said in an email, as countries that maintain the death penalty, like the U.S., generally vote “no” on resolutions that are against it. In this case a “no” vote did not address same-sex relations, but the wider application of the death penalty.

So yeah, I support the death penalty. This headline from the Independent is almost as bad as those clickb8 ones with parenthesis you see in BuzzFeed topkek

Nice selective outrage you morons.

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