How wide are normal roads in your cunt?
In USA a normal residential street is like 10m wide with no sidewalk.
How wide are normal roads in your cunt?
In USA a normal residential street is like 10m wide with no sidewalk.
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It would depend where you live. If you're town/city goes back before the 50's you may have roads no bigger than 10 ft. Newer suburban areas nowadays make enough room for 4 cars
even your streets are fat
why though? traffic doesnt seem high in a residential street. and a sidewalk is pretty usefull in a residential area. what retard was in charge of planning this`?
Dunno. Prob a status symbol, maybe for convenience, most likely a waste of space,and the retard in charge is usually some boomer working at the company in charge of building the houses as cheap as possible
Be that as it may, your streets are downright dangerous
I live in a really old neighborhood and streets aren’t wide but there’s onstreet parking and traffic goes both ways.
Because of that, people drive slower and safer and it’s easier to walk or bike to get around. I see people of all ages out in the streets in good weather.
I don’t get why republicans complain about funding sidewalks and bike lanes. Car infrastructure is just more expensive and more dangerous.
>residential street
whats that a city street?
If there's one thing American infrastructure does right it's wide roads, I've driven in Canada and Europe before and am constantly on due to how fucking narrow lanes are