Goddam it India


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I'm sorry, user. Just nuke us already

didn't know indians were so fucking baddass omigosh

>The show is created by Siddharth Kumar Tewary of Swastik Productions.[3][4]
based pajeets taking the swastika back from culture-stealing germoids

lmao the first vid at 0:39 uses a dota 2 zeus sound

wonder if they can be sued for that

>gets BTFO in /his/
>starts posting it here

>here's your alexander bro

Attached: Rohit-Purohit-x.jpg (670x1014, 99K)

Imagine being this based.

Porus ruled over an area that is now Modern Day Punjab and parts of Northern India
gave a good fight but ultimately lost and surrendered for the sake of his men
Alexander then gained control of the Panjnad River and the Indus river
he had no reason to expand further in to India and so he left
After Alexander's death his Empire was carved up by his generals all looking for power one of whom had Porus assassinated
this is what actually happened
This is what majority of people and academics and historians believe
but in the world of Hindu nationalism Porus defeated Alexander and united the various Kingdoms of India against Alexander
Alexander got scared and run away and the less on this that India should always be united i.e All of South Asia should be one country and be Hindu

Attached: 672px-Seleucid_Empire_(flat_map).svg.png (672x442, 40K)

it's the other way round. swasti has been there ages before germ turned Nationalists.