Life in Russia is the suffering for all your life, you've even never notice that you had at least one depression...

Life in Russia is the suffering for all your life, you've even never notice that you had at least one depression, because you're in depression since born.

inb4: soyboy weak pussi

Attached: 17435876.jpg (864x576, 186K)

Other urls found in this thread:

stay cold

i don't live like pic.

Your one and only problem is xuilo.
Russia has actually very high ranked education, and in theory one day can become similarly to Japan or South Korea. To achieve that Russia needs fallow the path of South Korea and have a student revolution.

Attached: Russia math2.png (1181x1400, 244K)

I do.

Our high education is shit, old teachers who know nothing about actual world and junkie students who bribe exams. Most of people with actual knowledge flew away for better life.

this is my street. my house is behind those trees. every house on this street is worth around 1 million USD. i have wasted 40,000 USD on cocaine in the past 18 months. i have a brand new BMW my parents bought for me. god damn I love NOT being russian hhahaha

Attached: neighbourhood.png (1222x792, 1.5M)

>that weather though

I would be depressed

How fucking depressing, unironically

>Most of people with actual knowledge flew away for better life.

It happens on my country too, that's why we life inside a shithole.

sell your sister to some chinese or muslim guy and move west


Why do they have two stoves

i'd rather be a poor guy in russia than a rich drug addict in GB tbqh

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I don't have sisters or brothers.

Attached: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg (660x574, 29K)

then sell me your cousin

You're the one who's going to be coping hard when you have to grow up.

communal flat perhaps

i always forget that all british posters are terrible because they're pseudo normies or whatever but then i see posts like this and then i remember it all again

who are you gonna sell then

Lol, how do you feel yourself when you shitpost whole day on one board with poor depressed Russian who can speak more than one language on one board?
At the same time poor brits and rich Russians just live and enjoy their life.

Why is there no revolution in Russia?
Your cunt could be pretty rich but because a few people take everything the absolute mayority lives under pretty bad conditions.

>students who bribe exams

Holy shit, this.
I know a girl that studied in Moscow and she told me in many exams they had a price list hanging on the door that told you which money will buy you which grade.
Another girl also told me something about "automat", where you automatically get the best grade without even writting the exam when the Prof says so.

Russian housing is superior

Attached: 145.jpg (1920x1080, 514K)

Do you think that how it works here? Who do you think we are? Some barbarians with slavery?

Compare to what?

is this the atheum of Russia?

European housing

Attached: lasd.jpg (1920x1080, 600K)

russians are poor because they are fucking idiots. putin and his gang take everything and the average russian likes him because RUSSIA STRONK while living in shit. and that shit with the novichok was an embarassment. russian spies used to be one of the only good things russia had and now even they are fucking awful

Russia officially has one of highest rated educations in the world.

ompared with other OECD countries, Russia has some of the smallest class-sizes[7] and some of the shortest instruction-hours per year.[8]

In 2014 the Pearson/Economist Intelligence Unit rated Russia's education as the 8th-best in Europe and the 13th-best in the world;[9] Russia's educational attainment was rated as the 21st-highest in the world, and the students' cognitive skills as the 9th-highest.[10]

In 2015 the OECD ranked Russian students' mathematics and science skills as the 34th-best in the world, between Sweden and Iceland.[11]

In 2016 the US company Bloomberg rated Russia's higher education as the third-best in the world, measuring the percentage of high-school graduates who go on to attend college, the annual science and engineering graduates as a percentage of all college graduates, and science and engineering graduates as a percentage of the labor force.[12]

In 2014 Russia ranked as the 6th most-popular destination for international students.[13]

Joseph Stiglitz, a former chief economist of the World Bank, has stated that one of the good things that Russia inherited from the Soviet era was "a high level of education, especially in technical areas so important for the New Economy".[14][

I don't understand, Russia is so huge so why do they feel the need to build so many commieblocks and pack people in it when they have the space to build individual houses.

Ey up tarq

Because commieblocks is cheap compare to individual houses, you need to make communication to each house instead of one giant anthill

Because all the people want to live in 2-3 cities and stuff like infrastructure becomes a problem when a city becomes to big.
Just look how big the Moscow metro already is. Imagine they would expand the city even more...

But it looks much better

due to population density in the capital and the absence of individual house tradition whatsoever (comparing to, let's say, uk)

>Why is there no revolution in Russia?
Propaganda and apathetic people

Dont you have some cool ruskie friends. Or some qt russian girlfriend to mess around with

the thing i dont understand about russia is the average russian is a fucking idiot compared to the average german or englishman but russia still creates loads of absolute geniuses in rocket science, weapons, and computer technology.


Attached: 174375547.jpg (1600x900, 53K)

>Dont you have some cool ruskie friends.
No since i drop uni
>Or some qt russian girlfriend to mess around with
Last time girls were around me in my 16yo

that girl looks like a goddess though

Invest in other cities instead of pumping all the money to Moscow

Then, thats your problem user. Not your country.

You would be sad even in sweden or some other paradise like that

Because Soviets decided to build commieblocks and dachas, rather than just one big house. However it is worth mentioning that is only in the middle by urbanization rate.

Russia has shitty government. Comparable to King Louis XIV

>putin and his gang take everything and the average russian likes him because RUSSIA STRONK while living in shit.
putin is based and one of the most clever crooks russia could have as a leader
country will be worse off when he is no longer president

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unironically a really cozy image
I would happily live there my entire life earning $50-150 a month if I got to sit across from the girl on the left
neighbours could be as loud as they liked so long as we all stuck together

now i can see why putinbots shill for $1 an hour

Yeah, life was so good when i was in school and uni, now it's piece of shit. Probably i need to find work to live good life again, but i'm 23yo and never worked, so i fear that nobody would accept me.

There are a lot of big cities other than Moscow but they all look the same with the commieblocks. It's like their traditional housing at this point, they're demolishing old khrushchyovka and replace them with bigger towers. The pros are central heating and saving space

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bellcurve doesn't matter when you have 144 million people and some with decent germanic stock and a decent academic tradition

>but russia still creates loads of absolute geniuses in rocket science, weapons, and computer technology
they put all their skill points in those 3 fields

Wtf are you dumbfucker? It's 25cents per post.

how do you know :^)

Dude Lithuanian,Polish and Hungarian education is better than English.

They build this because that's just cheap and lucrative to builder companies. There is nothing about tradition, there is just no choice for citizens, either they buy flat in commieblock either they buy house in some shitty suburb where all looks shitty because everybody build their houses like he wants and no fucking rules there.

There is always a choice!!


cringiest post I've seen for a very long time
money means nothing if you're mentally a child

how do you know what the average Russian is like? lmao

So come here and make one, next day we will see news like
>Lithuanian citizen come in Moscow to make revolution, nobody join him and police apprehend him, now he sits in jail for 2 weeks with scums who beat and rape him

>average englishman
Sure mate.

Attached: hqdefault (4).jpg (480x360, 35K)

Looks like Russia 15years ago

Everyone here is a Russia expert these days

Internet is full of whining Russians, why wouldn't you join me hun?

You think west Europe needs migrants? It's full of refugees, USA is full of Mexicans, Canada of Indians.

Because unlike americans spending 4 hours every day just to commute to work is considered fairly unacceptable in Europe regardless of which region and level of wealth.

Attached: americongestion.webm (720x480, 2.86M)

This is our curse.

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I want to know why west Europe rather to take a muslim rapefugee, instead of Ukrainian guy, who only need a place to work.

Moscow traffic is fairly aweful too despite that

I feel you bro. I love Russian people and hope one day you'll all be prosperous and happy. Your ruling class has betrayed you :'(

Because the Ukrainian guy is going to work and not be as easily controlled through benefits.

>Your ruling class has betrayed you
That's the point of being ruling class

Britain is Russia tier

Im in the same boat user. Everything in me is just as you said. I Started uni again this year and could make some friends. Life is not as good as it used to be. But i can feel that it's getting a little bit easier.
Just start moving

commuting problem is individual and can occur anywhere
though having to commute for 3.5 hours a day while it's supposed to be 2 hours is fucking inconceivable, not to mention the travelling conditions

In your imagination. But with such big amount of russian immigrants in the UK, soon you will be.

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That's not actually true. Countries typically take immigrants from former colonies due to muh cultural connection. Like Britain with India and France with Algeria.

I'd love some russian cuties. Russian women are cute, loyal and conservative. Perfection.

>loyal and conservative
very amusing

They aren't

Cold. -40C' it's cold. A big apartment block is easier to heat and cheaper, than a little personal house.

this is my street. apartments here cost about 20,000 USD. i have wasted 1.5 USD on cigarettes in the last hour.

Attached: 322322323233232.png (1310x599, 1007K)

Why do naive anglos think this shit about eastern euro women? Where does the myth even come from

fucking pussy

This is disgusting.

Because they have no money, education, own house and they don't want to.

> I've seen much of the rest of the world. It is brutal and cold and dark. America is the light

Good Lord the rest of the world sucks

Attached: gladi3.jpg (620x405, 44K)

Very pleased to meet you, Fucking Pussy.

Is that maximus said?


>soyboy weak pussi
Exactly, that's who you are.

desu that doesn't look bad

Would like to here real Russians suggest political changes that would fix Russia.

It's not common life conditions in Russia obviosly.

freedom of speech might do

The Russian man lives like a royal, living high above ground, at heights you would usually expect from churches here in Slovenia. Such high-rising dwellings are reserved for the nobility that can afford them here.

Attached: vrticki_i940x530.jpg (940x530, 161K)

As common as yours.

you too

because nobody has cars brainlet

Can I? Hack the russian nuke missile and finish them.

If only that was true. Fucking cars is a scourge for our thin roads, its like 10 times more of what it can carry.

Collectivisation of the means of production, introduction of Soviets as the self-governance organ

I told exactly about this. You get salary three times higher than we get. And my life conditions are much better than your pic.